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Why does everyone swear so much in The Witcher 3?
  • Because it's a Polish game? Lol

  • Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis - Forever A Disaster?
  • The only reason i play this is to dress up as Cyborg Mage. I don't know of any other game where i can be both a mech and a wizard.
    The story is boring as fuck, the regions get stale. But for a free-2-play grindfest game i wouldn't expect more.

  • Cattlemancy
  • This is what kids wear at Ilvermorny.

  • Martinet Stepping Away from Voicing Mario
  • @MyFairJulia I wish but let's be real, dude is old, he would retire sooner or later. It will be so difficult to top him though, but perhaps someone was already found as Mario's voice in Wonder sounds slightly different.

  • YouTube will soon require watch history to be enabled to show video suggestions
  • @TheButtonJustSpins I also remember the times before the Algorithm™️, when the sidebar actually showed relevant videos to the one you watched.

  • Dare to touch the grass already!
  • Fits CEST so ur absolutely right mr. duck.

  • Look guys! There's a Lemmy version of r/place happening!
  • @WolfhunterGer

    @SubArcticTundra @callyral Nope. It has to be lemmy instance. It gives me an error:

    Instance is not a Lemmy instance, you may not be able to receive the code (LemmyNet/lemmy#2657)

  • Has anyone given the Nano a go? I'm curious, but worried it's actually just too small for anything but novelty.
  • @ForgetReddit Not from the same company, but FunKey S. You can build your own if you have the means since it's open source and open hardware.

  • The whiteout delivers a clear message!
  • @DarthYoshiBoy they don't seem to censor anything on youtube compilations

  • Your Ubisoft account can be suspended and subsequently permanently deleted for 'inactivity,' taking your games library with it
  • Well, they already fucked with my Rayman Legends save file, even though it was supposed to be on cloud. I have the game on CD but they still require to make an account. Dumb all around.

  • Deleted
    The Llama Is Back: Winamp Announces Historic Relaunch
  • Shame. I'm using Winamp but I've decided to not upgrade it once this new update goes live. It doesn't look good on my 4k display anyway. I'd like to switch to foobar2000 but i have no idea how to customize it to look nice.

  • I just wanted to leave this here
  • >crypto for the nth time

  • YSK: Threads soon joining the fediverse.
  • well, sooner or later the normies™️ will find a way here, whether through Meta or some other corpo

  • "Antiwoke" magazin on posting bullshit like "how to end Wokeness" and "Time to reject the extrem trans lobby harming our society" How to report ? he is the moderator of that magazin.
  • I agree with others that you just gave that ps guy what they wanted: attention. You should've messaged ernest directly to ask him for better report tools.

    Meanwhile, go to beehaw if you need better protection from people like him.