I ordered a newer CPU a few days ago in anticipation of getting a hold of a B380 in the future.
This was career ending:
I've been pondering this as well
I dig it! The VCR/tape-tracking makes it for sure.
When We Invited You To Join Our Trivia Team, It Was With The Understanding That You Knew ‘Star Trek’
that's amazing!
When We Invited You To Join Our Trivia Team, It Was With The Understanding That You Knew ‘Star Trek’
That and some toasters or something
That same cathedral has a Moon rock (from Apollo 11) embedded into one of the stained glass windows:
I've actually seen that in person!!
Botched Mary
The owner of a 16th-century artwork depicting the Virgin Mary was shocked/furious/upset when his treasured possession returned from being cleaned looking a little... different. Discontent with the cleaner's job, the owner of the painting sent the painting back for a second go - then things got worse.
derisive harumph
Asking the great philosophical questions!
More likely Jinn
Are you suggesting that Pluto is inside of vaccines?!? Alert the media!!!
Fun Fact: Aperture Science was renamed to Daystrom Institute, and Portal experiments were an early form of Kobayashi Maru training for Star Fleet Officers.
For no particular reason today, here's Gabriel Bell