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  • Although I was unable to access the full article, the framing from the abstract seems to be: "Which is less human?" Followed be two pictures of cyclists. The question frames dehumanization as a given. I do not specialize in crafting these kinds of surveys, but it seems like "people dehumanize cyclists" is a weird conclusion to draw. I don't know what the pictures were or if they were in color or silhouette, but I can imagine people are not used to seeing cyclists in safety vests and therefore it's rated as least human, because it's the least often seen kind of person riding a bike (at least in my experience). Just a friendly reminder to always look at the source, especially if it's so easily accessed, since the commenter above was kind enough to link directly.

  • video on how "biological sex" is a social construct
  • I'm queer and basically a gender abolitionist so I am not disagreeing about the social nature of gender, but I think phrases like that are pretty reductive and depending on the context in which you hear it. You can think of just as many supporting examples as contradicting ones. Though, in my opinion we really don't need to "show" that gender is a social construct, for many reasons, but mostly because so many people don't care, and they think social constructs are good, actually.

  • Glory!
  • The IOC stopped accepting IBA decisions like this because they are a corrupt organization. The IBA never provided that information and we don't have confirmation of that, but by disqualifying her, a title was restored to a Russian athlete and they had made Russia's gas company a main sponsor of the IBA. I'm not saying I know anyone's chromosomal makeup, but I wish people would stop stating it as a fact. She could have it or not, but we do not know.

    Before anyone claims Russophobia or whatever, not all Russian organizations or people are corrupt, but it's well agreed that it was a poorly run organization with a lot of problems. For what it's worth I'd be suspect of any country in that position. Sports are a big point of national pride and monetary gain, and people should be wary of any decisions affecting pride or money, regardless of the circumstances.

  • D&D 2024 PHB's Big Accessibility Issues
  • Yea, the art is great and along with the text really helps build the world. I have rarely seen an rpgs rules support the setting so well.

    DIE was great. I haven't read it, but I have played it. I feel hesitant recommending it because the experience seems heavily variable depending on GM, but it was definitely one of my personal favorites.

    ETA: pg 10-11 of the wildsea book has a layer breakdown of the sea and it's my favorite part of the whole book. Maybe I'm just a sucker for any science textbook adjacent art, but it does such a great job of immersing you (imho). I think they should make posters of it and have it a bit more prominent in their marketing, but it's possible I'm off base. I feel like you can use interesting races in lots of different settings, but the sea is so integral to the game, it should be one of the big draws for players.

  • D&D 2024 PHB's Big Accessibility Issues
  • Wildsea has been so fun and since its flavor is different than your standard DnD setting, but it still has a fantasy setting, I think it has pretty wide appeal. The style of game is different, and definitely uses different GM skills, but it's a great option imho. It can be run as a drop in/drop out pretty easily which is a plus for some groups. It will definitely not get the same reach as DnD, but the art is so inspiring it might sway some people if you're able to display it somewhere.

  • Dozens killed in Gaza as Israel strikes fourth school in four days
  • For what it's worth, sure strikes on a school is probably considered more sympathetic than strikes on a shelter. Unfortunately, much of the public seems to believe Palestinian lives have no value, yet somehow attacking children (even if they're Palestinian) is still reprehensible. So, rather than allowing people to think that the school was converted into a shelter for Hamas supporters, they just use the term school. Admittedly, I'm not familiar with reporting standards around the world, so I might be off.

  • You're not allowed to be lazy on your vacation
  • In the US several hotels will offer a "continental breakfast" included with the stay. I guess you could argue that it's not really free, considering it's factored into your stay at the hotel, but there is technically not a separate charge for it and it's considered an "amenity". I know that this is not necessarily common in other places, so I thought I would mention in case you were not aware.

  • Amazing app ideas
  • I think it is showing what you are saved as in the other persons phone. There are ones where the guy presumably saved a girls number but she didn't bother to save his and another where the girl saved him as do not answer. I think the point is so you can see how the other person views you. These are mostly joke features and the feature you mentioned is pretty standard now.

  • The Indie Chat & Recommendation Thread
  • I keep trying to find ways to evangelize Going Medieval. The devs have been so communicative and consistent with updates. It's not everyones kind of game, but I've definitely spent more time than I should have playing it.

