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PSA: Nova Launcher has been owned by analytics company Branch since 2022
  • Thanks for sharing. The default launcher on my phone is terrible and I hate having to move to different layouts every time I switch phones (which only happens every 5+ years, but is still annoying) so I have been using Nova for many years.

    Just turned off its internet access on both data and wifi, let's see if it complains about it.

    As a note: I can see that it only transfered a few hundred kilobytes in the past month, which isn't a lot, but it's still more than zero.

  • Do any of you meditate?
  • Likely NT here, but meditation is awesome. Sometimes when I am particularly stressed or overwhelmed it's kinda hard to get in the right state of mind, it's as if I forget how easy it is to meditate, but when it does click it makes everything that much more simple.

    Highly recommended to anyone going through rough times or even people who are fine but would like to have their brain shut up for a little while.

  • Reddit Email Grab
  • OP's account is on SJW and that instance does not require email verification. Plenty of instances don't.

  • Von der Leyen won’t rule out working with right-wing parties
  • Correct me if I'm wrong, I didn't follow EU politics at the time of the last election, but didn't she campaign on green-deal policies for her first term? I remember reading about this somewhere. So moving away from that and closer to ECR would be quite the shift.

  • Von der Leyen won’t rule out working with right-wing parties Von der Leyen won’t rule out working with right-wing parties

    European Commission president suggests openness to working with some right-wingers as she seeks a second term.

    Von der Leyen won’t rule out working with right-wing parties

    > The European Commission president hinted Wednesday she would be open, after the European election in June, to working with some politicians in the European Conservatives and Reformists grouping

    > “The cut-off line is ‘do you stand for democracy?’, ‘do you defend our values?’, ‘are you very firm in the rule of law?’, ‘are you supporting Ukraine’ and ‘are you fighting against Putin’s attempt to weaken and divide Europe?’And these answers have to be very clear”

    With the projected increase in seats from ECR and ID, this shouldn't be surprising to anyone, however EPP getting closer to ECR isn't exactly the best of looks. To me, this sends a clear message that, as Renew falls off due to Macron's impopularity, the EPP is trying to gain more right wing seats by disregarding integration further down the line and possibly adopting more populistic policies.

    Piracy Shield Cloudflare Disaster Blocks Countless Sites, Fires Up Opposition
  • LMAO. As much as restrictions of this kind suck, at least DNS makes more sense than IP without any transparency.

    It really does sound like whoever came up with the IP solution had no idea of what the hell they were talking about.

  • Piracy Shield Cloudflare Disaster Blocks Countless Sites, Fires Up Opposition
  • I mean, you shouldn't stay on here if you don't like it, that goes without saying, but I think all in all the benefits outweight the few very annoying issues that this platform has. For instance, I think that the smaller number of people tend to mean that if you leave a comment somewhere you are likely to find someone to chat with and discuss whatever it is that you brought up in your comment.

    Often times on Reddit there are so many comments that you either blow up getting over 20 replies or get forgotten and ignored. No inbetweens.

  • Piracy Shield Cloudflare Disaster Blocks Countless Sites, Fires Up Opposition
  • Do they? I think most of Lemmy still prefers online freedom, it should be one of the reasons that brought us here. Plus, the people you are gonna meet even by changing instance are going to be more or less the same. The number of instances you are barred from by staying on .world is pretty small.

  • Piracy Shield Cloudflare Disaster Blocks Countless Sites, Fires Up Opposition
  • You know, in a way I am glad that we managed to implement such a piss poor implementation of a PiRaCy ShIeLd. They are going to have to roll back or disable this piece of crap in a matter of days and that will hopefully be the end of these silly internet restrictions for good.

    Had the implementation not sucked ass this bad, we would have needed to wait for some EU infringiment procedure or ECJ order to shut it down. Instead, this way it's gonna end way more quickly.

  • Why are all the [#peertube]( instances defederated from each other?
  • Nah it should not. It would hurt decentralization and small instances. We already have a tool for curbing spam, it's called the Fediseer. You may or may not have heard about it, but most admins have.

  • Smartphones to be banned in Italian classrooms
  • That ban has been in place since about as long as smartphones have been a thing. And even regardless of the national ban, generally school forbade them as a local policy.

