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SpaceX's Starlink May Be Keeping the Ozone From Healing, Research Finds
  • Considering that only 2% is not Hydrogen or Helium

    I assume that claim comes from:

    The abundance of chemical elements in the universe is dominated by the large amounts of hydrogen and helium which were produced during the Big Bang. Remaining elements, making up only about 2% of the universe

    I kind of doubt that hydrogen or helium comprise 98% of the mass of the 48 tons of meteors per day. I kinda suspect that the 48 tons of meteors are comprised almost entirely of "other" elements.

  • TIL that it may be faster for humans to run on all fours.
  • Not even close to the most efficient gait. The videos I've been watching, they are using their hands plantigrade rather than digitigrade. They should be on their fingertips or knuckles, not their palms, and be wearing something like boxing gloves with cleats to protect their knuckles rather than their palms.

    Their gaits are nearly symmetric: opposite limbs are contacting the ground at about the same time, much like a horse's trot rather than its gallop. Their asses are always high in the air, and their heads down; they are running like raccoons.

    If you look at canine or feline running gaits, they rarely have more than one foot on the ground at any one time. Whenever one foot hits the ground, the other three are moving forward. They are making extensive use of the flexibility of their spine to lengthen their effective stride.

    I noticed the runner used a bipedal start off traditional running blocks. Head down, legs bent, crouched forward, held back behind the line with straight arms. If you watch a dog, cat, horse, etc, as it starts to run, it is digging in with all four limbs, not just the hind legs.

    I think in a quadrupedal race, the runner would want to be able to pull themselves forward with their arms as well as push themselves forward with their legs. That doesn't make sense for a bipedal runner, as that extra performance off the line comes with the penalty of extra upper body mass through the entire race. But a quadrupedal runner is going to need that mass/strength through the entire race.

    I'd think they would want a modified starting block for their hands as well as one for their legs.

  • Why does everyone hate Microsoft for adding LLMs into Windows and spying on users, but not Apple?
  • Apple has an overly authoritarian business model. They strictly control every aspect of their ecosystem.

    Apple long ago alienated the kind of people who would get upset about spying, LLMs. They either never entered the Apple ecosystem, or they left it decades ago.

  • Question about replacing/expanding a disk
  • Neither of those options is particularly appealing to me. I'd look at building a more respectable file server, with 4 or more SATA ports. I'd have a relatively tiny SSD to host the OS, and any number of HDDs in some variety of RAID array

  • Question about replacing/expanding a disk
  • SSDs are fast; HDDs are slow. I would not want my operating system hosted on an HDD if there is any way to avoid it. An external USB drive would have slow file operations to and from that drive; an internal HDD would slow the entire system.

  • Responsible guidance is a choice
  • You can give a mortgage to anyone who wants it, just not the type of mortgage that you're thinking of. Private mortgages don't have the follow on effects that traditional mortgages have. Private mortgages aren't bought and sold on a secondary market. Private mortgages aren't wrapped up into CDOs or other derivative investment products. A lender who issues a private mortgage can't turn around and sell it to a different lender. They can't package up a bunch of garbage loans into a new security and sell it to an unsuspecting buyer. The 2008 housing market collapse wasn't because of bad mortgages. It was because of the entire house of cards that was built on top of them.

    Whether Adam rents a home to Bob, or Adam issues a private mortgage and sells to Bob, Adam is taking substantially the same risk on Bob. Adam is already prepared to take that risk as Bob's landlord; there is no valid reason why he shouldn't take that exact same risk as Bob's lender.

    Land contracts are another option.

    A land contract is, effectively, a rent-to-own arrangement. The tenant/buyer earns equity from day one. But, if they default on the contract on the first 3 or 5 years, they lose that equity. After that 3 or 5 year period, the equity they built is, effectively, the down payment on their mortgage.

  • Responsible guidance is a choice
  • Owner occupancy credit against property taxes to hold them at their current rates, or even drop them a bit. Next, we target an 85% owner-occupancy rate, increasing the property taxes every year that owner-occupancy rate is below 80%, and reducing them any time it is above 90%. We will end up with a massive increase in property tax rates, but those increased taxes will only be paid by investors.

    On-site landlords, living in one unit of a duplex, triplex, or quadplex will be able to claim the credit. Off-site landlords, (or landlords living in a complex of 5 or more units) will not be able to claim the credit.

