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Top of the NYT homepage: "Israel could face a second full-blown war, this one against Hezbollah, a much stronger foe in Lebanon."
  • When I was in college, my group of friends were mostly libs and libertarians (I know) and the mother of one of these people once went on a rant in front of us about how Hamas and Hezbollah were going to team up and destroy Israel and kill all the Jews. After we left the house, I remember all of us just laughing at her and saying "what a fucking stupid take that was" despite not necessarily having the same opinions about Israel or having good opinions on anything else. But, we all knew this was stupid.

    Having not read the article or knowing much about Lebanon, I'm going to assume this is still an extremely stupid and desperate thing to posit?

  • Just had the most surreal first date experience of my life.
  • "when you come out your shit is gone, I'm in your area"

  • Next time try not veering hard to the right
  • 🎶I crashed my car into the bridge, I don't care! I love Israel, I don't care!

    You want me down on Earth, but I am up in space You're so damn hard to please, we gotta kill these kids

    You're from the campuses, but I'm a zionist 🎵

  • Oh my god these images are the reasoning .world defederated from hexbear
  • Why are radlibs so impossible to get through to? I have a close friend who is like this, he's always so close to getting it (he has been great on Palestine to his credit) but always reverts back to NY Times brain and Democratic party shit.

  • Aâ €Lâ €Pâ €Hâ €A⠀⠀⠀Pâ €Oâ €Wâ €Eâ €R⠀⠀⠀Nâ €Aâ €P
  • Me whenever libs try to talk to me about this court case and tell me how it's actually important or whatever.

  • Bad Bad Hats - Bad Bad Hats (indie pop/rock)
  • Love them. Somone on Hexbear recommended them to me

  • Magdalena Bay - Top Dog
  • They are good shit

  • Underscores - Wallsockets (Full Album)
  • Album of the year. I posted one of the tracks awhile ago on here. It's so goddamn good.

  • You're laughing? Russian spies are blasting our federal agents with headache beams and you're laughing!
  • I was watching the basketball game that was on before 60 minutes with my partner's family. When that 60 minutes intro came on and the guy said "Russia" I burst out laughing. Luckily no one noticed haha

  • Report: 93% of People in China Own Their Own Homes
  • Me when I talk to libs: "sorry sweaty, you can't believe any of the news that comes out of China, it's all propaganda"

    Meanwhile, news in America. Manufacturing consent for genocide and war 24/7.

  • girlfriend got a funny tattoo
  • Is your girlfriend someone I went to high school with? Because I heard a rumor about a girl getting this same tattoo after graduation.

  • So many high-fives? Sure.
  • Oh this is so fucking le epic awesomesauce

  • Don't do this shit
  • I got in an argument with my mother a few years ago about support for Palestine / criticism of Israel. Her argument was basically "we just can't tell apart the antisemites from the legitimate support so we just shouldn't have a movement." It makes me think that the Washington Post decides to write about posts like this every once and awhile and actually write things like that. "but sorry the whole movement is antisemitic" and that's where we get that absolutely fucking insane argument from.

  • 'Uncommitted' wins 2 Democratic delegates in Michigan, over 100k voted for 'Uncommitted'
  • Can't wait until Biden loses Michigan to Trump and it costs him the electoral college!

  • bro you're gonna die fr
  • Critical support for comrade coastal erosion

  • NSFW
    Advice is very needed for this predicament I am in!
  • Sorry I was in transit when I replied and forgot to follow up. Not sure if you have acted yet, but yes starting with a counselor at the university may be a good first step. Some counselors have open door policies where you can just walk in and seek advice on things. I would begin by stressing the complexity of the situation and you not wanting to involve law enforcement.

    There are also phone hotlines for this kind of thing. Both locally with the university or otherwise. But yeah first step for me would be explaining the complexity and not wanting to involve law enforcement. Any therapist or counselor who ignores or handwaves this away should be ignored in favor of someone else or another avenue.

    Good luck. I will check back later.

  • Chances of being fired for speaking out about Palestine

    I've started seeing various stories of people in the media speaking out in support of Palestine and being swiftly fired. I'm very curious if the current state of propaganda is going to increase the chance of people working in non-public facing jobs of also being fired and branded anti-Semitic. I'm scared of this coming up in the workplace because I don't think I'd be able to keep my mouth shut and I could absolutely see certain people starting shit.

    Dealing with friendships that only have the past in common

    Officially in my mid-30s and every year that goes by I realize more and more that friendships from the past, high school, university etc start to dwindle as people get older and are more set in their lives. I understand that's how life is, but the upsetting thing is realizing that these friendships are based on little more than hanging onto past experiences.

    I realize that I have less and less in common with them and we generally don't share the same values. They are mostly run of the mill libs "normies" type of people. Sure that sounds obnoxious, but as I'm sure many of you understand, being a queer leftist means that you will never have the same experiences as these people. I choose the people I spend my time with and the places I go very carefully to maximize my safety and enjoyment out of hell world.

    Sure it would be easy to write all these people off and just focus on my new friendships with people whom I have more in common with, but that's easier said than done. It feels wrong on some level to let these friendships go. Even if it's the other person coming to the same conclusion. It still hurts on some level.

    How have you dealt with this situation? I highly doubt this is unique.

    Out of the loop: can someone please explain lemmy and what happened to the site?

    I've been pretty inactive on here for the last few months and I see that things have moved to lemmy and there's federating and defederating and the fediverse (just assumed this was a joke about !fedposting) I feel dumb and I don't know what any of its means. Instances, controversies etc.

    Can someone please give me a tldr or point me to a thread explaining the timeline and key information? Thank you!

    Teslas are a nightmare: dispatches from hazmat

    A friend of mine works with a local hazmat team and told me another Tesla horror story. Apparently, the other day a Tesla veered off the road, hit a guard rail and caught fire. Luckily the driver was able to get out safely. However, the fire department recommended to just let the car burn because of how much water it would take for them to put it out because of the heat of the fire.

    So the fire department just lets the fire burn out. Eventually it stops and they bring in a tow truck. They strap it on, and as they're loading it all 12,000 of the lithium ion battery rods spill out of the car. Now these are both hazardous waste and extremely volatile. So the hazmat team comes in and has to shovel up all 12,000 of these rods while wearing full flame proof gear in 90° F heat and put them into 55 gallon drums to get picked up as hazardous waste. All knowing that at any point, they could catch on fire.

    These cars are so fucking ridiculous. Whenever I see them I stay far away on the road. Fuck Musk, electric cars are a mistake and an environmental nightmare.

    Notcontenttobequiet Notcontenttobequiet [he/him]

    be gay, do crime

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