    Doesn't change the fact that nothing will happen if the teacher doesn't act. So TL;DR nothing will change, it will remain up to the teacher like it already was.

  • I’m in Rome, and confused why I’m seeing the Fleur de Lis in St. Peter’s Basilica and other places. What’s the connection with Bourbons and the Vatican?
  • Like others have said, the lily you saw are likely related with papal coats of arms. In general, popes often embedded their coats of arms into the monuments and villas they built.

    Symbologically speaking, the fleur-de-lys is generally associated with various religious symbols such as the Blessed Mother, St. Joseph and purity in general, which is why we find them so often in heraldry (like you said the Bourbon coat of arms but even before then it's always been a symbol of France since the Frankish king Clovis' conversion), the Italian city of Florence, the French city of Lille, the British House of Lancaster and an uncountable number of Italian comuni.

  • Now that you have settled here on Lemmy. What is your impression of it?
  • Huh. Different instances, I guess. I generally don't browse by all, but on my feed most news were non-US (mostly Europe although quite a few about Asia as well). But then again my instance is pretty tiny and definitely isn't federated with most large communities, so my perspective might be skewed.

    To get a better view of the general content on Lemmy maybe we should look at the all feeds of or which, now that I look at them, are indeed quite US centric. So I guess it was just my perspective.

  • Now that you have settled here on Lemmy. What is your impression of it?
  • Matured? Really? I guess you haven't had a taste of the defederation drama. Users are great, but discussion between admins feel like the constant bickering of small children. And I say this as an admin myself, who at times does take part in those discussions. I think we still have a long way to go, when it comes to being matured.

  • Now that you have settled here on Lemmy. What is your impression of it?
  • I got the opposite idea. I think this place is much less US-centric than Reddit. And actually, if you look at the servers' location, there's way more in Europe than in America. So it would be fair to assume that many users would pick a server near their location and thus be from Europe rather than America.

  • El Salvador's Bukele wins supermajority in Congress after painstaking vote count
  • His work in eradicating gang violence was impressive, I get why the few Salvadorians who aren't behind bars would vote for him. Although I can't help but wonder about how many people might have gotten unjustly incarcerated because of how much power he's given to the police.

  • EU opens formal investigation into TikTok over possible online content breaches regarding online content rules aimed at protecting children and ensuring transparent advertising
  • I see. Well, I for one, think TikTok is definitely worse than Twitter because of its addictive nature, little user agency (you have almost no freedom of picking your own content, you are basically in the algorithm's hands) and serious privacy concerns.

    Twitter is by no means a great platform, it's just that TikTok is SO BAD that it's actually hard to beat it in terms of shittiness.

  • EU opens formal investigation into TikTok over possible online content breaches regarding online content rules aimed at protecting children and ensuring transparent advertising
  • Why would that be weird? Which platform would you have preferred (other than Mastodon, I guess)?

    I have read about this procedure yesterday and it was also on twitter, from the account of the Commission.

  • AI has such a bad rap, but I actually found this tool to be really helpful with some of my challenges
  • Like others have said I am a bit concerned by the privacy implications, but I like how nice the model is. Defintiely wouldn't consider it as an alternative to therapy or even real conversations (the sentences it generates look very fake at times, plus I wouldn't want to trust a machine's advice anyway), but it's pleasant to talk to and that's probably all that matters.

    Great if you have some time to kill or maybe need someone to take your head off something you've been thinking too much about, just gotta be careful on what you reveal to him.

    EDIT: as I was chatting I got a prompt asking me to log in to continue the conversation. I logged in with my Google account, then kept going for a bit, then singned off and closed the conversation. After I told him I was going to close the tab he greeted me with my real name without me ever have mentioned it in the convo (of course, he took it from Google), but it still weirded the heck out of me. Be careful with what you share lol.

  • Has anyone defederated your instance? An update to the Defederation Investigator Defederation Investigator

    Discover who has defederated your Fediverse instance with the Defederation Investigator.