    Investor-owners will be fighting tooth and nail to convert their tenants into buyers: they will be offering land contracts, private mortgages, converting apartments to condominiums, etc. They will be earning considerably greater profits selling than they would be able to renting, while charging less.

    Lenders who elect to foreclose will be saddled with the property tax rate from the moment they file, so they will have one hell of a financial incentive to cooperate with the borrower.

    An owner-occupancy tax credit will give renting the death it deserves.

  • Bought a new pack of a hair product which now uses 6% less natural ingredients and is no longer vegan
  • If they're non-binary, you're going to be so anxious about using the right pronouns that you won't even notice their hair color.

    Edit: it's a joke answer,, people, in response to a joke question. It's not made at the expense of any marginalized individual or group. The only people who would be anxious about the situation are allies; the 'phobes don't give a shit. Untwist yer knickers.

  • Trump Demands Biden Remove Ad of Him Insulting Dead Troops
  • Anytime you see that despicable FAKE statement used, remember that it comes from the FASCIST SCUM that is destroying our Country

    One word away from the truth. That's got to be a record for the great cheesy poof.

  • Yeah, about that…
  • 50% of people are going to be dumber than average because in normal distributions the mean is the median. The "general population" is not smart by any definition.

    What if "smart" begins at the 35th percentile, rather than the 50th? What if "gifted" is anything above the 50th percentile?

  • ‘No longer the American dream’: Grant Cardone says people under 30 'should not even consider' buying a home
  • Owner Occupancy Credit.

    We establish an owner occupancy credit that reduces effective property tax rate on the property in which a homeowner resides. That credit is increased every time property taxes are raised, so the homeowner's tax rate stays the same, or drops a bit.

    Now, we increase the property tax rate, which now only affects non-resident owners. Landlords. Investors. We target an 85% owner occupant rate. Any year the owner occupancy rate is below 80%, we increase the property taxes. Any year it is above 90%, we lower them again.

    Owner-occupants of duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes will qualify for the tax credit for the whole building, not just the single unit they occupy.

    "But won't the landlord just pass the excess cost on to the tenant?" They will try to do that, sure. But that will increase the cost to rent from them, and savvy, private landlords will quickly figure out they can make the same profit and charge less if instead of "renting", they issue a "land contract" or "private mortgage". With either of these options, the "tenant" is converted into a buyer, and thus qualifies as an "owner occupant". Remember: we're increasing the tax rate every year that the owner occupancy rate is below 80%. Any landlord that insists on trying to rent is eventually going to have to charge extraordinarily high rates to break even, while investors who issue land contracts and private mortgages will be able to earn higher profits while charging less. Who is going to pay the high premium to rent a property when they can spend much less to buy it outright?

    Should a landlord lender decide to evict foreclose on a tenant buyer, that tax rate is going to skyrocket when they take possession. They will be much more motivated to cooperate with the occupant in order to avoid that exorbitant tax.

  • Price gouging
  • You've read a lot of angry context into that that I did not provide. I think you protest too much.

    One interesting aspect of a true democracy is that once the people have sufficient, collective justification to engage in violent revolution, peaceful reform suddenly becomes not just feasible, but the preferred resolution for everyone involved. It's a bit of a paradox.

    si vis pacem, para bellum.

  • Price gouging
  • "Laws" are not the only method humanity has come up with for defending each other against fraudulent and predatory behaviors. Where law has proven incapable of preventing victimization, the guillotine has a proven track record of convincing the ultra rich to stop thinking about their wallets and to start thinking about the needs of the people.

  • "Could not determine post to comment to"

    Gripe #1: From inbox, replying directly to a comment, I get the error "Could not determine post to comment to". I don't have this problem when I am viewing a comment in a post's, thread, only when viewing it from the inbox.

    Gripe #2: Tapping the comment in the inbox takes me to the comment thread for the post, but does not take me to the specific comment within that thread. In a long thread, I can't always find the specific comment I am trying to reply to.

    Edit: version 0.2.4

    Edit2: Gripe #3: haven't figured out how to edit posts within Thunder; had to switch to Connect to make these edits...

    Error: "could not find comment key xxxxxx for navigator"

    I am getting this error pretty regularly. I'll see a message in my inbox, and when I tap through to view it in context, it's missing. Can't find a cause or a workaround.

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