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Lemmy specific private tracker - any interest?
  • I mean, yeah. That isn't necessarily the point here, though. There's a lot of frustration surrounding the need for private trackers and we could maybe solve that here.

  • Lemmy specific private tracker - any interest?
  • maybe we make a usenet group as well?

  • Lemmy specific private tracker - any interest?

    I'm willing to put up a domain. I think this would be a good idea. Private invites from Lemmy. What I don't have is the technical knowledge to do this, since trackers are really intensive to make. I guess what I'm asking is if there is enough interest here to make our own private tracker. It will be very intensive on the dev end, but maybe we can do something for real here.

    I'm not going to exaggerate here - we'd need the full power of the hundreds of devs on Lemmy to do this. It won't be easy, but I believe it is possible. I also believe that it is worth it. Between us all, we may have just about every Linux Distro available. The hosting will be a problem for sure, but maybe we can sort that out.

    If anyone is interested in doing this, we can make a github repo, or whatever is necessary.

    Again, I think this is worth pursuing. We could potentially make a decentralized private tracker.

    Video Editing with Linux - full playlist
  • I edited the post to include the full play list. It is really informative.

    I'd also like to add that his footage is him streaming SuperTuxKart.

    He even pronounces GNOME correctly!

  • Linux Video Editing J'Pol
    Video Editing with Linux - full playlist - YouTube

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    - YouTube

    There's good stuff here.

    /s‏‏‎ ‎
  • I'm glad that the title is what it is here. I sincerely and whole-heartedly believe in what SDF does as a non-profit. Anyone has the ability to go learn UNIX based systems without worry thanks to the SDF. No fear of ruining your own system, they have safeguards to keep you from ruining the pubunix, and the BBS community is fantastic.

    Please, if you consider the ability for anyone to be able to try and learn a UNIX based system please donate. It keeps this instance running and is a free educational tool.

  • Looking for beginner/budget friendly options.
  • I have boom stands from just casually having a full PA system, but this mic isn't really compatible. I'm now thinking of fabricating some kind of bracket that will hold it 🤔

  • Deuces
  • I believe that this, particularly, is why many fast food restaurants are closing way earlier than they did several years ago. No, it isn't because of the pandemic. It's because someone (Gen Z) finally got fed up with the bullshit of managers dictating when they can work as opposed to a fixed schedule. No, no one should ever have to bear the burden of "picking up a shift" - that's just shitty management and has been for around 60 years. We've all just bowed our heads and accepted that we need a job. Gen Z said, collectively, "Wait, what?" and the world will be better for it. Under no circumstance should someone ever be forced to work 2nd shift one day and early mornings the next.

  • Looking for beginner/budget friendly options.
  • Ok, honestly, this does look perfect. Thanks a lot for the specific recommendation. I'll leave this post up for a bit in case someone comes up with something better. I'm willing to build one, but for the budget and features I need this seems ideal.

  • Looking for beginner/budget friendly options.
  • Thanks a ton for the links! Plastic frames are fine for me since, I don't intend to twist or bend a keyboard ever. I'll look into this.

    Editing to add: Keychron seems to be completely sold out of 100% boards. That's disappointing :( Edit on top of the edit: The site just doesn't work well with my browser. I have to search for the model individually.

  • Looking for beginner/budget friendly options.
  • Thanks. The replaceable switches could mean a lot. At the least, I could try to resell the ones I don't like.

  • Looking for beginner/budget friendly options.
  • I'm stuck on a desktop condenser mic and don't have a boom, so that really factors in. I should have added that to the post. That means that not only the clack of the keys is important, but also the vibration they may cause. Modern noise filters can do a lot, but I'm not sure if they can do that much. I'll check out keychron stuff - thanks!

  • Looking for beginner/budget friendly options.

    Where I'm At

    Basically, I know just the very basics. I've thought about building a keyboard many times and I have the technical means/knowhow to do such. I know there are very personal things like keystroke length, pressure, etc. that goes into it but I don't have enough experience typing on keyboards that aren't garbage to really know what I want. Advice on figuring that out would be really helpful.


    As far as things that I know that I need:

    • Backlighting. The lighting in my space is not great and it really helps (for me, since I don't always have hands on the keyboard) to be able to quickly identify a key. I know this might deduct from the budget a lot, but I'm willing to absorb it because I consider this a must-have. Static color is fine, I don't need full programmable RGB

    • 100% keyboard. I have the space and use all the keys for games, macros, etc. 6 years ago I got a giant grin on my face when I finally used the scroll lock key for what it's designed for.

    • Quietness is more important than feel for me. As much as I'd love one of those crazy Model Ms that have the servos for a replica perfect typing feel, I often am on voice chat while doing things so that's a no go.

    • I can't do the split ergo thing, as cool as it seems. My brain has been trained to touch type poorly, and there's no way I'm gonna be able to get away from that.



    If this is possible for $200 or less, that would be great. If someone knows of something prebuilt, or a possible combination of parts that could fit within this budget I'd be very grateful. I can go a little over by piecemealing parts, but sooner rather than later would really be preferred. I'm tired of having either cheap or half broken keyboards.


    Trump Forced To Play Glockenspiel At Rally After Every Artist Bars Use Of Songs
  • Just run it through a synth as a MIDI file. Seems appropriate.

  • Rule
  • It's insidious!

  • Officials' grim request for those riding out Helene in Florida: Mark your bodies so we can ID you
  • I am in NW GA. We occasionally get some fallout from hurricanes here, but I'm not sure how long it's been since I've seen this much rain, and at time of writing there's still time before the actual storm(s?) hits.