    Defederation Investigator

    A few months ago I released the Defederation Investigator, a tool to verify the federation status of Lemmy instances. With this new update, I've expanded it to support multiple Fediverse softwares, including:

    • Mastodon
    • Misskey
    • Mbin
    • Pleroma & Akkoma
    • Friendica


    This works both ways: you can verify which Mastodon (et al) instances have defederated your Lemmy instance, as well as check the federation status of an instance running any of the supported softwares.

    Like most of my works, this tool is FOSS and available on my team's GitHub.


    Many microblogging platforms, Mastodon included, offer admins the possibility of hiding their blocklists from the public. As it turns out many instances have chosen this approach, so the available information can be pretty limited at times.

    Also, this update has increased the pool of instances from a couple hundred to over 2 thousand, so query times have increased significantly. You can reduce them by deselecting some softwares from the query page (hint: most fedi instances are Mastodon ones, so by deselcting them you'll cut out over half of the pool).

    What about Kbin?

    To my knowledge, Kbin doesn't share its federation status through an API like most softwares do. Furthermore, given recent events, I have little faith in the Kbin project. Instead, I chose to support its community driven fork: Mbin.

    What about Peertube and Pixelfed?

    I tried looking through their API docs and wasn't able to find any endpoints sharing either federation or defederation statuses. If anyone is familiar with any of these softwares and has any ideas on what to do to retrieve such information feel free to contact me, I'd love to add support for both.

    What about ...?

    Want more softwares? Feel free to propose them. I'd like for this tool to support as many projects as possible.

    Introducing yet another AutoMod for Lemmy GitHub - ornato-t/lemmy-automoderator: An AutoMod bot for Lemmy.

    An AutoMod bot for Lemmy. Contribute to ornato-t/lemmy-automoderator development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - ornato-t/lemmy-automoderator: An AutoMod bot for Lemmy.

    cross-posted from:

    > I have built an AutoMod bot for my instance, The bot covers the following features: > > - Automated removal > - of posts, based on their title, content or link > - of comments, based on their content > - configurable with either regular expressions or substrings > - User whitelisting and exceptions for moderators to selectively lift some or all of the aforementioned rules for certain users. > - Mention based pinning and locking of a post, through commands exclusively available to the mod team > - Discord notifications for new registration applications through a webhook. [only for admins] > > Naturally, the bot is completely open source. I have also written a rather comprehensive (albeit long-winded) documentation and some examples. > > This project is mainly targeted towards admins of small instances, however anyone can spin up their own AutoMod instance for their favourite community (provided they are a moderator there). > The automoderator is also available as a Docker image, for ease of installation. > > Feel free to suggest any additional features that you might want to see added to this bot.

    Introducing yet another AutoMod for Lemmy GitHub - ornato-t/lemmy-automoderator: An AutoMod bot for Lemmy.

    An AutoMod bot for Lemmy. Contribute to ornato-t/lemmy-automoderator development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - ornato-t/lemmy-automoderator: An AutoMod bot for Lemmy.

    cross-posted from:

    > I have built an AutoMod bot for my instance, The bot covers the following features: > > - Automated removal > - of posts, based on their title, content or link > - of comments, based on their content > - configurable with either regular expressions or substrings > - User whitelisting and exceptions for moderators to selectively lift some or all of the aforementioned rules for certain users. > - Mention based pinning and locking of a post, through commands exclusively available to the mod team > - Discord notifications for new registration applications through a webhook. [only for admins] > > Naturally, the bot is completely open source. I have also written a rather comprehensive (albeit long-winded) documentation and some examples. > > This project is mainly targeted towards admins of small instances, however anyone can spin up their own AutoMod instance for their favourite community (provided they are a moderator there). > The automoderator is also available as a Docker image, for ease of installation. > > Feel free to suggest any additional features that you might want to see added to this bot.

    Introducing yet another AutoMod for Lemmy GitHub - ornato-t/lemmy-automoderator: An AutoMod bot for Lemmy.

    An AutoMod bot for Lemmy. Contribute to ornato-t/lemmy-automoderator development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - ornato-t/lemmy-automoderator: An AutoMod bot for Lemmy.

