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France sends combat troops to Ukraine battlefront
  • Maybe if they start getting killed by the thousands, the West will calm down. They are riding high on the myth of Western invincibility.

  • NATO starts deploying troops as Russia races to win
  • Yes, but those boots on the ground won't be fighting Russians. They'll stay in the West of Ukraine, so that those Ukrainian soldiers get sent to the frontlines.

  • NATO starts deploying troops as Russia races to win
  • Don't expect them to fight. They're probably going to reinforce the Ukrainian rear, so Ukraine can free more manpower and send more Ukrainians to die against Russia.

  • Chad move
  • The US should only be allowed to join if they abolish their space marine corps (or whatever they're called).

  • What's cycling like where you live?
  • Dangerous. Roads are simply not designed for bikes. The only attempts made for bikes over the decades, have been jokes at best.

  • Living animals/creatures Tier List (open for opinions)
  • Create an F tier and place dogs there.

  • AI experts warn U.S. military: China has caught up to America in key areas of tech race
  • Caught up

    When the US manages to use AI to help maintain and detect problems across thousands of kms of railroad, let me know.

  • Gen Alpha Is Brainwashed By Entrepreneur TikTok's...
  • I think it's important to point out that entrepreneurship is the liberal answer for worker discontent. It's an argument against joining/forming a union. Instead of fighting for better salaries and oppression, the liberals convince the workers that the solution, is for them to become the oppressors by opening a business. Instead of fighting oppression, the liberal solution is to instead replicating it, but with you on top.

  • France considering Ukraine military deployment – Odessa MP
  • Honestly if they do, I hope Russia blows them all to hell the moment those soldiers cross the border into Ukraine. Having NATO soldiers being absolutely decimated, would certainly calm the bloodlust of the Western masses. Too many idiots here think that Russia is weak and easily defeated.

  • Libs in a nutshell
  • Libs when Hamas kills civilians: "Omg, they are terrorists I can't support this!"

    Libs when Ukraine attacks civilians inside Russia: "YES, DO IT MOOOAAARRR!!!"

  • Deleted
    How to curb relationship/attachment anxiety?
  • I've never done CBT, but EMDR tries to use methods related to sleep (like eye movement) to heal the traumas. You're probably getting stressed and triggered, due to catastrophic thoughts that pop up in your mind. EMDR can be used to desensitize these inadequate thoughts from the past, and replace them with adequate thoughts from the present. It won't make them disappear in one go, but over time and with exposition they will go away.

  • Deleted
    How to curb relationship/attachment anxiety?
  • These types of attachments are usually rooted in early childhood traumas. I don't know what kind of therapy you're doing, but for this specifically I think you should do EMDR or CBT. It seems strange your therapist hasn't mentioned this.

  • ‘Western dominance has ended’, EU foreign-policy chief admits, warning of ‘West against the Rest’ geopolitics
  • Nah, it will take time for this to sink in the population. Their racism and bigotry will still make them think they can tell others how to live, for many years to come. The media will also try to keep this mentality alive for as long as possible.

  • Does anyone else never dream?
  • I dream every night. I'm just an average guy, so I don't know what's so special about dreaming.

  • Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and People’s Republic of China strengthen ties
  • Nuh uh, Kim and Xi are good. They are like Jedi, Biden is Palpatine-

  • Argentinians stage nationwide strike against Javier Milei’s far-right agenda
  • Don't be so sure about that. What's happening in the US right now is what I think will happen in Brazil as well. Bolsonaro will be back, just like Trump.

  • So what's going on in Gaza?
  • Guterres is such a useless coward.

  • The Hungarian Soviet Republic of 1919 - The Forgotten Revolution The Hungarian Soviet Republic of 1919 - The Forgotten Revolution

    On March 21st, 1919, the Hungarian Soviet Republic was proclaimed. On the 1st of August, 133 days later, this heroic chapter in the history of the Hungarian working class was brought to a close with the entry of the White Rumanian army into Budapest. Had

    The Hungarian Soviet Republic of 1919 - The Forgotten Revolution
    Blinken told the Israelis that they would have to wrap things up by the new year according to sources
  • "Hey can you hurry it up with the genocide? We've got an election coming up, and things aren't looking great for us."

  • How it started vs how it's going
  • europeans so bad at vexilology 💀💀

    *AI is bad. I tried 10 times, this is the best result.

