He ended the railroad strike, but worked and got all their demands met. He was very effective handling that.
How can you tell if a man is really into cast-iron kitchenware? He’ll pansplain it to you
As the saying goes:
The two best days of a boat owner's life are the day they buy the boat, and the day they sell the boat
🤦🤦 yes, I am ashamed
Datot? Spata?
On second thought, let's not go to DS9. 'Tis a silly place.
I just hate imagining all the amazing things that were purposely destroyed after the conquest.
Trump to sign executive order making English the official U.S. language, WSJ reports
I just finished this. Amazing video
Wesley "The Can" Crusher
Then check out this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BC35cQKHwzg
Ladybird Browser is coming, but could be a couple years still
From scratch, BSD licensed, non-profit managed
10 years ago today, Leonard Nimoy, an American actor and director, died. He is famed for playing Spock in the Star Trek franchise for almost 50 years.
Just like the Taoism concept of 'Pu', or the un-carved block, being a symbol of pure potential, an empty bottle is also pure potential
I'm a Vulcan with no power, does that make me a human?
It's Utah, so there will likely be a Alternative Dental Care MLM popping up any minute
I told you 'bout living in the Enterprise. Don't you know that I'm a gangster of love?