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  • I have the same feeling when I'm around neighbourhoods with nice houses, real estate is crazy around here so I know the prices and so even anything remotely "nice" or "big" or "not touching the neighbours but they're kinda right there" is in the millions immediately. Can't help wondering who all these people are.

    The answer of course is generational wealth, same with the boats.

  • A friend of mine used to work in a yacht club, albeit a very small one on a river, not the sea. He was firmly convinced that at least half of the boats belonged to the owners of craft businesses. He was of the opinion that the boats were bought with black money, either to be able to do something with the money or to sell the boats again later and launder the money that way. I don't know if that's true.

  • I always assumed a good portion of them were rentals.

    • Charter yachts can be spotted relatively easily. They have standard small name design, sail small flags and are mostly pretty standard yachts. No expensive extras, mostly basic and relatively well maintained if boring