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Lemmy is a worse platform for women than Reddit was
  • I would I'd it didn't literally cost me jobs, plural. I've dealt with enough societal racial profiling and harassment, I don't need it compounding with my gender to utterly shit on my life when I'm minding my own damn business.

    And that applies just as much for women minding THEIR OWN damn business. Leave people be!

  • Lemmy is a worse platform for women than Reddit was
  • My proverbial beef isn't the pointing out of how manny men are predators and that the risksfor women are non-zero; my problem more specifically is that the meme stacks handily on top of the already vexing racial profiling I deal with as a black man who's had false allegations leveled in the past and lost jobs because of the weaponization of this fear. I have already spent damn near a half century being presumed some kind of feral Mandingo rape beast purely for existing while black. The presumption of interest in all of these women like a scene out of Kentucky Fried Movie gets really old and they get super vindictive when rejected.

  • Reddit Falls Short of Ad Growth Targets Ahead of Likely 2024 IPO
  • I definitely feel you on this one. I pretty mucj took my vocal chords and fucked off when BaconReader was killed off, but even before then my visits got drastically cut back when the ability to kill the app nag was removed from web interface in monile browsers. That's what put me onto BaconReader in the first place.

  • What's a food you love, that isn't worth making from scratch?
  • There's a lot, most of which I make anyway for sake of cost/volume ratios, but in no particular order...

    Tomato paste (love to use, can't be arsed to make my own), sriracha (like it but don't use enough for the amount I make), waffles (don't crave them nearly as much as I used to), scotch eggs (love 'em, hate making 'em), pickled asparagus (which really sucks because they're so good), lotus root chips (maybe if I had a fry daddy, air fried just doesn't do it), chicarrones (lots off local places make 'em fresh and cheap), horchata (same), meat pies (there's a local Brit shop that sells 'em), falafel (lots of local vendors), jalebi (way too much work)...

  • So, who or what ruined Christmas this year?
  • A friend's brother died. It was literally out of nowhere. And said friend is stick home with Covid - which isn't what did him in, but still. Massive suckage.

    Plus it didn't even feel like Christmas this year. Visited family, but...I dunno. It just wasn't, this year.

  • Most hated chilhood dishes
  • I grew up despising liver. Other organ meats qere fine (especially steak and kidney pie!) But I could not do liver. Just...ugh.

    Had it at a local diner recently, for reasons I have a hard time elucidating...and while I didn't love it, I appreciated it far more. Now I few a sort of once-in-a-blue-m9on obligation to have it - even now, having hit middle age, it feels like an obligatory 'grown-up' thing to do, a requisite act of adulting.

    That said - I also used to hate avocado, but Inexplicably sushi changes that. The one thing from my childhood that is a hate I've never revisited is frozen baby lima beans. They were always chalky, bitter, dry, and nasty...yet I saw a lima beann and bacon hummus recipe and some hithertofore unknown part of me wants to try it.

    Corgiettes are tight out due to having had toblive off of them f or a summer. NEVER AGAIN.

  • Most hated chilhood dishes
  • You'd be better seved taking a more croquette approach - especially Japanese potato and salmon croquettes. I prefer to use gresh cookror frozen, but canned CAN work. Main thing is seasoning your spuds, making then not too big, and frying at the right temp. As a bonus, they ait fry rather well, and I have previously cheated the 'binding' by miing buttermilk and a bit of kewpie mayo, dunking the croquettes in that, and tumbling them in panko.

  • What book(s) has changed your life?
  • A comparatively mundane example, and possibly unremarkable to many, but I habe incredibly strong feelings about Spider Robinson's "Callahan's Crosstime Saloon" and "Callahan's Lady" series. In particular, I read them during an extremely difficult point in my life, and the eponymous Law of Conservation of Pain and Joy completely changed me and my motivation in life.

  • Marjorie Taylor Greene appears to defend Proud Boys leader in social media post
  • I'm not sure what annoys me more - her stupidity, her open hypocrisy (wouldn't care if she was an adulterous harlot if she wasn't part of a party that is regressive and oppressive), or the fact that people value her for a combination of her appearance and deliberate offensiveness. She exhibits every behavior that Aviator wearing redneck truck video makers imagine 'them Antifas' do,being shrill and obnoxious and 'disrespectful', and they're okay with it because they think it somehow 'owns the libs'.

    Wasn't able to pull her bullshit when her Fuhrer was indicted in NYC - she needs more FAFO in her life.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Almost makes me wish there was a bot for this sentiment that I can't be arsed to make.

    "Good. Fuck that guy in particular."

    Following his name everywhere, posting that sentiment in response to every article detailing a difficulty or mishap. Because seriously.

  • The Media Still Doesn’t Get Biden Voters
  • The biggest shock/challenge to me is how many would explicitly be okay with the example set for their children or acceptance of such as a prospective in-law. You ask any of those chucklefucks if they'd let their daughter date a jackass like a Trump clone, they'd almost guaranteedly balk...unless they are the sort to admit they're exactly the same. And those would be the sorts who would encourage their sons to act the same.

  • Why did you choose your username?
  • I used this name for a specific purpose, then that purpose became irrelevant. With the API fubar, I ditched both of my profile names though this does bone one purpose of one of the old aliases (for my NSFW work) so I may end up bringing it back in some form. I like this name better though.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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