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  • Wonder if connected vehicles and phones with traffic data cut into their audience.

    I liked listening to them when shit was hitting the fan though, especially if I wasn’t impacted.

  • Screen Time?
  • Weekdays we allow screen time for about an hour after bath time. Only curated educational and play apps. Absolutely no video, browser, messaging or video chat (kids are both under 6).

    They get YouTube kids and Netflix kids enabled accounts on Friday and Saturday evening. Both only allow videos or creators we approve. Search is off.

    Everything shuts off at least an hour before bedtime. Any serious arguing or fighting is tech timeout for the whole day or more.

    It’s not perfect but it works for the time being. We use an app called Kidslox to manage their devices.

    All bets are off for sick days.

    Bluey, inspector gadget (my contribution), blaze and the monster machines, true and the rainbow kingdom, ada twist scientist.

  • Millennial dads spend 3 times as much time with their kids than previous generations -
  • I love spending time with my kids. Gonna get all the cuddles I can in before they grow out of that stage.

    My daughter says she wants to marry me. 🥰

    I told her it’s not possible and she was pretty sad, so I told her she needs to find someone who loves her and treasures her as much as dad does (a very tall order). If the person she likes doesn’t live up to those standards then they’re not the right person for her and move on.

    I did have to lay down the law pretty firmly to my no wife no kids coworkers who love to live at the office. Family always takes priority over work crap.

  • Apple Intelligence Features Not Coming to European Union at Launch Due to DMA
  • Lol. No.

    I think more and more companies are going to make the EU a tech backwater because nobody will want to innovate in such an unfriendly area where woke lawmakers will try and mess up your business model.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • You don’t need to choose. It’s just a matter of the right tool for the job. I use a Mac for all of my work stuff because it’s so effortless and easy. I use a PC for gaming on and I use Linux for my servers.

    Doesn’t need to be one or the other, pick your job and pick the tool that lets you get the job done the most efficiently or easiest.

  • Renewed drives
  • I've been using renewed (refurbished) 8TB drives off of Ebay - SAS 8TB for $50-60 each. Not a single failure in over a year on the dozen or so drives I'm running right now. I'm running unRAID with a combination of unRAID's native array drives (for media and "disposable" stuff) in a dual parity config, and ZFS (with snapshots replicated to a live backup on a secondary server) for important personal stuff (and backed-up off-site a few times a year).

    Even if something were to perish, I have enough spares to just chuck one in and let it resilver without worrying at all. I'm content with this as a homelabber and when I'm not supplying critical service for a business, etc.

  • 6.12.9 Released

    No issues upgrading either my main server or my backup (both are supermicro platforms).

    datahoarder Nogami
    Super micro sas826a backplane

    Just wondering if anyone knows which SAS connectors on the SAS826A backplane control which ports?

    On my current setup only ports 8-11 are working so got some troubleshooting ahead of me.

    The online manuals show the connectors but unhelpfullyndont indicate which ports are being used for each.

    Also, anyone know what the ribbon cable beside the SAS wires is used for on supermicro cables? I don’t recall seeing it on other SAS cables.

    Daddit - Parenting for Dads Nogami
    kids always wanting one parent?

    Just wondering what you do when the kids always want one parent over another?

    Both of my kids are always about daddy (me). Even when mom spends time with them (2 and 5), they’re still asking about daddy all the time and it’s driving her crazy because they always want time with me rather than her.

    I absolutely adore spending time with both of them. I’ll bathe them, put one of them to bed (mom gets the other one and we alternate), I help them get dressed in the morning, drive them to school and pick them up about half the time, change diapers and everything.

    I’m very aware that you get 4 or 5 years with your kids then they’re not your little kids anymore and that part of all of your lives is gone forever.

    looking for perfect wallet suggestions (list inside)

    Ok it’s a wish list but I’m trying to check all boxes.

    • slim design
    • card ejector mechanism
    • AirTag integrated without a massive unsightly bump
    • MagSafe connection to iPhone
    • brown or black leather (optional but preferred over metal)
    • price $120 max

    I haven’t found any options yet which check all boxes.

    Daddit - Parenting for Dads Nogami
    The "bumpy shortcut".

    Getting my kids (2 and 5) out the door in the morning can be a challenge (you know it) so I decided to try and take something mundane and make it special. The “bumpy shortcut”.