  • Is Google Maps getting worse?
  • My biggest gripe with Organic Street Maps (and every OSM) client that I've tried is that I can't find a way to display the destination address when I get close. I do some delivery work and that drives me crazy. Otherwise, it's great.

  • When you wanna be punk but also go on an adventure
  • They're also relatively cheap and quite durable.

  • fwiends
  • It can still happen, but usually at the customer's request/requirements. We actually use inches at a much smaller scale, but use decimals instead of fractions.

  • xkcd #2990: Late Cenozoic
  • I remember finding xkcd fairly early on (around 50 or so). The fact that it's almost at 3,000 now blows my mind. I hope Randall has something awesome planned.

  • I know this isn't exactly self-hosted, but does anyone have experience with this? Lemmy Hosting and Support | K&T Host

    The Lemmy hosting resource and support center. Learn how to work with Lemmy hosting through support articles and step by step instructions.

    Not exactly a self-hosting thing, but I'd like to know if anyone has experience with this service. Is it worth it? A scam? I don't know. I don't really have the hardware to truly self-host a Lemmy instance (mostly because of storage restrictions), but I'd like to know if this service that seems cheap for what it offers if legit.

    I know that this isn't a pure self hosting question, but I nailed .com domain for $1/year and was wondering if it's actually worth doing this. Any insight is appreciated.

    Editing to add that I'd love to do pure self-hosting here, but storage is a real issue.

    Star Trek Voyager... The Documentary You've Been Waiting For!

    This is a long watch (2 hours!), but worth it. My biggest gripe is the licking of Berman's boots, but the overall presentation is fantastic.

    I need help getting back into development

    A little background: Through my teens in the 90's I did a lot of the things you may expect. I was a script kiddie on mIRC, made a tank game in Unreal Engine, and did some Quake modding. From 2002-2004 I landed a job doing Java web dev, SQL, and overall database administration because my father's friend needed someone that could do that. I was ok at the job, but not great. Being young, my hobby that turned into a 9-5 made me want to stab my eyes out and I quit.

    With that said, I can understand a lot of what's going on, but it doesn't "click" anymore. I spent 20 years as a career machinist, but I physically can't do that anymore. Here's the rub - my twin brother is a brittle diabetic and can't work (lots of other stuff going on as well), and our mother is getting old (father passed this year). The only reasonable way forward that I can see in order to be able to support my brother is trying to get back into development.

    When I stopped, subversion was what we used. I'm trying to understand Git, but it's a giant conceptual leap. I guess, what I'd like to hear from you all is a way to jump back in as quickly as possible in such a way that it may be a career.


    Political Memes J'Pol
    Vote! We, the people

    Kirk was right. Go vote.

    We, the people

    cross-posted from:

    > I am by no means a constitutionalist, but Kirk is right here. Go vote, if you're in the US. There has, arguably, never been a more important election in US history.

    Vote! We, the people

    Kirk was right. Go vote.

    We, the people

    I am by no means a constitutionalist, but Kirk is right here. Go vote, if you're in the US. There has, arguably, never been a more important election in US history.

    Trans Voice Help J'Pol
    Voice by Kylie | Feminizing Voice Voice by Kylie | Feminizing Voice

    Hey there, I'm Kylie! A passionate Trans Voice Teacher, Artist and Writer. There were many aspects of transitioning that took away my own control and confidence; just as voice training did for me, my mission is to give them back to you. Whether your dream voice is mtf, ftm or androgynous, I will hel...

    Voice by Kylie | Feminizing Voice

    These are paid services, but seem to be legit. I can't vouch for it since I'm not a customer.

    Why Star Trek's Graphic Design Makes Sense

    This video has good stuff in it. I promise it is worth the watch.

    Linux Video Editing J'Pol
    Kdenlive 24.08 is out packed with nifty new features, enhancements, and quality-of-life improvements, specially for Effects and Transitions.

    cross-posted from:

    > #Kdenlive 24.08 is out packed with nifty new features, enhancements, and quality-of-life improvements, specially for Effects and Transitions. > > \#Kdenlive 24.08 is out packed with nifty new features, enhancements, and quality-of-life improvements, specially for Effects and Transitions. > > > > \#kde #videoediting @kde

    Linux Video Editing J'Pol
    Shotcut Made Motion Tracking Easier [Tutorial]

    This is one of the things that hangs people up moving from Adobe. In my experience, it works ok but you need to sometimes actually mess around with the algorithms to get the results you want. This tutorial is a decent explanation.

    Linux Video Editing J'Pol
    My recommended tools (mostly the ones that I have experience with).

    In my (limited) experience, different software works better for different styles of projects. Here’s my personal list of software that I use for various projects which can all be easily installed from most (all?) package managers:

    • Kdenlive

    • ShotCut

    • Olive

    • OpenShot

    Kdenlive is fantastic for quick edits, though it can do a lot more (beyond the quick edits it is clunky imo). ShotCut can do cool things like motion tractking easily. Olive is fantastic for subtitles, but I absolutely would not recommend it for anything with audio since for me the playback when rendering just completely fails.

    I know that it seems insane (and should be unnecessary), but I will often do a chunk of a project in one particular editor and then move it to another. Say, for instance, that I want to rough cut down a huge file or just do basic transitions I will do that in Kdenlive. And then use ShotCut or Olive to add additional things depending on how easy it is to do whatever in that editor. It is clunky, but that's what I've found to work. I've only done about ~100 edits this way, so I'd love to hear from more experienced people. ETA: OpenShot. The workflow isn't for me, but some may like it.

    Props to for the suggestion to make and pin this post.
