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Signal is Flawed, Why XMPP is Amazing! (new animated video)
  • correction: he wants the Phone Microwave (Name Subject to Change)

  • Thoughts on MEGA
  • I use proton drive. I do not trust kim dotcom

  • Fairphone drawbacks?
  • It doesn't have a headphone jack (reason why I didn't get one)

  • Removed
    TIL is a pro-authoritarian CCP shill instance
  • China isn't marxist-leninist though, not even Maoist anymore since Deng Xiaoping took over. They are very much capitalist (otherwise they wouldn't try to undermine workers rights movements (gotta keep exploiting the proletariate for that sweet surplus value) and try to get rid of marxist and maoist student clubs etc)

  • Reddit’s decline will look more like Tumblr’s than Digg’s
  • Tumblr is kinda back imo. But the main reason for it's death was also that the company that bought tumblr back then thought it would be the new PDF...yes you heard me right...

  • Noreia Noreia
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