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Tesla Fires Guy Who Slept In Car, Showered At Work, Embracing The Elon Musk Dream
  • Then the OP is pointless. It speaks to employee quality. If that isn't in any way useful in the context, the question is dumb. It wouldn't matter how motivated that employee was, so why mention it.

    So either quality counts, or layoffs are entirely based on luck, often firing the best of them all. Sounds like you are coping. Quality almost always matters. And the smallest things can save your ass.

    Even in a game with odds as bad as the lottery, you still have to play it to win.

    In your educated opinion, what are layoffs based on? Can't be random. So what? Race? Gender? Age? Everything but performance? Because who cares about performance. Just fire someone, Fred. Anyone.

  • Which side are you?
  • Another moron-filter. People complain about simple gestures that could potentially help humanity in a small way. We've always had morons. We seem to reach a critical mass, though. The real issue if overpopulation: more morons in general.

    It's fine that those people exist, but they shouldn't be allowed to reproduce or teach.

    Those caps are fine. Drinking from plastic bottles is stupid enough. Having them at all was a huge step back.

    What a world.

  • degree in bamf
  • It is just mentioned. Just a description of what happened. What's wrong about saying it was a white male when it was a white male? Why jump to the opinion that mentioning the gender or complexion has any other purpose than being descriptive?

  • Reddit CEO Defends His Absurdly High Pay While Not Paying Mods
  • Possibly because many users coming to Lemmy are pissed off by something. It's not a platform for fun users, but for grumpy old cats wanting their unachievable utopian discussion forum, where all behave the same as they do. ;)

    Criticise lemmy and prepare for downvotes deluxe.

  • Reddit CEO Defends His Absurdly High Pay While Not Paying Mods
  • It is not really an alternative. So many people here complaining about quality, and the constant desire for this not to become the new Reddit.

    But that's exactly what it needs to become. A place where mindless users can post the same silly crap every day, without getting shit for it. And without being rattled by entitled mods that feel they should be compensated for doing what they want to do.

    Let communities talk and mods just be mods, not critics.

  • How's that supposed to work?
  • Is this only about full-time jobs? How about location? General living wages were a terrible idea. Not everybody needs one. Some just want an easy gig to finance unimportant stuff.

    Back when I was a stoner, I loved sorting bottles in the grocery store. Three days a week, two hours per day, I could show up high. Then minimum wage raised the wage from 7.50 to 13 euros. The job got cancelled, and the cashiers have to take turns doing it. Which they hate.

    Those cashiers have to do it, because they need the job. They do need a living wage. I just had too much time. There are many menial jobs like that. Or were. They are now done by people who already had other jobs. Making them work more for the same money, having fewer people with a job.

    The dude making a round taking out trash? Yeah, that's also the cashiers now. Making the job a true shitshow.

    Living wage for full-time jobs, that I can understand, kinda. But there are tons of menial jobs. I worked a lot of them, until they disappeared. None of them are worth that much money. Many are just a service the company provided. They don't anymore. And everybody is hating it.

    One can't make a living selling ice cream cones. But one can save up for some holiday or a car doing that. Well, can't, anymore. There simply are no ice cream stands anymore. Just bullshit prepackaged ice cream.

  • weaponized nerdery
  • Some would say that most of the spending is based on greed. Individual salaries doubled to tripled in the last decade, with their head earning three quarters of a million now.

    It was a tenth 15 years ago.

    They started out right, like they all do. Then personal money catches up.

  • My plan is to crumble with it.
  • Im sorry. What possible way is there to compete against trillion dollar companies financing every aspect of politics? You can't play that game. And nobody is coming around to save us all. You can only reject it and rebell. That's how change works. Has always worked. and will always work. You just don't want it enough yet.

    You are playing a rigged game and expect to win, and you say I'm rejecting reality. It's you who needs to accept that people still have the power. And tell others. That's how revolutions happen. From the bottom up. Always.

  • My plan is to crumble with it.
  • I don't know. The French revolution? Hippies? Homeless communities? Revolutions have been done countless times, and they always started with no real chance to succeed.

    What do you want me to say here. A plan to save the world? I have no idea where you are and what your situation is. That's the point.

    We have all the networking, but nobody connects. The world is in the best spot ever, technologically, but we use it to divide. Where are you? What's you biggest issue? Let's pool together and see if there is a way out?

    We all divide into groups, splinter-groups and even smaller units. Especially so since about 20 years ago. We should unite. How hard can it be?

    Would you try?

    Or would you rather debate me, telling me it's not possible?

    I'd guess you'd pick the latter. Why is that?

  • My plan is to crumble with it.
  • I don't know if those statistics are correct, with the ten companies and poor 90%.

    If it is, your conclusion is “we have no chance in this system”

    Mine is “the solution can't be companies or politics then”

    Man, the people still have the power. That's why political systems try to separate us as best as they can. Creating diversity instead of unity. Everywhere.

    If we wanted, we could change the world within a month. We just don't want to. Because we are fed the most stupid stories and ideas, as many as possible. From diets to skin colors to countries being evil by nature.

    Most of humanity are just normal people. A few million of them are megalomaniacs. And they managed to make us all believe that they run the show. But we are running it for them. :)

  • My plan is to crumble with it.
  • Gluttony and materialism, I'd say. We all could have rich and wonderful lives. A few percent of us want more. And they try to make the rest think that that's the right thing to do for everyone, even if that's technically impossible.

    I'm pretty sure that's the root of all evil. You are welcome.

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