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Here's why proportional representation is important.
  • Me in Australia: finally something we're ahead of everyone on

  • Labour wins majority in UK General Elections as Tories lose two-thirds of seats
  • If the UK had a preferential voting system the Tories would have won a lot more seats

  • What generation are you?
  • Zillenial or younger millenial

  • An ounce of prevention: Now is the time to take action on H5N1 avian flu, because the stakes are enormous
  • It feels like our public health systems have gone backwards since covid. Not because we don't have the skills and resources, but because of ideology.

  • Man Sets Himself on Fire Near Courthouse Where Trump Is on Trial
  • If you interpret the appendix as an ending then it's a lot less pessimistic as it implies that all totalitarian regimes eventually fall.

  • There's a baby drought in Australia. Maybe we should fund IVF?
  • I'm a trauma researcher. So many people shouldn't have kids.

  • What person can help me sort out the big picture of my life?
  • I have a bachelors in psychology so was able to pick based on my understanding of approaches. I knew I didn't want CBT, so went with an ACT psych instead. Mine is also a developmental psychologist so I knew they'd be more likely to understand neurodevelopmental disabilities than your average psychologist.

  • What person can help me sort out the big picture of my life?
  • I'm Audhd and pretty much use my psychologist for all of this.

  • Daylight saving has 80% support in Australia and a majority in every state
  • It's interesting that people want daylight savings in qld during summer because we spend most of summer wanting the sun to fuck off.

  • We compared the finances of 30-year-olds now, to 30-year-olds 30 years ago
  • Fuck this was depressing to read. Validating though.

  • Artist behind Mona’s ladies-only lounge ‘absolutely delighted’ man is suing for gender discrimination
  • Amazing public relations campaign if this is all part of a marketing thing.

  • ‘Ultra wealthy’ Gen Xers are proving more resistant to returning to the office.
  • The boomers have been really successfull in simultaneously punching down across the generations and making us punch down on each other at the same time.

  • Does this plan make sense? v2
  • We have a small population and mandatory voting means everyone gets a vote by default. We also have a different culture around voting because the majority of us have to do it. We have sausage sizzles and democracy dogs. I've personally worked at polls all over my state and there's never been a line longer than 10 people. It takes most people like 5 mins max to vote. We make voting easy in Australia because everyone has to do it.

    It's worth noting that it's not all that mandatory. It's relatively easy to simply avoid enrolling to vote. You're not automatically enrolled in other words. Also it's really easy to just sign your name off at the poll and hand in a blank vote. The worst outcome of not voting is a fine that you can pretty easily get out of as well.

  • Israeli troops gun down thousands of Palestinians awaiting aid in north Gaza
  • Gonna throw a hat in the ring here for the British Empire as the king of genocide.

  • Argentinian President calls for destruction of Al-Aqsa Mosque
  • Wonder if he got this advice from his dog

  • A new global gender divide is emerging | Financial Times
  • Subjectification. People normalise what's normal for them.

  • New gender gap
  • Surely this is intersectional though right? Not all men are the same or have the same experience of political issues. I can see how straight white cis men might feel like these spaces aren't for them. But queer men might feel differently about this. Black men also.

    Also if you feel like existing spaces aren't for you, then free to create your own spaces. There's nothing holding you back.

  • Support for Australia Day celebration on January 26 drops: new research
  • We do the queen/king's bday on a different date to whatever the current Monarch's actual bday is. Surely we could just do the same thing with any of these other dates.

  • Employers push for staff to return to the office after working from home as commercial property values plunge Why more employers are forcing staff back to the office after working from home

    Some bosses are tying bonuses to getting people back into the office. But with "work from home" the most searched-for term on job websites, the push-and-pull is a source of contention.

    Why more employers are forcing staff back to the office after working from home
    Aussie households are spending less on streaming services, annual report reveals Australians are spending less on streaming services, but rising cost of living isn't the only reason why

    Pricey entertainment subscription services are getting the chop from more Aussie households as consumers turn to free or cheaper ad-based content for entertainment, a new report reveals.

    Australians are spending less on streaming services, but rising cost of living isn't the only reason why
    John Howard says he ‘always had trouble’ with the concept of multiculturalism John Howard says he ‘always had trouble’ with the concept of multiculturalism

    Former Australian prime minister tells right-wing conference that immigrants should ‘adopt the values and practices’ of their new country

    John Howard says he ‘always had trouble’ with the concept of multiculturalism
    The ‘Yes’ case responds: ‘It’s a white flag from Labor’ The ‘Yes’ case responds: ‘It’s a white flag from Labor’

    After a week of silence, leading ‘Yes’ campaigners have begun to detail three ways forward for the movement – including fighting to keep Peter Dutton out of office.

    The ‘Yes’ case responds: ‘It’s a white flag from Labor’

    After a week of silence, leading ‘Yes’ campaigners have begun to detail three ways forward for the movement – including fighting to keep Peter Dutton out of office.

    Disability royal commission hands down final report with 222 recommendations for change 'Pride, but also grief': Government to start taskforce following disability royal commission final report

    After an inquiry lasting four-and-a-half years, the royal commission makes 222 recommendations for change.

    'Pride, but also grief': Government to start taskforce following disability royal commission final report

    The disability royal commission made 222 recommendations for change The commissioners were split on key areas like education, work and group homes The government has set up a taskforce, but gave no immediate response to the recommendations

    Some Australians fear disability is 'infecting' the lives of non-disabled people, royal commissioner says Some Australians fear disability is 'infecting' the lives of non-disabled people, royal commissioner says

    There are fears in the Australian community that disability is "infecting" and interfering with the lives of non-disabled people, a disability royal commissioner has told its closing ceremony in Sydney.

