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Oopsie, Visual Studio License expired, so the build server stopped working
  • If it's not available as an Azure service it won't be used (except for uptime kuma).

    What Clive Barker movie do you live in?

  • Pure evil
  • Who didn't?

  • Which TOS episode was this?
  • John Lithgow looking weird.

  • I don't think we should be rooting for the Bell Riots but the pin is funny
  • Nonviolence is an inherently privileged position in the modern context. Besides the fact that the typical pacifist is quite clearly white and middle class, pacifism as an ideology comes from a privileged context. It ignores that violence is already here; that violence is an unavoidable, structurally integral part of the current social hierarchy; and that it is people of color who are most affected by that violence. Pacifism assumes that white people who grew up in the suburbs with all their basic needs met can counsel oppressed people, many of whom are people of color, to suffer patiently under an inconceivably greater violence, until such time as the Great White Father is swayed by the movement’s demands or the pacifists achieve that legendary “critical mass. -- How Nonviolence Serves the State

  • I don't think we should be rooting for the Bell Riots but the pin is funny
  • Critical support for the collection of Dims, Ghosts, and Gimmees just trying to make a better life for themselves.

  • She must know the truth
  • They were part of the ship's frame of reference. This applies to standard physics but is explicitly true if there's a warp bubble around the ship.

  • She must know the truth
  • Now who can argue with that? I think we're all indebted to TheFerrango for clearly stating what needed to be said. I'm particulary glad that these lovely children were here today to hear that speech. Not only was it authentic Star Trek technobabble, it expressed a courage little seen in this day and age.

  • Developer things
  • Yeah. Commits going right to prod makes my skin crawl.

  • AI layoffs
  • Took me a while to track it down, but I think this is the book to which you were referring.

    I make no cleans about the stances of this artist; I just saw this strip years ago.

  • Mandala effect
  • Alan Tudyk would have been a good Stamets, but Anthony Rapp has been perfection.

  • AI Is Poisoning Reddit to Promote Products and Game Google With 'Parasite SEO'
  • And in strange memory caches, even death may die.

  • Line Go Up!
  • The dominance is in service to private profits. They keep telling about "America and it's interests" where the "interests" involved are profits.

  • "Dominion of Darkness" - simulator of the Dark Lord/Lady
  • Time for testing then 😊

  • "Dominion of Darkness" - simulator of the Dark Lord/Lady
  • Is there an option for being Evil Overlord List compliant?

  • "prompt engineering"
  • Let's not put Descartes before the horse.

  • Liberals are left wing
  • The left wing of the right wing. Sounds right.

  • Improved Version
  • Ohhh, that touched a deep well of hatred. My first engineering job was full stack and we had a highly modified Bootstrap front end. I'd build the thing they wanted, and the designers would get looped in for QA and insist that various pieces had to look like their little wireframe down to the pixel. I mean look, it's easy right?

    I asked why they are insisting on constantly going against the standards that had been adopted company-wide. Did it stop? Why no! Did I get a suit down with my boss? Why yes!

    He is/was a cool guy and saw my perspective but also gave me precious advice on how to survive.

  • I can't believe people are still using GUMBIES when there are so many better alternatives.
  • Pfft 😂

    Roko's basilisk is The Game for futurists.

    Here you go, enjoy. You win!

  • Yemen: Ships need to obtain permit before entering territorial waters | PressTV
  • This should be fun. Let's watch in real time how the ThEy ShOuLd FoLlOw ThE rUlEs people suddenly stop carrying about rules.

  • Why don't ships onboard sensors detect medical emergencies
  • A lot of my head canon around this and the notable lack of automation prevalent in Starfleet: it's a futuristic, post-scarcity jobs program. Yes, it's about exploration and rendering assistance and all that. But it gives people something to do, a way to serve the whole. Picard said as much to Geordi when Scotty was aboard. I've of the many things Starfleet does is give people a sense of usefulness.

  • Meaning of gesture SNW season 2 pilot?

    During the pilot episode of season two, someone is keeping a (somewhat) low profile when they suddenly see a friendly face in the crowd. The friendly person places their index finger under their eye.

    I don't know exactly what this gesture means. Can anyone illuminate me?

    Odinkirk Odinkirk
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