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Hyperbor(ule)ean Hold 'em
  • I've only ever heard it used in pulpy adventure stories/comics like Howard's Conan world (some of which do admittedly have some if that implicit racism common to fiction from that time). Has it become more explicitly neo-Nazi?

  • Spare Trouser please understand it.
  • Still a beginner, so I'm also a little hazy on the rules for some of the other hand-specific jokers. Does a straight flush count as a straight and a flush when it comes to triggering jokers? Does a full house trigger pair and three-of-a-kind jokers?

  • Spare Trouser please understand it.
  • I can't count the number of times I've tried to play a double double run in this game. It's worth more than a two-pair, Goddamnit!

  • Hyperbor(ule)ean Hold 'em
  • Y'all got any more of them x3 jokers?

  • This sounds a bit like how "time blindness" feels
  • There's always a relevant xkcd

  • This sounds a bit like how "time blindness" feels
  • God, I spent so much time I didn't have playing KSP.

    On the plus side, I did learn the basics of rocket science, so it wasn't a total waste of time...

  • The experts weigh in.
  • My God, is there nowhere I can be safe from being reminded that my beloved SFG are utter trash this year?

  • It's real
  • Not to mention "barley in middle school"

    I don't know about you, but I think that's pretty good for a cereal crop.

  • Ah, no that was the captain of Deep Space 9. A real reactionary.
  • "Riker treats objects like women, man!"

  • Monastery Graveyard in the Snow - Caspar David Friedrich (1819) 🇩🇪
  • This should absolutely be an album cover for a black metal or trad doom band

    Edit: in fact, the branches are practically a black metal band logo already

  • fruit
  • It's actually not (just) the acidity. Pineapples and several other tropical fruits have an enzyme called papain that breaks down peptide bonds in a rather unique way, to the point that the texture of the meat can become quite off-putting if the enzyme is not used properly

    Edit: acidic or not, it's definitely best not to put any sensitive parts of your anatomy in pineapple juice

  • fruit
  • I believe that's a cantaloupe.

  • me_irl
  • Thanks! I knew I recognized the guy and the quote, but I couldn't place it until you gave me the Banksy quote. Thierry is a real piece of work.

  • Rover
  • On a Saturday morning, no less.

  • Pourque no los dos?
  • Anyone who's ever abused ketamine or DXM knows that dissociating from reality is relaxing.

    After all, have you seen reality lately?

  • Sorry, Matilda.
  • Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas movies. Just not that one. Any movie that paints a healthy level of skepticism as a negative has got some issues in my book.

  • Sorry, Matilda.
  • Any version of Miracle on 34th Street is gonna be a no from me, dawg. Love the actor, but that dumpster fire of a plot needs to be relegated to the dustbin of history.

  • Connect A Song NielsBohron
    Every Time I Die - Ebolarama

    I saw Alkaline Trio at the 2002 Warped Tour, which was fantastic (edit: in retrospect, I'd say 2000-2003 was truly the Golden Age of Warped Tour) Out of all the amazing bands I saw/discovered, the one I still listen to to this day is ETiD, so I connected my favorite song from the 2002 era, "Ebolarama"

    Connect A Song NielsBohron
    mewithoutYou - All Circles

    My favorite song about circles

    Connect A Song NielsBohron
    A Perfect Circle - Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythms of the War Drums

    "Go back to sleep!"

    It's been linked before but it's been stuck in my head ever since the Luda song got posted

    sunn O))) - "My Wall"
  • That's kinda their schtick. It's not really my thing, but some metalheads rally get into the tone/noise worship. Personally, any music that is hard to tell apart from a diesel generator is not really my thing, but to each their own.

  • Connect A Song NielsBohron
    Sleep - Dragonaut

    When I clicked link to the Sunn O))) song, YouTube Music's next recommendation was for Sleep, so here's my favorite "single" by that band, "Dragonaut"

    edit: If I was to link my favorite song by Sleep, it'd be Dopesmoker, but not everyone is into an hour-long album consisting of a single song, so I usually play to the masses

    Connect A Song NielsBohron
    Black Flag - My War

    In the Don Henley song, he references "a Dead Head sticker on a Cadillac," but in the cover by The Ataris, it's updated to "a Black Flag sticker on a Cadillac," so I thought of the title track to my favorite Black Flag album

    Connect A Song NielsBohron
    Rose Royce - Car Wash

    "Le Freak" is a prime example of funk/RnB evolving into disco, so I always need to follow up "Le Freak" with one of the three best disco-funk songs:

    Today I posted "Car Wash" because that intro is so completely capitvating and unlike most anything else from the disco era (although I suppose the same could be said of "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood")

    Connect A Song NielsBohron
    Reverend Horton Heat - Psychobilly Freakout

    Hot rods make me think of greasers and pinup girls, which makes me think of psychobilly

    Connect A Song NielsBohron
    Islands - Jogging Gorgeous Summer

    Plum's connection to Gomez got me thinking about songs and bands that are tied to specific memories, which reminded me this song by Islands, which I listened to extensively while on one of my first and best vacations I took with my wife.

    edit: Also, this is a fantastic summer/tropical holiday song

    Connect A Song NielsBohron
    Placebo - Pure Morning

    Something about the delivery on the chorus by the vocalist from Girl in a Coma reminded me of the singer in this song by Placebo.

    Also the singer from Placebo is pretty androgenous, which continues the whole Bowie theme, too .

    Connect A Song NielsBohron
    Bob Dylan - Maggie's Farm

    From one song about the struggles of the working class to another

    Connect A Song NielsBohron
    Creedence Clearwater Revival - Someday Never Comes

    The Day-> Someday

    Connect A Song NielsBohron
    Neil Young - The Needle and the Damage Done

    From one song about heroin use to another. Also, Neil Young is often described as "The Godfather of Grunge," and Alice in Chains is one of the quintessential Seattle grunge bands.

    Connect A Song NielsBohron
    Eddie Izzard - For the Benefit of Mr. Kite (from *Across the Universe*)

    Dario from the previous post reminded me of Eddie Izzard's look from this scene of Across the Universe

    Connect A Song NielsBohron
    Ke$ha - Gold Trans Am

    Another song about a Trans Am (and taking chances)

    Connect A Song NielsBohron
    Acid King - Drive Fast, Take Chances

    Just as the previous post mentioned, stoner/doom songs are perfect for driving

    Connect A Song NielsBohron
    Kendrick Lamar - Alright

    Dr Dre is one of the producers and members of NWA, and he went on to mentor a young rapper from Compton named Kendrick Lamar.

    Also, both songs are heavily critical of the disproportionate policing of Black neighborhoods and have been used as protest songs by the Black Lives Matter movement

    Connect A Song NielsBohron
    The White Stripes - Hello Operator

    Like Ween, the White Stripes is a rock duo where both members of the duo share the same surname (on stage)

    Connect A Song NielsBohron
    Cowboy Bebop - Opening Title

    This song also incorporates scenes from a Japanese animated sci-fi series, and the video is also from the 90's (and it's now stuck in my head for the foreseeable future)

    3, 2, 1, let's go...for a rewatch

    Connect A Song NielsBohron
    Jane's Addiction - Jane Says

    Jane, Jane, Jane...Everything's always about Jane!

    Connect A Song NielsBohron
    Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit

    The thumbnail of the previous post and the name of the song both heavily reminded me of Surrealistic Pillow, the Jefferson Airplane album that has "White Rabbit."

    NielsBohron NielsBohron
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