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What Does a Solarpunk City Look Like?
Scholz proposes equally high tariffs for EVs from China and the EU -
  • And EVs are still better then combustion engines. Even better the EU is not going to be able to match Chinese subsidies. So the EU car industry is going to die and replaced by Chinese cars. However those will have a much harder time lobbying for car focused infrastructure. Just compare Germany and the Netherlands for example. One has a massive car industry and the other does not.

  • Scholz proposes equally high tariffs for EVs from China and the EU -
  • Most cars sold in the EU are still combustion engines. Replacing them with EVs would make enviromental sense and China giving state money to make EU EVs cheaper is not that bad a move.

    Problem is obviously that the EUs automotive industry has to compete, but that can be done by matching subsidies as well.

  • The Amazon Paper is fighting Degrowth now
  • The 2007-2009 recession was 4.3% in the US and that did not really hurt the US so badly as to destroy the country. But yes it is supposed to.

  • German activists take government to court over climate policy | New law is too weak and has been made harder to enforce, while transport ministry has not taken sufficient action, groups say
  • That is quite simply a lie. There are plenty of studies, that even just introducing a speed limit on the autobahn would have been enough. There are other nearly free options as well, like allowing municipalities to implement anti car urban planing more easily.

    The problem is that the ministry for transport is moving billions from the railways to car infrastructure, while delaying the switch to EVs as much as possible.

  • German activists take government to court over climate policy | New law is too weak and has been made harder to enforce, while transport ministry has not taken sufficient action, groups say
  • The law, which has been weakend by the current government, was made due to the constitutional court ordering the government to strengthen its climate commitments. So this one has a decent chance of working.

  • Closer to Home - Voices of Hope in a Time of Crisis Closer to Home - Voices of Hope in a Time of Crisis

    This 35-minute film is a united call for a new economy, delivered by those who have committed their lives to working for systemic change. A film by Local Futures and Cyrus Sutton. Produced and dire...

    Closer to Home - Voices of Hope in a Time of Crisis
    Looming Deadlines for Coastal Resilience
  • Main question is why people still have cookies for what could be a static website.

  • The Biden administration’s new automatic braking rule is “impractical,” auto industry says
  • So they want self driving cars, which do not brake for pedestrians and cyclists? Do I understand this correctly?

  • Civilization's Peak Power in 10 to 20 Years? Civilization's Peak Power in 10 to 20 Years?

    Falling fertility rates in most of the world put us on track to reach the global peak rate of energy use ahead of the actual population peak, as early as 10 years from now if the trends of the last decade persist. Marking a major turning point, the decline of the post-peak world will involve many t...

    Civilization's Peak Power in 10 to 20 Years?
    10 Principles of Good Design - Dieter Rams
  • The crazy part is that Dieter Rams philosophy was a huge inspiration for the iPhone and other Apple products of that era.

  • Good DIY projects with limited space/for apartment living?
  • Look fab labs, hacker space, maker spaces or whatever it is named in your area. Those are not exactly everywhere, but common enough to have a look at. Another somewhat related space would be a repair cafe. That would give you not only access to a workshop, but also a bunch of folks for inspiration.

    Other then that look up Arduino and RaspberryPi solar projects. It is pretty easy to find some lists. 3d printers are pretty common, as are many other similar tools. Home automation can also be interesting, but that might not be that great of an option, if you rent. Micromobility can also be somewhat interesting(elector skateboards, self assembling a bicycle....). It is also rather easy to set up a solar system in a flat, as long as you can easily install it outside it on a balcony or whatever. There is also a pretty large diy loudpspeaker community, which apparently is pretty easy to built.

    Honestly there are lots of projects. Just think of something you would like to have and look up diy version of it. Seriously people built nearly everything at home. There even was a supersonic kit plane sold once, which apparently never managed to go supersonic and had a habit of killing its pilots, but you get my point.

  • The Earth’s changing – so why aren’t we?
  • Most emissions are caused by rich people. Quite frankly as soon as you forget about the car, the rest is rather cheap. Solar panels powering a home are not crazily expensive and organic food staples are also not that much more expensive then the conventional competition. Electric cars are expensive, but the proper choice is to try to live car free anyway. A bicycle is cheap after all.

    Anybody who actually is emitting more then the global average can live in a way that massivly reduces their emissions and afford to do it. Not to zero, but to a point, where it is absolutly reasitic to demand companies and governments to push for the rest.

  • The exponential growth of solar power will change the world
  • So does wind, just not as fast as solar.

  • The exponential growth of solar power will change the world
  • Seasonal storage is mostly not needed. Close to the equator it is not due to not really having a season problem. Further to the poles you have stronger winds in winter.

  • Move Stonehenge to Tuvalu to Protect it from the Effects of Climate Change Activism
  • The UK offshored most of its emissions. So as soon as you adjust for that it is about at the level of the EU on a per capita bases. However the EU has much more laws passed to actually reduce emissions in the coming years.

  • Move Stonehenge to Tuvalu to Protect it from the Effects of Climate Change Activism
  • Yeah what a shame that the UK still allows some form of protest and does not just shoot them like the Chinese. /s

    Seriously the UK is the fithed largest cumulative emitter and even though that is over litterally centuries even recent emissions are well above the global average. Combine that with a government, which allows even more oil and gas drilling, while even opening up a new coal mine. The UK is doing better then quite a few other countries, but it is not exactly great.

  • Germany and Italy are the biggest climate laggards in Europe, study finds
  • Wissing to be honest. The transport sector is the only one to miss the target badly. Funnily enough 15billion€ is about as much as is currently missing to fix up the German railway network. As in fix it, not expand it.

  • Germany and Italy are the biggest climate laggards in Europe, study finds
  • Please read the article and not just the title. It is only about the EU and European is used like American is used for the US. Technically not true, but often used in more casual speech and by lower quality news sources.

