NarrativeBear @ NarrativeBear Posts 95Comments 691Joined 2 yr. ago
By this logic is the platform its self not breaking the rules by allowing a forum for the conversation to take place?
Getting band for something like this is like the equivalent of seeing a graffiti artist painting something on a public wall, smiling or nodding in approval, and getting a ticket handed to you around the corner for "participating".
I can't believe we are riding this same rollercoaster again after only 5 years.
Price of energy increases for Americans. Trumps solution increase the price of aluminium for Americans.
That will show them.
Outright bans don't work, viable alternatives and proper public messaging about who owns the platforms might do the trick.
Similarly for news and media outlets, too much Canadian news is controlled by American companies.
The headboard still hits the otherside of the wall with the same intensity?
Is this a miscarriage cake? That's awful!
Also better for wildlife and pets.
I know of a friend that had their dog jump out of 6 story apartment because of fireworks in the area. It did not end well.
That's not really how statistics work.
For example, 1 in 10 dentists recommended a specific brand of toothpaste.
You could know 10 dentists in your town and not one of them recommends that specific toothpaste. But in another town 2 out of 10 might. This means between both towns you are left with a 1 out of 10 average.
1/10 is equal to 2/20 = 10%
So, if one town might have a really high shooting rate and 100% of the residents in that town were witnesses and the next town over had no shootings at all.
If we assume both towns have the same number of residents we would be left with a 50% of all residents in the area are witnesses to a shooting. This means if you lived in the town with no shooting and were told 50% of residents were witnesses you would not be able to find a single person to confirm the theory. Even if you knew everyone in your specific town.
Does this mean you and I should stop shopping at stores like Walmart or Costco, The Bay, Home Depot, Lowe's?
Or can we still shop at Walmart but only buy Canadian items?
SmartCentres Real Estate Investment Trust owns the land that Walmart's operate on. They are Canadian owned and generate revenue from rent.
That's action is called expropriation...
There are plenty of examples around the global and what usually plays out next.
The trouble is not that automakers can't continue to produce/assembly, its that prices will skyrocket (higher cost to source materials) which means consumers will need to pay more.
If the game is delisted and you have bought it is it still downloaded and playable.
Lets start poaching America Tech and knowledge workers to immigrat to Canada, could be a excellent opportunity especially with all the cuts and "efficiency restructuring "
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BlackBerry may have the perfect opportunity to produce a Canadian made cellphone to compet with Apple and other America brands.
I understand the sentiment, but just one thing to note/point out, without argument to your point or view.
These are American business that both employ Canadian people and pay Canadian taxes. The profits are American on the one hand, but the economic stimulus to Canada is a benefit on the other hand.
Personally I am a little conflicted in this, I don't want to see Canadian people loose their jobs.
Though if a foreign owned company is operating inside of our borders with no Canadian presence this would be a no-brainer. I would probably want that type of company to double their resolve and invest in our people with in country manufacturing and production as a example.
A masterpiece, I can't believe it was not nominated for a Oscar.
I guess news about publishing tariff news is not classified as tariff news.
Hit by a playwall.
Why not just say 40% of staff to be terminated.
I know its the same as the fraction, but 40% seems to sound more drastic.
What gets me when calling the city is whenever a concern is brought up it always seems to be shutdown by the first person that pickups up the call on the other end.
City staff should be taking the calls and writing down the concerns with no bias/opinion when doing so. The items should then be brought up in city meetings and voted on collectively by city officials.
A city staff member should not be "screening the calls" and voicing their opinion such as telling a person "not a chance". That kind of remark makes me think the person working at that desk drives into work and may hold bias.
Advocating for better city infrastructure is in the better interest of all people, and especially for local residents/business. Bike infrastructure always seems IMO to be portrayed as in the benefit of one group, but its really in the benefit of all groups, including pedestrians, and people of all ages and physical ability.
Trouble is in Ontario drivers rarely obey the posted limits and drive over the limit on average 10 ~ 20kph.
This means drivers generally (in mph), would be traveling at 30 ~ 40mph in a posted 25mph zone.
ie. 40kph = drivers traveling at 50-60kph.
As other have said, the best way to alert drivers to posted speed limits is with the proper redesign of roadways to meet/reflect the posted signage.
Best way to think about this is a interstate hwy. If the posted limit is changed in a section of the hwy without any change in the roadway design, such as norrower lanes, or change in sightlines, people will generally ignore the posted limit and continue as if nothing has changed along their route.
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Councillor calls for safety review after woman injured by Ontario Line construction vehicle