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It's okay, tankies love fascism, so they're not put out by the result
  • The other options include: continuing to be a fringe platform, overthrowing a global system.

    Materially, I think developing ever stronger unions (labor and otherwise) who can pool resources to compete in politics. Seconded by a strong push to win many more low level grassroots seats. Conservatives are winning these seats. By winning the lower seats, bureaucratic maneuvers are easier, and consensus is "cheaper".

  • First aid flows into Gaza over massive U.S. pier
  • I've said this in other threads but I am betting (based of no true evidence) that Israel is finger-over-trigger ready to nuke Iran, and is manipulating the west to allow them to fuck around in Gaza

    Our own little north Korea 😞

  • I wish there were more articles about tech not tech biz

    Just seems like everything is "this company did this to their employees" and less about "this novel messaging protocol offers these measured pros and cons." Or similar

    And yes, I could post things, but I'm referring to what hits the top, 12h.

    Can anyone rec communities with less of a biz and politics and wfh vs in-office vibe?

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