  • It do be like that
  • I'm seeing some hostility towards you as a hiring manager which is rough, because hiring manager is not necessarily HR. It often means the manager of the person being hired. So the person on a specific team responsible for filling positions on that team. I'm not sure if you directly hire for your team or it's an HR term in your case, but just adding this here in case it helps someone not be rude to a random person on the internet.

    Also, as a person who hires people on my team (I don't use the hiring manager title, but yea) it's ridiculous how awful some resumes are. We don't use hiring software, and I personally review all the resumes, but we are a small team so I totally understand why that would be used. The overlap of people who don't like filling out the forms but who also want to be evaluated on who they are rather than what's on their resume is a circle. I don't want to dismiss anyone who doesn't have a degree, but just because a degree isn't on the resume doesn't mean they don't have one. Plenty of people leave off the years they worked at a specific job. I can assume months or years, but the form would help clarify that without wasting anyone's time. Decisions have to be made somewhere and if people want to be judged by people in their field, then their full time job will likely not be hiring, so sometimes they use these forms for standardization purposes. I don't like them either, but they are not this evil thing they are made out to be.

  • Maybe you just need to get some sun
  • Then they should potentially be even more likely to be correctly diagnosed in people that are overweight. Having issues exacerbated by your weight does not mean that your weight is the issue. Additionally, PCOS and cancer can both cause weight issues, so it's even less helpful to suggest that the weight is the issue if the weight could be caused by an underlying disease.

  • Maybe you just need to get some sun
  • I did not say that only women or PoC get this suggestion, just that it's common for their issues to be dismissed. I don't know your personal medical history, but sometimes it is just that people need better diet and exercise. That does apply to women and PoC too. It's possible that advice is or is not salient to your health, but I can speak from personal experience that it is used to dismiss life threatening conditions.

    I don’t know where you live, but 1/3 of Americans don't have a primary care physician and almost half of Americans didn't get medical treatment due to costs in 2022 from a cursory search. This is not a population that can afford frivolous medical visits. I don't know where in the medical field you worked, but your assertion does not seem evidence based. That may well be your personal experience, but that is subject to so many biases and if you were not giving people a full range of tests, how could you even know you weren't turning away legitimately sick people. Maybe the medical field was not right for you if you truly believe it's possible that most issues people seek treatment for are trivial or psychosomatic.

  • Maybe you just need to get some sun
  • Not sure if you're in community with many women or POC that feel comfortable speaking to you about these things, but VERY basic issues aren't even being looked into. PCOS and cancer are two common ones. Things can vary place to place, but it seems like a pretty universal experience in my circles.

  • Good chair that is *affordable* ?
  • Seems like you have a lot of good suggestions already, but more couldn't hurt.

    I bought the following chairs (also from Staples coincidently) in 2022, and both have been great, but it looks like they've gone up in price.

    TempurPedic 6400 Fabric Computer and Desk Chair Black TP6400BLK - $279.99 at time of purchase

    TempurPedic Mesh Back Fabric Computer and Desk Chair Black TP6450BLKMB - 299.99 at time of purchase

    Regardless of what chair you end up deciding on, the put it in your cart and wait a few days a trick is always helpful, and I would definitely recommend googling coupons for wherever you purchase it from.

    Good luck!

  • [Forever-Free Friday] The Sims 4
  • I just recently downloaded the sims 4 because I got a hankering to play the sims after a 5 year break from the franchise. I tried launching the sims 3, which was the last one I played, but it was having a lot of stability issues I didn't have the patience to fix since I could try the sims 4 for free. I am generally disappointed in the base game of ts4. I only have pets and seasons for ts3, but maybe that really is making a big difference, but the gameplay of ts4 is far less enjoyable in my opinion. Build mode is much improved, but I miss the create a style option which made the world feel more varied. You also can't change the size or placement of lots, and the worlds feel much smaller. I don't like the moodlets focused gameplay or the incremental lifetime wish rewards. It really forces all sims to share a specific path to an end goal when in reality there may be several other ways to achieve the end result. I'm also not a fan of the more cartoonish look, but that is more of a stylistic preference rather than a legitimate criticism.

    DLC would likely improve my experience playing, but I don't really enjoy the base game enough to invest in any DLC at all. Overall, it probably wouldn't hurt to download if you think you would be interested in it, but I have to agree with the other commenters that it's just a DLC trap, and I say that as somebody who is heavily invested in the Crusader Kings franchise.

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