    Some Australians fear disability is 'infecting' the lives of non-disabled people, royal commissioner says

    Key points:

    • The disability royal commission is wrapping up after four-and-a-half years
    • Emotions ran high at the commission's ceremonial closing, attended by people with disability from across the country
    • The inquiry's chair says the media hasn't given the inquiry the attention it deserves

    Solidarity with all my fellow disabled folks today.

    Greens agree to support Labor’s $10bn housing fund, breaking months-long impasse Greens agree to support Labor’s $10bn housing fund, breaking months-long impasse

    Greens leader Adam Bandt and housing spokesperson Max Chandler-Mather say minor party will now support Housing Australia Future Fund

    Greens agree to support Labor’s $10bn housing fund, breaking months-long impasse

    Greens leader Adam Bandt and housing spokesperson Max Chandler-Mather say minor party will now support Housing Australia Future Fund

    Record number of Australians at risk of mortgage stress as RBA interest rate rises bite Record number of Australians at risk of mortgage stress as RBA interest rate rises bite

    Roy Morgan research shows 1.5 million people – almost a third of all mortgage holders – are spending 25 to 45% of their income on their home loan

    Record number of Australians at risk of mortgage stress as RBA interest rate rises bite
    How did Australia’s university system get so broken? Pretty much the same way as everything else How did Australia’s university system get so broken? Pretty much the same way as everything else | Jeff Sparrow

    We live amid the wreckage of formerly treasured institutions and services, despoiled by decades of marketisation and neglect

    How did Australia’s university system get so broken? Pretty much the same way as everything else | Jeff Sparrow

    On Monday, unionised workers at the University of Melbourne (where I teach) will go on strike. In the faculty of arts, the Melbourne law school, student services and library services we’ll stay out for a week – longer than any previous dispute at an Australian university.

    Readers of a certain age might marvel at the recent wave of industrial action in higher education, perhaps remembering their own campus days with fond nostalgia.

    But the system they recall no longer exists.

    Across the sector, casual and sessional staff now deliver between 50% and 80% of undergraduate teaching. Many tutors don’t know from semester to semester whether they’ll have jobs – an insecurity that can last decades. Often they work at multiple institutions, assembling a patchwork of contracts through which to support themselves.

    Naturally, such conditions affect students, many of whom now face the unexpected indexation of the huge debts they’ve run up to attend higher education in Australia – and in return receive minimal attention from staff. In some places, sessional employees have been allocated just 10 minutes to read an assignment and provide feedback.

    Widespread precarity has facilitated a culture of illegal underpayment, with more than $80m in underpayments uncovered since 2020 across public universities, according to the National Tertiary Education Union’s wage theft report. The University of Melbourne alone has been forced to repay $45m in stolen wages.

    Both permanent and casual staff report being constantly overworked. A recent open letter signed by more than 100 members of the Melbourne law school says: “In our experience … many full-time employees work well in excess of 50 hours per week; many part-time employees work full-time hours; and increasingly, we hear of colleagues working during annual and long service leave and not taking sick leave when ill.”

    How did higher education get so broken? Pretty much the same way as everything else. We live amid the wreckage of formerly treasured institutions and services, despoiled by decades of marketisation and neglect.

    Think of universal healthcare, something of which Australians were once rightly proud. Like education, the system looks serviceable enough if you squint at it from the outside. But behind the veneer, healthcare workers report ongoing staff shortages in chronically underfunded hospitals, with beds often unavailable and emergency departments stretched beyond capacity.

    Back in 1945, Ben Chifley explained that every man and woman possessed “an indefeasible right” to social security.

    “Deprivation of those rights or whittling down of the terms of those provisions would,” he said, “be a breach of trust with the whole Australian nation.”

    Today, in a far, far richer country than Chifley could ever have imagined, the majority of those receiving jobseeker and parenting payments live below the Henderson poverty line. As a recent government report explained, many of the unemployed lack the ability to meet “the essentials of life”.

    During the second world war, the old Commonwealth Housing Commission described the provision of affordable housing as a fundamental responsibility of government. “We consider,” it explained, “that a dwelling of good standard and equipment is not only the need but the right of every citizen – whether the dwelling is to be rented or purchased, no tenant or purchaser should be exploited for excessive profit.”

    In 2023, almost three-quarters of young people believe they’ll never own a home. As for rent, Anglicare’s Kasy Chambers says bluntly: “Virtually no part of Australia is affordable for aged care workers, early childhood educators, cleaners, nurses and many other essential workers we rely on.”

    Once upon a time, even Bob Menzies could urge funding for universities on the basis that they upheld “values which are other than pecuniary”.

    But Menzies’ Tory paternalism suffered the same fate as Curtin and Chifley’s social democratic reformism, supplanted by a philosophy that considers “values other than pecuniary” a category error.

    Higher education duly evolved into a huge industry, raking in billions from the lucrative overseas student market. Jockeying for profit, the universities employed the same strategies as other corporations, spending millions on consultants, including from scandal-ridden companies like PwC.

    FOI documents from 2018-19 and 2019-20 revealed the extraordinary remuneration of top university executives: the 50 highest-paid employees at Sydney, Queensland and UNSW took home $350,000 a year, even before super and other benefits.

    Many vice-chancellors receive huge bonuses on top of their already engorged salaries.

    The University of Sydney pays Mark Scott a salary of $1.1m including bonuses; at Melbourne University, Duncan Maskell takes home $1.5m annually. Yet both Sydney and Melbourne feature among the worst-rated campuses in surveys of undergraduate experiences.

    It doesn’t have to be like this. We don’t have to accept the transformation of our institutions into corporations enriching the few while others have to strike for basic conditions. If previous generations could imagine services wholly dedicated to the public good, there’s no reason why we can’t do the same.

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