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Hario Switch Recipes?
  • Exactly the recipe I was going to share! It's a solid base and versatile: I play around with the number of pours before the immersion brew, how many grams are poured over versus held in the immersion, and how long the immersion is. I personally prefer a shorter immersion than the recipe, typically around 45s, but it really boils down to personal preference.

  • 2000 subscriber giveaway
  • I'm not eligible to win and as such please don't consider this an entry, but I did want to chime in as a lurker that this is real cool and a nice thing you're doing for the community.

  • Hario Switch coffee brewer
  • I've got the switch (size 02) and absolutely love it, find myself using it nearly daily. The flexibility it offers for playing with methods is great. My favorite recipe is inspired by the Coffee Chronicler's, that brews as a V60 for the first half and then an immersion brew for the second half.

    Recipe below taken from the Chronicler website:

    This recipe can be adapted to work with doses from 15 to 26 grams of coffee and most common brew ratios.
    Go for a 1:15 ratio if you have an entry-level conical grinder (such as a Baratza Encore or Hario Skerton).
    Adjust to 1:16 or 1:17 if you have a more consistent grinder.
    Pouring structure:
    ❶ 0:00 First pour: 50% total water volume (Open switch)
    ❷ 0:45 Second pour 50% total water volume (Closed switch)
    ❸ 2:00 Open the Switch and let it drain
    Total brew time = 2.45-3.15.
    However, the total brew time can be a bit longer if you’re brewing around the max capacity for this technique (26 g / 400 ml) or are using natural Ethopians.
  • Low Quality Apps
  • Same here - I was pleasantly surprised at how similar it felt as a newcomer from Reddit to Lemmy. Sure it's definitely buggy, but it's version 0.18, nowhere near a 1.0 release so that was expected. Honestly I can't get mad at that when I'm enjoying the fruits of multiple others' labor and passion for free, when I didn't even expect there to be a single App out there for Lemmy in the first place. Naturally I'm excited for boost to release but Jerboa feels pretty nice to me too.

  • Browsing by all Federated is almost impossible without some sort of filters set up
  • NSFW images being blurred by default helps with that, though that might be browsing platform specific. It's a little inconvenient but it does help avoid getting gore unexpectedly shoved in your face since you can usually judge by the community or post title what it might be.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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