  • Germany and Italy are the biggest climate laggards in Europe, study finds
  • WTF are you talking about? This is about the Effort Sharing Regulation(ESR), which requires EU members to lower emissions compared to 2005 depending on how rich they are(richer countries need to do more). The UK is therefore not part of this at all, as it is no longer an EU member. Neither is Iceland btw.

  • CDRCs: A proposal concerning work, resilience, and the repopulation of the countryside CDRCs: A proposal concerning work, resilience, and the repopulation of the countryside

    (Manuel Casal Lodeiro) Work sharing, the repopulation of the countryside, and the urgent recovery of resilience in the face of pending ecosocial collapse are objectives that can be pursued simultaneously and synergistically.

    CDRCs: A proposal concerning work, resilience, and the repopulation of the countryside
    Germany and Italy are the biggest climate laggards in Europe, study finds
  • This is using the German projection reports from the UBA, which is a ministry run by the Greens. Those tend to be overly negative. Last years report projected a rise of German emissions by a few percent, what happened was a drop of 10%. This year they again project rising emissions, but the Q1 data shows a 6.6% drop in emissions, with Q2 electricity data also looking rather decent. Even so the report finds most sectors will be within emission limits. The only ones with problems are buidling, which is mainly heating, and transport. The building sector is projected to be slighly over the emission targets, with some rather important laws having been passed last year, which according to the report close the gap to 96Mt to 32Mt until 2030. Transport is doing much worse however. The gap is massive at 180Mt until 2030 and most laws, which would have a large impact being blocked. To be fair the gap is smaller then the projection from last year at 210Mt.

    Point is, that this is pessimistic. However climate change is a massive issue and obviously doing more to cut emissions is the right thing to do.

  • China’s Surge in Solar and Hydro Point to Early Carbon Peak
  • China emits nearly twice as much as the US these days. At this rate China is overtaking the US in 25 years or so. Probably sooner as US emissions are dropping, whereas Chinas emissions are increasing.

    Obviously Chinas per capita emissions are below the US, but they are still nearly twice the global ones and above those of the EU or UK for example. When you look at cumulative per capita emissions China is about averge. However that includes a lot of emissions from dead people and for China those are nearly zero. If you only look at cumulative emissions since 1990 China is about as bad as the EU on a per capita bases. However with 30% of annual emissions.

    So please do not pretend that China is not responsible for climate change. They absolutly are.

  • Lhyfe and Deutsche Bahn cooperate on development of trains powered by green hydrogen
  • Imho hydrogen on trains is only a good idea, for long distance trains running on not electrified track. Hydrogen is more energy dense and easier to refill then a battery so a good idea for say US freight trains.

    However Germany has all its mainlines electrified. In this case all three towns have electrified main stations. Battery trains are a good solution for that relativly short sections of unelectrified track, as long as charging can be done in stations. This would be the case here, as in most of Europe to be honest.

  • Adopting A Steady State Economy To Protect Wild Nature With Brian Czech Episode 64: Adopting A Steady State Economy To Protect Wild Nature With Brian Czech

    About Brian Czech Brian Czech is the founding president of the Center For The Advancement Of The Steady State Economy (CASSE). Czech served as the first conser

    Episode 64: Adopting A Steady State Economy To Protect Wild Nature With Brian Czech
    Meet Cargonomia, the eco-friendly cooperative championing degrowth in Budapest Meet Cargonomia, the eco-friendly cooperative championing degrowth in Budapest

    Budapest, Hungary – “Building your own furniture isn’t that complicated. There are plenty of participative workshops to learn how to do it yourself. We would have far enough material to build…

    Meet Cargonomia, the eco-friendly cooperative championing degrowth in Budapest
    Understanding the organisational dynamics and ethos of local degrowth cooperatives - npj Climate Action Understanding the organisational dynamics and ethos of local degrowth cooperatives - npj Climate Action

    As a concept challenging the growth paradigm, degrowth is put into practice in different ways. Ones of which are degrowth-oriented cooperatives: organisations composed of producers and consumers that intend to keep a locally oriented focus and embrace more responsible economic practices to promote s...

    Understanding the organisational dynamics and ethos of local degrowth cooperatives - npj Climate Action
    The radical combination of degrowth and basic income The radical combination of degrowth and basic income

    We work too hard to produce too much stuff, and we’re destroying the planet in the process. An interview with Gabriela Cabaña, a doctoral student at the London School of Economics.

    The radical combination of degrowth and basic income
    Germany plans to increase offshore wind built up from 40GW to 50GW by 2035 and 60GW by 2037


    Germany will be able to erect more wind turbines in the North and Baltic Seas over the next ten years than originally planned. Instead of the legally stipulated 40 gigawatts of capacity, areas for 50 gigawatts will be available by 2035, as the Ministry of Economic Affairs announced on Friday. The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) has identified these areas in its new area development plan. By 2037, there will be space for 60 gigawatts.

    "The draft of the area development plan shows that offshore wind energy is also a key pillar in the transformation of the energy system in the long term," said Minister of Economic Affairs Robert Habeck (Greens). According to the plan, there is even space for 60 gigawatts by 2037. Around more than half of these are so-called acceleration areas. These are particularly favourable locations for construction, the wind turbines have a comparatively low environmental impact and can be erected with faster approval procedures.

    The 60 gigawatts would bring us close to Germany's long-term target of 70 gigawatts, which is to be achieved by 2045. By then, Germany wants to produce no more CO2 at all, which requires corresponding energy capacities from renewables.

    Libertarians be like

    Headline: Libertarians be like Picture of disugested women next to "" Picture of intressted women next to ""

    MrMakabar MrMakabar
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