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  • Technology has been solving problems people don't have since... Always. No one had a problem listening to music from an 8 track tape, but that technology still died and we moved on. The truth is that an increasing majority of consumers either don't care or even prefer wireless headphones. If you consider not having a headphone jack a deal breaker, then you're not the market most phone manufacturers are after. Sorry to break it to you. Good news though, there are still several smartphone models that have a headphone jack. Buy one of those. Or get whatever phone you want and get a $5 adapter. Or just sit on the internet seething every time a new phone comes out without an increasingly niche feature. Up to you.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I kind of can't believe we're still having this conversation. It's ridiculously cheap and easy to use wired earbuds with a modern phone if you want to. I got it back when it was just iPhones and Apple was selling lighting to 3.5 adapters for like $7k, but that's obviously not the case anymore. If someone wants to hold on to their 5+ year old phone and run it dead, that's great. More power to them. Doing it to avoid getting a phone with no headphone jack is a little silly at this point, though.

  • Are niche pillows and cases worth it?
  • I switched to buckwheat pillows a few years ago and I've been a fan. It's a really interesting texture that you can move and shape really easily, but then when you apply pressure to it, it firms up and holds its shape. So, you get a really supportive pillow that's molded to your head and neck (For reference, I'm a side sleeper). The only downside I've noticed is the filling degrades relatively quickly, and after about a year it loses a lot of its volume and doesn't hold its shape as well, so you'll need to replace it. The bright side is that it's fairly cheap, and entirely biodegradable.

  • What are you currently excited for?
  • In a few days I'll be moving to a new state to be closer with my long distance girlfriend of a year. I've been feeling pretty directionless and stuck for a long time now, so I'm looking forward to being able to start a new chapter of my life.

  • SGE, ChatGPT and the likes are the stupidest thing to come from AI
  • This is why I do a lot of my Internet searches with now. It tells me exactly what it searched to get the answer, and provides inline citations as well as a list of its sources at the end. I've never used it for anything in depth, but in my experience, the answer it gives me is typically consistent with the sources it cites.

  • Now, if it was a Pixel...
  • To be fair... Flakes are still marked as an experimental feature, so they are telling you it probably won't be documented and the interface could change. But yes, given how widely adopted they are in the community, it's definitely time to document them better and ideally make it the default for new setups.

  • Building my Homelab!
  • I've used nextcloud for a while now, but it does suffer from jack of all trades syndrome. I've started offloading the things I use it for to other services that do a particular thing better. Syncthing for general file syncing across my devices, Immich for managing photos, Radicale for contacts and calendar sync...

    If you're just looking for an all in one Google Drive like experience for your files though, Nextcloud is as good as it gets.

  • Building my Homelab!
  • I use Portainer and it's a good UI, but I find the way they market business edition pretty scummy. Like having a banner ad constantly visible on the page, and having half the features visible but disabled with a big bright "upgrade to Business Edition" message next to them, and directly refusing to add any mechanism to opt out. I respect that they need funding for development, but they need to realize that a lot of their users simply don't need a business license and aren't going to buy one no matter how much advertisement you throw at them. The fact that they don't realize that and refuse to budge indicates to me that they've stopped caring about the user experience of their product.

    Sorry for the rant, I've been annoyed by this for a long time. Some day I'll set up my own gitops pipeline, but that pesky day job keeps getting in the way.

  • Roku OS home screen is getting video ads for the first time
  • I was kind of afraid that would be the answer. Do you still need a separate Apple device to set it up? I'm not necessarily morally opposed to buying an Apple product, but I am morally opposed to buying two to use one.

  • Roku OS home screen is getting video ads for the first time
  • Related question: what's everyone using to stream from their Jellyfin server these days?

    I have a shield pro, but it's definitely starting to age, and with Nvidia neglecting it for years and finally ending support, I don't think I'll be getting a new one. My TV OS doesn't have an app without side loading, and even if it did, I don't think I'd want to use it.

  • Did you choose for Linux for freedom or ...
  • Honestly, because Windows is a steaming pile of garbage and using Mac feels like swimming with pool floaties.

    I recently started using NixOS as my distro and it has been phenomenal. Saying the learning curve is a little steep is like calling a hurricane a little bit of rain, but once you start to get it, it's extremely powerful and delivers on the promise of "all of your configuration in one place." It gives me a lot of peace of mind to know that every time I tweak or fix something, it's reliably making it into a version controlled and backed up repository. I could throw my laptop out the window, pick up a new one, and have all my applications installed and configured within half an hour.

  • Verifying -arr Downloads?
  • This doesn't directly answer your question, but highly recommend checking out

    They have a ton of guides on how to configure and automate really detailed rules for sonarr/radarr. So, while it won't help you verify the download matches the labels, it'll make it more likely to get releases from reputable sources that are more likely to use accurate labels.

  • In Cringe Video, OpenAI CTO Says She Doesn’t Know Where Sora’s Training Data Came From
  • it also means the need for societal shift to support people outside of capitalism is needed.

    Exactly. This is why I think arguing about whether AI is stealing content from human artists isn't productive. There's no logical argument you can really make that a theft is happening. It's a foregone conclusion.

    Instead, we need to start thinking about what a world looks like where a large portion of commercially viable art doesn't require a human to make it. Or, for that matter, what does a world look like where most jobs don't require a human to do them? There are so many more pressing and more interesting conversations we could be having about AI, but instead we keep circling around this fundamental misunderstanding of what the technology is.

  • In Cringe Video, OpenAI CTO Says She Doesn’t Know Where Sora’s Training Data Came From
  • I can definitely see why OpenAI is controversial. I don't think you can argue that they didn't do an immediate heel turn on their mission statement once they realized how much money they could make. But they're not the only player in town. There are many open source models out there that can be run by anyone on varying levels of hardware.

    As far as "stealing," I feel like people imagine GPT sitting on top of this massive collection of data and acting like a glorified search engine, just sifting through that data and handing you stuff it found that sounds like what you want, which isn't the case. The real process is, intentionally, similar to how humans learn things. So, if you ask it for something that it's seen before, especially if it's seen it many times, it's going to know what you're talking about, even if it doesn't have access to the real thing. That, combined with the fact that the models are trained to be as helpful as they possibly can be, means that if you tell it to plagiarize something, intentionally or not, it probably will. But, if we condemned any tool that's capable of plagiarism without acknowledging that they're also helpful in the creation process, we'd still be living in caves drawing stick figures on the walls.

  • Now not even the statistics are going to help with the fear of flying.
  • This seems like a good time to mention that if you live in the US, there's currently a significant amount of federal money up for grabs to expand the rail network, with an emphasis on high speed rail. See if there are any projects being planned in your state, and make your voice heard so NIMBYs and airline industry cronies don't bully us out of a vastly superior mode of inter-city transit.

  • Replacing drive with a larger drive in zfs

    Hi all!

    I'm in the process of migrating my home server from Unraid to TrueNAS with a ZFS pool, as well as upping storage from 2 6TB drives to 4. Unfortunately, because of either my bad luck or incompetence, it seems like one of the drives has died. So, here's my question. I've read up a bit on resilvering and I know that if I replace the dead drive with a larger drive, the pool will be unable to use that extra space until the remaining drives are upgraded, but would there be any other drawbacks? Especially if the pool was left running in this configuration for an extended period.

    I definitely see myself upgrading the pool to larger drives in the future, and it would be nice to save myself buying an extra drive that may end up getting replaced before the end of its life. (Note: I'm aware that resilvering isn't the safest way of upgrading a pool, but the data on the pool is either backed up or non-essential, so I'm fine with the risks)

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