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The US healthcare system is barbaric...
  • Does he think Europe has cut-rate health care?

    As a Euro-wanker I can assure you we do, that's why no rich person uses it over here–they go to private clinics unless it's grave enough and they are rich enough, then they go to America.

  • Stonehenge sprayed with paint by environmental protesters
  • You are right. Sort of, climate crisis would be more appropriate. The word 'warming' is not concerning enough, if at all, and doesn't convey the actual gravity of the current situation very well.

  • Only 11% of Russians say sanctions have personally affected them or their family, poll shows
  • I don't think they asked all the Russian population, that's not how polls usually work.

  • Japan forces Apple and Google to open their mobile platforms • The Register
  • How so? Honest question, I can't seem to find anything that is not super pro-corporations like the prohibition on modding consoles with tens of thousands dollar fines or even prison sentences...

  • Japan forces Apple and Google to open their mobile platforms • The Register
  • Apple: 'Mobile platform? Nah this is just a game console' winks at Nintendo and Sony

  • Move over, Ford and Chevy: Kei trucks are pulling up as customers opt for smaller, cheaper vehicles
  • No I didn't, they might be everywhere but they aren't very common (maybe in Italy..). I've seen the other small plagio truck (because that Ape is not a truck, barely a bit more than a scooter), but only a handful and it's been like ten years since the last I saw, and they aren't as small as these kei trucks (these are as long as a fiat 500).

  • Move over, Ford and Chevy: Kei trucks are pulling up as customers opt for smaller, cheaper vehicles
  • Where exactly are these legal in Europe? I've never seen one, we have small-ish trucks (that get bigger every iteration) but not this tiny, that I know of. Pretty sure they're not legal in my country at least.

  • Israel sharpens its tone to Spain: "The Inquisition is over. Those who harm us, we will harm them"
  • it sounds like you are informed

    I try to avoid the news as much as I can, for my mental health's sake, but something permeates

    you should know that the current government is leading only through a coalition of different parties that are barely a majority

    That's how it usually goes in Spain

    The opposition parties don't mind DoS'ing Spain (just look at the expired Supreme Court that has still to be renewed) just to create unrest. The only opposition who tags along are those that don't want to see society dragged along for political maneuvering.

    And somehow when the current opposition has been the ruling party they could do all kind of things, fascist things that fucked us all over but they were perfectly able to do as they pleased, but the "left" (this "Socialist" party is a monarchist party!) seems unable to even undo a little of the damage. You do sound well informed, so before you mention the work reform, which was surprisingly good, that I have the unshakable feeling was a mistake on their part. It was meant to NOT pass, but this one fash fucked up his vote and it went through. I don't think the psoe (and maybe podemos, who knows) wanted that reform, they just thought it would be good pr.

  • Israel sharpens its tone to Spain: "The Inquisition is over. Those who harm us, we will harm them"
  • Oh they're talking aren't they? Of course they are, that's the only thing they do: bla bla bla and then nothing

  • Israel sharpens its tone to Spain: "The Inquisition is over. Those who harm us, we will harm them"
  • Which is saying nothing: 12% unemployment, 27% under 25. Do those numbers look good to you?

  • Israel sharpens its tone to Spain: "The Inquisition is over. Those who harm us, we will harm them"
  • In Spain antisemitism is rampant left and right, that's why the government (Socialist Party) has done this. Make no mistake, this is not solidarity or justice or shit, just a smoke screen so their voters forget about the cost of living, housing, unemployment.. and all the hard-to-solve pressing issues they don't want to do anything about.

  • Ant smell
  • I can sneeze several times in a row if a light is bright enough. I've even triggered it just thinking of the sun, a few times.

  • Ant smell
  • I have this. Mildly annoying.

  • Nice Guy
  • I'm opposed to killing 'innocent' people, if the guy in the trolley problem wanted to kill the people on the other track I would certainly pull the lever. But now that you bring children killers to the conversation, you are arguing not just for not getting into the school or stoping the killer but for voting him for more child-killing because the other child-killer is worst. I find all of that very twisted and I want no part in it.

  • Nice Guy
  • The 'correct' answer to the trolley problem is subjective, that's the whole point. I used it to illustrate where I stand, not what the absolutely moral choice is.

    I've been pointing how awful that trolley company is since I reached my teens, I've been out in the streets protesting the dangers of this very track, trying to stop the trolleys from running, I would burn down the Trolley Company's headquarters if needed, but I am not killing that one guy no matter what.

    I wasn't trying to 'win' an argument or even convince the other commenter of anything, just trying to tell my point of view as a non voter (for ethical reasons). I see voting as a very meaningful action, if the person I vote wins everything they do while in power is going to be a bit either thanks to me or my fault. And they do a lot more bad than good, I would feel that some of that blood is in my hands.

  • Nice Guy
  • Not Voting is a Vote

    No it isn't, fuck that doublespeech. That's like saying to the woman in op's example 'If you don't choose between Niceguy and Chad and then one of them comes and rapes you it's your fault for not choosing the other to protect you when you got the chance'.

  • Nice Guy
  • Using the trolley problem as an analogy, if you don't pull the lever the people run over by it are not your fault but the trolley company's, but if you do pull the lever the death of the guy on the other tracks is absolutely on you.

    I assume you voted for Biden last election, to avoid the trolley running over the people in that proverbial track. Congratulations, you are guilty of murdering all those Palestinian children. Now, next election, if (when) Trump wins, your vote even for Biden is what gives legitimacy to his presidency.

  • It is very therapeutic to garden, though.
  • As per the article two thirds of that 'agricultural land' is graze-lands, so like a 12.5% of that agricultural land is actually farmland dedicated to feed livestock.

  • Fear the fish women!
  • This is very correct, you can see tall baseball is not completely feared by fish nor women for to reach true fear from either one must reach an absolutely neutral state with the others.

  • New German research shows EVs break down at less than half the rate of combustion engine cars.
  • I think it's fairer to compare new cars to used cars than new cars to new not-cars like the ami. Also I missed the part on the thread where it was specified anything about the car being brand new.

  • OfCourseNot OfCourseNot
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