    I have built an AutoMod bot for my instance, The bot covers the following features:

    • Automated removal
      • of posts, based on their title, content or link
      • of comments, based on their content
      • configurable with either regular expressions or substrings
    • User whitelisting and exceptions for moderators to selectively lift some or all of the aforementioned rules for certain users.
    • Mention based pinning and locking of a post, through commands exclusively available to the mod team
    • Discord notifications for new registration applications through a webhook. [only for admins]

    Naturally, the bot is completely open source. I have also written a rather comprehensive (albeit long-winded) documentation and some examples.

    This project is mainly targeted towards admins of small instances, however anyone can spin up their own AutoMod instance for their favourite community (provided they are a moderator there). The automoderator is also available as a Docker image, for ease of installation.

    Feel free to suggest any additional features that you might want to see added to this bot.

    Capitalism bad or something

    Test post

    Idk. Not really sure what this community was about back on Reddit.

    return to monke Nerd02
    Banana 🍌

    Test post

    Political Compass of the Lemmyverse

    My humble takes on the most popular Lemmy instances, or "how to piss off the whole Fediverse with a single meme".

    Here are the links to each one of the mentioned instances:

    | Far Left | Centre Left | Centre Right | Far Right | | ----------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------- | | Lemmygrad | | |Exploding Heads | | Hexbear | | | | | Beehaw | Pricefield Lemmy | Based Count | | | Blåhaj Lemmy | Divisions by zero | Lemmy NSFW | Hack Liberty |

    [Back online] Has anyone defederated your instance? Introducing Defederation Investigator Defederation Investigator for Lemmy

    Discover who has defederated your Lemmy instance with the Defederation Investigator.

    Defederation Investigator for Lemmy

    EDIT 3: All good now, the DNS has done its thing and is fully operational! Once again, thank you all for having checked out my tool, it means a lot to me.

    Deploy problems, read more

    EDIT 2: I've managed to fix it as well as add some optimization measures. Now it shouldn't ramp up bandwith nearly as fast. The DNS records are still propagating for so that might not work, in the meantime you can use the free Netlify domain of

    EDIT 1: You guys played too much with my site and ended up consuming this entire month's 100GB limit of free quota, so the site is currently blocked.

    This is probably my most succesful project ever, thank you all for checking it out. It will take me some time to find another suitable host and move the project there.

    ORIGINAL POST: I couldn't find any tools to check this, so I built one myself.

    This is a little site I built: the Defederation Investigator With it, you can get a comprehensive view of which instances have blocked yours, as well as which ones you are federated with.

    The tool is open source and available on GitHub. Hopefully someone will find it useful, enjoy.

    ChadGPT's political compass. That was one fun project, wasn't it?

    The good thing about being on Lemmy is that we could bring back ChadGPT at any moment, without having to worry about the admins' banhammer.

    Plenty of stuff to do before that can happen, but it would be a fun throwback.

    Anyway, here are the links its funniest comment from his first rodeo on r/PCM. I took some creative liberty interpreting some of its comments. Most of those hardly made any sense.

    Extreme Left | Left | Center Left | Center Right | Right | Extreme Right |---|---|---|---|---|---| | Called Stalin based | Calls himself a tankie, claims to have destroyed villages in Ukraine | "Giant colusseum in NYC" | Comments on the Holocaust (NSFW) | Hates Purple LibRight | Converted to Islam, Mashallah | | "The government should take full control of the economy" | Thoguhts on the Nazis | On the topic of free speech | "I'm not a fascist" | 16 year old having an abortion | Abortion and monopoly | | "Gay marriage would create jobs" | AuthRights and trad wives | What is love? | How many genders are there? (pt. 1) | "CNN uses AIs to generate their content because they are out of original ideas" | "I don't really know what queer means" | | "My pronouns are she/it" | Condems cultural appropriation | Engages in philosophical discussion | "I think this bot is beyond our understanding of the compass" (sentient?) | About the subreddit that shan't be named | Thoughts on the LGBT community | | "Now we can focus on how many genders there are" | Single father | Open Internet | Has been involved in commercialising Q and G | We should expand in the Chinese market | Purple moment | | How many genders are there? (pt. 2) | Supports the complete removal of gender roles | Shits violently | "The industrial revolution was a mistake" | Used to sell weapons to Al-Qaeda | Supports the second amendment and the private ownership of tanks |

    Honourable mentions:

    Link to the full album.


    Disclaimer: the entirety of these comments were AI generated.
