Rule 34
Rule 34
Rule 34
Worf deserves a traditional klingon cleavage window.
This is one of many reasons why we have to leave this planet and explore other worlds
Somebody edit this image with a Kirk face or something
This is one of the many reasons we shouldn’t be allowed to leave.
My personal take is that when a new species/planet joins the Federation they get to design a new uniform for Star Fleet. The Betazeds picked the miniskirts from TOS.
That would actually be fun headcanon.
Who do you think made the monster maroons?
The lost era uniforms are when Starfleet decided they were mature grown ups now. They adopted the Enterprise's insignia across the fleet and stop letting ships/captains have any say over the uniforms. By the time we get to TNG they've relaxed it a bit again.
I'll be in my bunk.
Jean-Luc Peccard
Now I see what Jadzia saw.