OhVenus_Baby @ OhVenus_Baby @lemmy.ml Posts 17Comments 438Joined 1 yr. ago
The thing I've started to notice is the further you stray away from a big box products and into micro custom solutions there is always trade-offs. So far as being unique and the hassle that comes with it maintenance.
The more hands off you are big corpo and I agree they aren't your friends, the more you have to maintain the software or setup personally. Or trust the person or people doing it all day everyday and never let up.
I trust other people mostly, who's job it is to do these things all day everyday. Having 3rd parties to audit them, than I could be able to, or would want to, consistently maintain software at the standard it requires with the fast changing landscape we have today.
While you gain more features to some degree, you lose in others like security against vulnerabilities and sheer eyes and minds on the code.
Fuck their CEO if he is off the wall. Focus on the goal of privacy and the tool you need, the rest is fluff. Use what you need first then want.
Turn off your phone and enjoy real actual life as in the situation right in front of you. Make it happy. Fuck the noise.
Turn it all off and it's no more in your face. The browser itself functions great when configured according to your needs.
Fuck their CEO though. Focus on the product. It works and consistently ranks as one of the highest orivacy based browser according to the EFF and multiple non profit sources.
I know many local bee keepers and it's depressing as hell when the colonies collapse for no real reason. They steadily have been in decline for years cutting in half then half again. Bouncing back is rare. It's very stressful and turbulent.
Its simple as hell, out of the way. Its a no fuss email that seems to have all the features you'd want. It just works. Carbon neutral and all the good stuff we all like to boot.
Any tech to save pollinators and especially honey bees is a major major global win. The honey market has been long since adultered with mass amounts of fake products. Bee colonies are declining at unprecedented rates. Pollinators as a whole are a mere fraction of what they used to be. Look at the science. It's atrocious.
Posteo rocks.
Oh I believe it but no doubt. But right now even with this totally shitty move and I mean totally shitty move. Brother atleast their older models still accept 3rd party cartridges. Everyone buy those! Fuck the new stuff.
This is a total shit move but I have tried many printers and I'm still choosing Brother everytime. Especially on some older generations with copy scan and print. None of the other big brands are worth a shit. They all fail or jam in some form or fashion.
Follow up in a week. I would like to see how this works for you!
Honestly I've seen round abouts in the US and while I totally think their more efficient and causes less wrecks statistically. People are fucking idiots. Everyone complains and thinks their worse and hate them to hell and back. No amount of facts or convincing will change their minds. It's insanity. People are so resistant to change it'd incredible the mountain out if a mole hill they will make it out to be.
It was like a scripted show for everyone except Zelensky. Zelensky was railroaded and talked over. Belittled. This was an embarrassment for the US and humanity as a whole. It shouldnt have been televised. What a sad shit show.
No real data to backup this claim other than complaints about their addons which can be disabled, and their CEO doesn't have the best morals and principles. Like we all believe the exact same things everyday all day.
Multiple highly reputable non profits and other sources show the browser itself performs as one of the best when it comes to privacy. Leave the negativity against Nestle.
Atleast don't censor the photos so for educational purposes only we can collectively judge if this AI art is indeed worth a damn.
110% it's from dysfunction that is how our current system is designed. We use so many archaic processes to do things, still rely on old very outdated infrastructure, coal power etc.
It's too inconvenient to switch to green energy because the rich live good and like the lifestyle the cost is higher for green energy but that circles back to a made up monetary system. What is cost when paper has little intrinsic value?
Just go talk to your average person not even a rich person pick a middle class person. People are not willing to make any concessions at all in their lifestyles to save others and help the collective good. Very few will even family members complain of issues but won't change how they operate and consume.
I don't think we fully lack the supply but bear in mind things are finite and we are seeing what little we have left diminish and nations are fighting over mineral deposits. That is why I said we have supply chain, logistics, transportation issues above all because those sectors allow the most efficient delivery and utilization of our resource expenditures so we net lose little as possible.
I think until we find a better source of fuel for major transportation of goods in bulk basically something revolutionary. We are kind of stuck not fully but held with one hand behind our back. The only sector I think compares to the effeciency we need are perhaps trains.
We certainly have the housing and buildings, I am doubtful we have the medical supplies and medical machines like MRI and others. Look at 2020 during covid where the medical workers did not have PPE and how the supply chain was/is still stressed. We also lack the natural resources where we can just throw money aka paper at problems and their gone forever.
The govt. Balances our money system based on supply and demand well they try like all govts. The earths resources are finite and we have consumed them at such an accelerated rate that even now we have supply chain issues on certain rare earth metals and all other natural resources. The war in Ukraine aside from Nato and russia being so close is actually over trillions of dollars worth of rare earth metals and natural resouces. Which Russia needs to revitalize their economy. Also why Trump wants to settle a deal beneficial to the US, trump doesn't care about the war he wants access to the mineral deposits.
I also think that we likely have the food supply currently, in the future not so much due to climate change. We all see the impacts daily which will continue to worsen, and eventually water will be scarce causing migration of people as the globe shifts it's weather events to different locations. We won't lack water it'll just be too uneconomical to transport it to where it's needed due to weight and our archaic fuel sources.
The food isn't the hard part right now. It's transportation of goods to locales like deep into Africa as an example so we would have to consolidate people to reach everyone most effeciently. Then we can solve the issues you speak of.
We don't have the supply to fill the demands to simply throw all billionaires money into solving every crisis. That is why wealth inequality is so vast. Dollars are a made up system. In its raw form it's just paper. Backed by the govt. Where as it used to be backed by the gold standard which is why we hoard so much gold. That is a real tangible asset.
Paper is just paper its artifical, it's only good once spent. You can have infinite money if they forever printed it. Instead we balance inflation and deflation and finite supply that is dwindling the more we clear cut and strip the earth.
I wonder too. It has to be them pushing the update through the app itself. I got another update notif. Last night. I checked both stores and no updates there. This must be it! Just seemed super odd at first.