    Really it’s just a back laneway to my youngest’s childcare and a slight detour for kindergarten drop off, each with a set of speed bumps. But it’s different and had a name they can latch onto.

    And so…. Everyone has had breakfast and got their shoes on, so we have time for the bumpy shortcut today!

    Or (looks like we’re not focused enough today to get out the door on time, guess we can’t take the bumpy shortcut).

    When I do the “shortcut” I make a game out of who gets the big bumps at speed and who gets a “little bump”.

    They both love it. Try and take something every day and make it special for them!

    Problem finding flashlights for camping...

    I have to work, but the family is going camping without me. Wife asks which flashlight she can borrow to take with her and the kids.

    I’m rocked to the core. Visions of Obi Wan just casually handing Luke a lightsaber to swing around in his house.

    My flashlights only range between “hotter and brighter than the sun” to “wouldn’t be out of place on a police helicopter”.

    Nothing in this range is remotely qualified for use by wife and kids, much less dealing with the batteries that power them.

    The only solution is buy more flashlights. Maybe something that also uses AA batteries (le barf).

    MYP Hankook Ventus S1 AS

    Just wondering if anyone has any experience with the aforementioned Hankook tires on their MYP (or in general for Hankook?).

    Still have one more season or so left on my 2020 tires but want to be ready when the time comes.

    Daddit - Parenting for Dads Nogami
    Water game inspired by Bluey

    So, inspired by Bluey, I started playing a new water-based game with my son and daughter, for the past few months, who absolutely love it.

    Welcome to "Crocodile" (it's inspired by Australia, after all!)

    1. Dad is at one end of the water with one of the child's toys sitting next to him on the edge of tub or pool.
    2. Child magically turns dad into an animal (Crocodile was the first one), so dad magically turns into a very sleepy crocodile protecting his "treasure" with his eyes closed.
    3. Child has to sneak past to retrieve their toy from the crocodile, who sleeps rather restlessly, and occasionally flexes/snaps it's jaws (dads arms) as noise and ripples disturb it's otherwise tranquil slumber.

    Of course I give them a few "scares", then let them grab the toy, to the tune of much giggling.

    We've also done

    • jellyfish (fingers floating lazily on the water), no stinging, but these jellies tickle!
    • hippo (snoozing with mouth under water, breathing through nose blowing bubbles)
    • ducky (two fingers clicking together), not super scary.
    • and monkey (mostly just noise).

    Anyway, as usual, thanks to Bluey for getting dad thinking outside the box to play with his kids even more.

    A month without EDCing any sort of edged tools...

    So off to Japan for a month and it appears that my EDC is going to suffer as Japanese law prohibits people carrying any sort of edged tool unless they need it for their work. Kinda sucks for a country known around the world for crafting sharp blades.

    Apparently any sort of run-in with law enforcement pretty much guarantees a bad time if you have so much as a Swiss Army knife with you. Keeping in your hotel is fine, but walking around with it is not.

    Makes me a bit (lot) sad. I’ve EDCed a small Kershaw or Benchy with me for the better part of the last 5 years or so.

    Backup plan is going to be a flashlight or two. Those aren’t prohibited. Probably a Hank light and a tiny rechargeable I can keep in my pocket.

    Automatic shutdown if system temp is high?

    Got some extreme warm weather coming and I'm going to be out of town for a while. Can't trust the inlaws staying here to do anything server related.

    Anyone know of a plugin or script to automatically shutdown if the system temp is too high?

    Travel during Obon?

    So I'm trying to find time to meet up with a friend of mine, and the only mutually workable time seems to be during the Obon holiday, which they described as "a nightmare" for travel.

    I've been to Japan a number of times and speak relatively well, however I've never happened to be there during Obon before.

    Is travel a total non-starter, or does it just require extra planning and booking everything well in advance? My route would be from Tokyo to Niigata, then back again on the Shinkansen.

