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Steampunk Batman
  • Thanks for the recommendation, I'll definitely check it out!

  • The Ten Commandments must be displayed in Louisiana classrooms under requirement signed into law
  • We need to enact a law that requires states to either adhere to the Seperation of Church and State or have every single church in their state have their religious tax exemption status revoked. Churches that get it revoked is mandatorily required a tax payback to the IRS of up to 5 years or more. If a church is unable to payback owed taxes once revoked will have their churches taken and land converted to into free public usage.

  • I feel bad for the big guy
  • This is a scene from The Dark Knight Rises but with Pink Guy (Filthy Frank, Joji) imposed over the space where Batman is supposed to be.

  • Defeated Russian fencer complains that her Ukranian opponent didn't shake her hand: “Fu**, why are they allowed sh** like this, who the fu** do they think they are?”
  • I too wouldn't shake the hands of a person who's from the country currently invading, pillaging, and raping my land and its people.

    Rules or no, they need to take in some considerations when you have two opponents from currently warring countries. She's lucky that she didn't want to touch her. I'd be using that fencing sword like it was a real fight even after it was declared over.

  • Friendly reminder that Chuck Norris is a piece of crap
  • That's a great way for ol'Chuck Norris to finally put those jokes to rest when he messes with the wrong atheist.

  • A battle amongst Gods
  • In ancient Greek religion and mythology, Pluto was the ruler of the Greek underworld. The earlier name for the god was Hades, which became more common as the name of the underworld itself. Pluto represents a more positive concept of the god who presides over the afterlife.


  • Political Memes MisplacedAstronaut
    If it looks like duck and quacks like a duck...