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How do you cope with the amount of shit that goes on in the world?

Particularly - America.

I personally have found that, I live in the past to cope. Nostalgia is my drug. It sometimes doesn't help because all it does is that it makes me yearn and beg for things to be back to where things were. Because it warps my mind into opening time capsules whenever I watch an old show or listen to an episode of some niche radio show that long stopped producing new material.

However, it helps because, it at least reminds me that there are some things that I can revisit. If I couldn't revisit anything, play the games I played, read the books I read, watched the movies/shows I used to, then I'd be up shit's creek because I'd have to face the fucked up things people consider what are the 'best that's offered'.

  • i dont :'(

    but seriously: community, therapy and eating better has been nice. And allowing myself to feel messy.

  • I help out at the local food bank and spend a lot of time on Imgur looking at not politics

  • I think most people yearn for the past, and always have. People who grew up in communist East Germany (the country) even long for the glory days of the German "Democratic" Republic too. The term Ostalgia (East-algia) was coined for that. I think everyone long for a past that never truly existed and was only rose-colored by the innocence of childhood and early youth. Fewer people die in violent conflicts each year (at least up until the invasion of Ukraine), childhood deaths decline, yet the world seems extremely violent and polarized. I think the world was always violent and polarized, but we didn't have social media and the internet to broadcast and amplify the violence and our differences.

  • Spread awareness about it and change my actions to mitigate the impact of it if I am able to do so. For example by protesting or boycotting.

    Only reading about things and taking no action tends to pile up the emotions.

  • I also live in the past probably to an unhealthy level. I have a pretty massive data hoard of old 90's/early 2000's everything, tv shows, movies, old commercials, radio songs, magazines, and a huge collection of old games. I collect as many pictures as I can find of old things I remember, old home videos from the time period of people just like walking around in malls and stores that no longer exist, etc. I draw on that past period of happiness, because I haven't felt genuinely happy in over 10 years at this point.

    I try to fully immerse myself I guess as a form of dissociation/escapism. When I'm dragged back to reality or unable to preoccupy myself my mind goes to dark places. I cope with weed and alcohol. I take naps when I can when my mind is breaking. Sometimes it builds up till I have psychotic breaks, or self harm. I guess that's an 'outlet' but it's really not good. Therapy can help sometimes, but only insofar as helping me to cope with the outside world, but there's only so much that can be helped there when the problem is external and almost entirely unavoidable. There's only so much I can tell myself "this is fine" while the house is burning around me.

    I'm a wreck. I do not cope well.

  • I read the news just to entertain myself. And then I ignore the content because most news are just depressing: Armed conflict here, murder there, capital offense, you get the gist.

    For several months I didn't read any news, that works too. You'll realize that most of the stuff in the tv and tabloids doesn't affect you.

    And for the third point I do whatever it takes to distract, lose in or occupy myself completely. That could be a book with a nice story or some outdoor activity. Yesterday I did some kind of mini-camping. I took my bicycle and brought a camping chair, gas stove, water and cocoa powder and rode a bit into the woods. And then I had some quiet relaxing time reading a book on my phone. The hot chocolate and a thick jacket kept me from freezing. It was only 10 °C/50 °F and a bit windy.
    I'll repeat that tomorrow but this time I'll switch the cocoa to tomato-soup-in-a-cup. The cocoa was too sweet for my taste.

  • Weed, psychedelics, gaming, and my least/most favorite alcohol (work in progress, it's complicated).

    If you're upset or feel bad, just do what you can and hang on. If you make it through a year, a month, a day... thats a victory. Thats doing something. Things won't be like this forever. Nothing lasts forever.

    We don't have to go back to the previous status quo after we weather the storm either. We can make things better for all. Don't let the tiny box thinking people with low standards convince you otherwise.

  • I attempt to ignore it....

    Ignoring the US news is the only way I maintain my sanity. Focus on things I can change, and control. I tried staying within the US laws to affect change, to no avail. Now have to support those I can, and protect me and mine.