    6.12.1 released

    Bug fixes

    emhttpd: remove "unraid" from reserved names list emhttpd: properly handle "ERROR" strings in 'btrfs filesystem show' command output emhttpd: prevent cmdStart if already Started network: Revised service reload functionality: ensures the services are only reloaded once network: rc.library: read IP addresses directly from interfaces instead of file network: NTP: fix listening interfaces network: NTP: exclude WG tunnels and user defined interfaces network: NTP: add interface name in config network: SSH: add interface name in config webgui: fix PHP8 warning in UPS Settings page webgui: Dashboard: show ZFS percentage based on c_max value webgui: Dashboard: suppress coloring of ZFS utilization bar webgui: Dashboard: olther misc fixes

    Linux kernel

    version 6.1.34

    Base Distro

    ttyd: version 1.7.3 (fixes issue of invisible underbar characters with certain FireFox versions)

    Security updates

    ca-certificates: version 20230506 curl: version 8.1.2 (CVE-2023-28322 CVE-2023-28321 CVE-2023-28320 CVE-2023-28319) git: version 2.35.8 (CVE-2023-25652 CVE-2023-25815 CVE-2023-29007) ntp: version 4.2.8p17 (CVE-2023-26551 CVE-2023-26552 CVE-2023-26553 CVE-2023-26554 CVE-2023-26555) openssl: version 1.1.1u (CVE-2023-2650) openssh: version 9.3p1 php: version 8.2.7 libX11: version 1.8.6 (CVE-2023-3138) libssh: version 0.10.5 (CVE-2023-1667 CVE-2023-2283) zstd: version 1.5.5

    Thoughts on going ZFS with 6.12 RCs

    So just to get some content going on Lemmy, and get contributing here, thought I'd write a bit about going to 6.12 RC with a ZFS pool and what I've done on my server to try and make use of that newfound ability...

    Original configuration (pre 6.12):

    • 17 unRAID array drives in XFS format
    • dual parity
    • 2 NVMEs (cache and appdata are separate) in XFS format
    • XFS formatted
    • Backed-up daily with rsync to a second unRAID server on my LAN.

    New configuration 6.12 (currently RC8)

    • 13 unRAID array drives in XFS format
    • dual parity
    • 4 x 8TB drives in a ZFS raidz1 pool
    • 2 NVMEs (cache and appdata are separate) in ZFS format with compression enabled.
    • Backed-up hourly with ZFS snapshots

    Why the change?

    • Going to ZFS for my "important data", which is to say, personal documents, family photos (yay babies!)
    • Enables snapshots to help aid in the event of a "soft" data error (file being accidentally deleted, overwritten, or maliciously damaged by software, etc, bitrot, etc). Also enables extremely quick replications to my backup server.
    • Faster access to those personal documents with data striped across 4 drives.
    • Keeping main array as unRAID array drives for "easily replaceable data" (mostly media files, linux ISOs, etc.) so I can expand it easily by chucking another drive in my server or up-sizing an older drive easily.

    Enhanced backups through ZFS:

    • ZFS has some rather remarkable options for data backups that are enabled by the snapshot capability of the filesystem. Rather than sending individual files across the network and having to laboriously calculate the differences between each file on the dataset (part of the ZFS volume), you can essentially just send the "difference" between snapshots which can stream between servers in a very short time (usually only a couple of seconds in my case).

    This means I have my system continually backed-up on an hourly basis, with saved snapshots every hour, and every day/month for half a year.

    Plugins in use

    The current unraid RC8 supports ZFS pools, however GUI support for managing ZFS pools is lacking. I'm using the following plugins and tools to accomplish everything (available through App installs):

    • ZFS Master for Unraid, makes most ZFS operations a GUI interaction rather than terminal. I've heard rumblings that unRAID may acquire/in-house this plugin to add the functionality to the GUI. It would be worthwhile.
    • Sanoid, automatically handles ZFS snapshots, as well as rotating snapshots based on the number of required snapshots per month and/or day. Enables sending ZFS snapshots to a backup server and rotating those snapshots as well to ensure continuity of data. Requires a bit of config file editing by hand to make it work, and setting-up a cron script but nothing difficult (it's well-documented) and was about 5 min to set up successfully.

    Backup thoughts

    RAID (of any type) is not backup. That said, I have part of the "3-2-1" backup strategy automatically enabled here, with my main server backing up the "important stuff" to a separate backup server also running unRAID. That covers having 2 copies of my data on separate devices, however it does not cover keeping one copy off-site as well.

    I do have a removable drive in my backup system (currently in XFS format) that's mounted through unassigned devices that I will insert and sync my ZFS pools to twice a year, then go and put in a safe deposit box off-site to ensure it's reliably protected. I currently use XFS for this as it's easy to just plug into any system and get at my files. ZFS is still not as well supported on Windows and Mac systems, but I may go there in the future.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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