  • Iran urges Muslim countries to boycott Israel Iran's Khamenei urges Muslim countries to boycott Israel

    Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called on Muslim states to cease oil and food exports to Israel, demanding an end to its bombardment of the Gaza Strip, state media reported.

    Iran's Khamenei urges Muslim countries to boycott Israel
    Behold! The market's solution to the housing crisis! Porquesenojamimama on TikTok

    #housingcrisis #housing #greed #greedy #hysterical

    I advise low volume while watching the video.

    Turns out Yeonmi Park's accusations about the DPRK were true.






    They really have to push the train because there's no electricity.

    Collapse of the US (circa 2050)

    Decided to have some fun and balkanize the US. If the filthy liberals can have fun balkanizing China and Russia, then so can I with the US.

    I'll follow the Legend order:

    • Florida: Is an independent country. It's pretty much a fiscal paradise and tourist resort. Suffers with drug cartels which emerged after the fall of the US. The worst are the ones run by Cuban gusanos, which were forced to resort to crime when their US state funded subsidies went dry.
    • Bible Belt: As backwards and reactionary as you can imagine. Slavery is legalized against all non-whites. Christianity is the only legal religion.
    • Free Men States: These are regions that managed to break free from the Bible Belt. They frequently make armed incursions against the Bible Belt to free slaves and disrupt governamental operations.
    • Native American Communes: Similar to the Free Men States, but their larger Native American population banded together with common ideals and culture. They are in a state of unofficial war with the Bible Belt.
    • New California Republic: Has a large industry of high tech products, which it exports to several Asian countries. (Yes, the name is inspired by that game, you know the one).
    • Soviet Union: Yeah that's right. The Soviet Union is back and better than ever! Alaska just couldn't resist the offer and decided to join Russia.
    • York Conglomerate: Modeled itself after the EU (which no longer exists). It portrays itself to be a beacon of civilization in a sea of chaos and savagery, which it claims the rest of the US to be. If Canada falls, it has the daunting task of being the last bastion of white liberal civilization that's left on the planet!
    • Canada: It's still Canada, but its proximity to the Soviet Union is causing instability in the country. Many worker strikes are occurring across the nation.
    • Great Midwest: What's left of the US. These states are more or less independent with mostly local governments. Their economies rely on resource extraction and farming. They are suffering with mass emigration to their border regions. Many towns and villages only have old people left. There are a lot of lawless regions in this zone.
    • Hawaii: It's still the same but an independent country.

    EU: The EU dissolved in 2025. Following Russia's victory in the Ukrainian war, the EU was left with massive debt and crippling electricity prices that forced its industrial sector to relocate to the US. After the war many Nazi combatants felt betrayed by the EU and vowed to make the Europeans pay for such betrayal. Terrorist acts devastated what was left of the EU. Some governments, like Germany's, even ceased to exist! Following the massacre of 2027 where Ukronazi terrorists managed to bomb and kill the entire German cabinet of ministers. Many politicians fled the country for fear of further reprisals, and the country was left in a state of shock and disarray. This devastation lasted decades. Many Nazi terrorists eventually formed street gangs and mafias. However, in 2050 when the terrorism has finally subsided, a new wave of leftist militias have been ending these nazi gangs and establishing safe zones. Could this be a turning point for Europe?

    What about the rest of the world? It's actually doing pretty well. No longer oppressed by the boot of Western Imperialism many countries managed to develop their economies and mostly eradicate poverty. Socialism and Social Democracy are the reigning ideologies in the world. Global Warming has mostly been resolved. While extreme weather events still persist, climate apocalypse has been avoided. Humanity is also venturing into other planets in the solar system. A new Space Age is beginning and the future looks bright!

    I think China is gonna open the economy.

    I'm sure some of you have seen these types of posts. We can't expect much from the idiots that write these articles. But there have been multiple posts on Twitter, of supposedly massive Chinese internment camps.

    If we know something about the Chinese government is that they plan ahead. They know that if they open the economy, they'll have a colossal number of infections. These buildings are very likely hospitals or quarantine zones where the infected will be sent to receive appropriate medical care.

    Of course Westoids can't imagine what it's like to live in a country where the government actually thinks of the future and cares about the lives of it's own people. So their conclusions are as shortsighted as their governments.

    I think the Chinese government is going to do a full reopening of the country and try to be as ready as possible, since their economy can't continue to operate like this. What do you guys think?

    NothingButBits NothingButBits
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