NotAtWork @ NotAtWork Posts 0Comments 133Joined 1 yr. ago
There was a time when if someone wanted to reach you after hours they had to call your house and leave a message on your answering machine. now you have "bosses" that get pissy if you take 5 minutes to respond to a text in the middle of the night.
Discovery season 4 once they get outside the galaxy, is amazing, seeking out new life and new civilization, discovering a novel method of communication, and solving a galaxy spanning threat by talking.
Seasonally and yearly there are different demands for crops. The government incentivizes and disincentivizes growing different crops at different times to promote a healthy market, and stable food supply.
Flat Screens are just a conspiracy to make us complacent, with high latency and accept that the absence of light is the same as dark gray lite.
Why is it so hard for you?
could also be a reflection of male privilege.
Lets Go! Dark Biden JACKED UP on Freedom Steroids! riding his Socialist Bicycle into a brighter future!
And he's had half a decade to get worse since then.
{ "hash": "0000000000000bae09a7a393a8acded75aa67e46cb81f7acaa5ad94f9eacd103", "ver": 1, "prev_block": "00000000000007d0f98d9edca880a6c124e25095712df8952e0439ac7409738a", "mrkl_root": "935aa0ed2e29a4b81e0c995c39e06995ecce7ddbebb26ed32d550a72e8200bf5", "time": 1322131230, "bits": 437129626, "nonce": 2964215930, "n_tx": 22, "size": 9195, "block_index": 818044, "main_chain": true, "height": 154595, "received_time": 1322131301, "relayed_by": "", "tx": [ "--Array of Transactions--" ] }
Yes very human readable. All the "benefits" blockchain are in a properly managed database, but the database takes about the power of 3 or 4 lightbulbs to manage, the Blockchain takes as much power as Ireland.
AGI Artificial General Intelligence doesn't exist that is what people think of in sci-fi like Data or Hal. LLM or Large Language Models like CHAT GPT are the hallucinating chat bots, they are just more convincing than the previous generations. There are lots of other AI models that have been used for years to solve large data problems.
Never get involved in a land war in Asia, never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line, and never fuck with AMERICA'S BOATS!
Don't feed the troll.
NFTs aren't the solution to this, public read access to the database is.
A LLM is terrible for molecular analysis, AI can be used but not LLM.
So does English, in Russian Putin's name is Путин.
You are the One True Leftist, your head is burred in theory, you discount the possible unintended repercussions of your positions, and as a result you bring a dictator in to power that kills millions.
Or you are a troll.
huh, I missed that one, I was looking for live rounds, there are a few other instances involving blanks or prop guns:
The Girl of the Golden West (1915). Actor House Peters Sr. suffered serious burns to his face and hands when a prop pistol exploded upon being fired.
The General (1926). During filming of the epic comedy in Oregon, there were a number of incidents. Several National Guardsmen, employed as extras for the Civil War battle scenes, were injured by mishaps caused by misfired muskets or explosions. Director and star Buster Keaton was knocked unconscious when he stood too close to a cannon firing. Assistant director Harry Barnes was accidentally hit in the face by a blank charge. Train brakeman Fred Lowry sued the production for US$2,900 after his foot was crushed when it was run over by a locomotive wheel during filming of one of the railway scenes
Die Hard (1988). Bruce Willis lost two-thirds of his hearing in his left ear after firing a gun loaded with extra-loud blanks from underneath a table.
there was also:
My Life for Ireland (1941). An anti-British propaganda film made by Nazi Germany. During the epic final-battle scene set during the Irish Civil War, several extras were killed when one of them stepped on a live land mine. The footage is said to have been included in the release prints, although no proof of this has been established
but that's more of a where did you get a live land mine issue.
people used to do it all the time, but as it was passed around it degraded now all you get is "/s"
Your forgetting about his Tactile Telekinesis.