Occamsrazer @ Occamsrazer @lemdro.id Posts 0Comments 105Joined 2 yr. ago
I literally don't understand this site.
Hey I'm not from around here, but why do you say USian?
Cave Johnson's special brew
I came here because reddit ruined my app by trying to make me pay monthly for it. But really that was just the last straw. I'd been wanting to find an alternative for ages, ever since they allowed mods to use bots for banning you based on participation in subs they didn't like. Default subs run by power mods fully embraced censorship and shut down discussion of things they decided were verboten even if they happened on other subs. It was a takeover of Reddit. A takeover of the kind of things allowed to be discussed on Reddit, the kind of people allowed to discuss on Reddit. It didn't matter which side of the discussion you were even on. The rules were simple to get your ban lifted. Repent and never visit that subreddit again.
Over time the list of subreddits on the auto ban list grew and number of subs using the auto ban to grew. Reddit did nothing.
Reddit is anti free speech. Reddit became an aggregator of memes and posts with very specific political ideology and nothing else was allowed.
Lemmy moment
I guess that kind of makes sense, at least for how it's used in here.
Lol I don't care about the cracker part, it's more about the forced intern camps part.
Are you being ironic? I actually can't tell on Lemmy.
In the US when you kill random people it's murder and when you take random people who aren't breaking any laws and child them captive, then it's kidnapping.
You people are absolutely deranged.
Aldous Huxley described your vision of Utopia in brave new world. I think it's ridiculous, unobtainable, and overall a terrible approach to society. Life is all about lasting and meaningful relationships, so any approach that views these as optional or outdated is broken before it even starts. Your entire premise is flawed from the start.
It might partially solve for it, by reducing severity of these acts, but guns are really just a means to violence. There are plenty of other ways to enact violence if that's what you want to do.
Stop being such a victim, nobody wants to kill you, they just want to live their lives. I know lots of conservatives and not one of them wants to murder minorities, what are you even talking about?
Seriously, go talk to normal people about normal stuff and knock it off. Yeah there is injustice in the world and we should talk about that, but you can't always live in that space or it will drive you crazy.
They don't want to throw anyone in an oven, and that's a fact. One of my best friends is one of those guys, who I grew up with. He doesn't hate anyone besides "liberals", having nothing to do with skin color or race. Also I have an engineering degree and took every one of those general education classes, economics, philosophy, psychology, etc, but also a master's level elective class that literally was about interpreting and critiquing scientific journal articles. We spent a lot of time finding holes in published works and discussing retractions, enough to make me a little cynical even about "science" itself, let alone news stories. Maybe your "facts" aren't quite as factual as you would like them to be and your truth isn't quite that. But you will also grow less certain about things as you get older, just like I did.