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I'd prefer to have the unlimited plan
  • I think we don't actually disagree and I was just not precise enough in my original post.

    What I described above applies to abilities that are relevant in combat and any other type of encounter that the respective system mechanically treats as a conflict similar to combat. That absolutely does not mean other abilities should not exist, just that they should not be practically usable during an ongoing combat-like short term conflict.

    Also: Abilities that are useful in short term combat-like conflicts and abilities that are not should not compete for mechanical resources of any kind, that is never fun.

  • I'd prefer to have the unlimited plan
  • It was my impression that we are at this point discussing (rp)game design in general, not specifically D&D. If your context was D&D specifically, that explains a lot of the disagreement between us.

  • I'd prefer to have the unlimited plan
  • I absolutely do want mechanical homogenization. Interesting variants can be handled with flavor without forcing everyone to learn completely new rules for every ability. The existence of generic rule systems (e.g. Savage Worlds) proves I am not alone with that view.

  • I'd prefer to have the unlimited plan
  • That sounds nice in theory, but actually charging stuff for several rounds while the encounter is already ongoing practically just means one player is doing nothing for most of the encounter. Not ideal.

    I was thinking more along the lines of preparation before the actual encounter even starts, e.g. setting up an ambush or the magical equivalent of building a trebuchet during a siege.

  • I'd prefer to have the unlimited plan
  • Most abilities should be either "per round/turn" or "per encounter".

    Abilities that are too powerful for that should either not exist or require significant preparation (enough for the opposition to have a chance to discover and interrupt it).

    Abilities that fall in the second category should automatically come with a less powerful variant in the first category.

    Maybe as a middle ground some player abilities could use the "roll for recharge" mechanic from powerful monster abilities.

  • Gitea launches cloud service to provide a secure alternative to GitHub and GitLab
  • Self-Hosting GitHub is available under the name "GitHub Enterprise", but there is nothing stopping a smaller company from getting an "Enterprise" license. At my job we are running self-hosted GitHub for less than 50 developers.

  • Ski alpin: Klima-Aktivisten stören Slalom in Gurgl
  • TV-Experte Felix Neureuther am BR-Mikrofon: "Sie sollen von mir aus friedlich protestieren. Lasst uns reden oder was weiß ich."

    Weil das mit den leicht zu ignorierenden Protestformen bisher ja so gut funktioniert hat.

    Außerdem: Schnee orange anmalen und ein Rennen für 10 min unterbrechen ist nicht unbedingt das was mir bei "nicht friedlichem Protest" als erstes in den Sinn kommt.

  • Danke für die Feststellung, auch wenn diese Eilmeldung einige Jahre zu spät kommt.
  • Verfassungsschutzchef Hollmann sagte weiter: "Wir leben in einer wehrhaften Demokratie. Darin wirkt der Verfassungsschutz als ein Frühwarnsystem. Er warnt die Öffentlichkeit vor verfassungsfeindlichen Bestrebungen, damit niemand sagen kann, er hätte es nicht gewusst."

    Also wenn das jetzt früh ist will ich gar nicht wissen was spät wäre. Dass die AfD rechtsextrem ist war schon seit Jahren für alle die es nicht absichtlich ignoriert haben offensichtlich.

  • Danke für die Feststellung, auch wenn diese Eilmeldung einige Jahre zu spät kommt.
  • Ab wie vielen gesichert rechtsextremen Landesverbänden dürfen wir dann die ganze Partei als Nazi-Partei bezeichnen ohne empörte Reaktionen auszulösen, dass wir bösen linksgrünversifften Gutmenschen ja ständig alles in die rechte Ecke stellen und erst dadurch überhaupt Leute radikalisieren?

    Dumme Frage, Entschuldigung, das hört natürlich nie auf weil es noch nie was mit der Realität zu tun hatte.

  • Microsoft's acquisition of Activision Blizzard is now finalized
  • By joining hands with Activision Blizzard, we hope to achieve our vision of enabling people to connect and play fabulous gambling games anytime, anywhere, and anyhow they like.

    (emphasis mine)

    So the CEO of Microsoft obviously has no idea about the difference between gaming and gambling. Fair enough, nobody has to care about every possible hobby. But it is a bit wild that they just took that quote and ran with it and nobody said "Hey, is it ok to slightly edit it so it is less obvious you don't know jack shit about this topic?".

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