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2 Minutes of Rachel "Raygun" Gunn Attempting to Breakdance
  • Was it an attempt though? This is also her (IG link).

  • Removed
    The FEMA Camps are back, baby!
  • Well it is festival season. sicko yes

  • The tech bros truly inhabit different world
  • The day of the heat death of the universe is also approaching.

  • You know what will solve atomization? ai
  • To unfettered capitalism, the source of - and solution to - all of humanity's problems!

  • Let's goooo
  • Seems like the ICC is affirming their loyalty to the US and making it clear they do not wish to be taken seriously by the international community.
    I don't know who process and authorize these applications, but it won't be a surprise if the only warrants issued are for the resistance leaders.

  • They're putting vinegar in the rice to turn the frickin' frogs gay!
  • A minimum of 5% of labour in the supply chain should be performed by children so we know they are serious about the anti-woke.

  • Mexican embassy violated by Ecuadorian cops
  • The rules based order is breaking down at an impressive pace.

  • There's an actual village in Serbia called Junkovac 💀
  • Google translate: "a junkie" in case I'm not the only one who needed to look it up.

  • Why NATO Is More Than Democracy’s Best Defense - Journal of Democracy
  • democracy


    1. The opposite of democracy.
  • Bigot crys about dinosaur game
  • Seeing what her posts are like and hearing her speak in a recent interview, she really shouldn't be able to convince anyone. The fact that she does says a lot about the need for a solid public education system and why it has been deliberately destroyed.

  • Genocide Joe approves the transfer of 1,800 MK84 2,000-pound bombs and 500 MK82 500-pound bombs alongside 25 F-35A fighter jets to Israel - Washington Post
  • With Trump it’s straight up fascism.

    It's fascism with Biden. Which logo and slogan is on the merch won't affect the genocidal nature of the empire.

    I don’t understand why Hexbears think that voting for Biden means supporting his policies.

    I mean that's what a vote is.

  • Matthew Miller, US State Department spokesman accused Francesca Albanese, the UN’s special rapporteur on Palestine of antisemitism for saying Israel is committing a genocide.
  • Hope someone makes a supercut of all the times he's been smiling while denying genocide or saying other ghoulish shit.

  • Chris Hedges: Joe Biden’s Parting Gift to America Will be Christian Fascism
  • Is it really a failure when you never intended to try though?

  • Books idontpeoplegood
    Some fake covers for your e-book reader

    A comrade has provided a presumably more long-lived link here. On my Kobo Clara 2E, putting them all in .kobo\screensaver\\ causes the reader to load a random image every time I turn it off. Probably works very similar for other Kobo readers. Non-permanent links: link1 link2 link3. If all the links are dead at some point, I can upload again.

    Honestly stolen from Paperback Paradise, @paprbckparadise@twitter, paperback-paradise@tumblr

    Books idontpeoplegood
    Rama Revealed (Arthur C. Clarke, Gentry Lee) - Termination codicils

    Goodreads link.

    A different take on war. The most relevant 25% of the excerpt is in bold:

    "I have volunteered," their octospider friend said, "to negotiate personally with the human leaders in an attempt to stop this conflict before it escalates into full-scale war. To accomplish this, however, I must Obviously have some help. If I suddenly appear in the camp of the human soldiers, they will kill me. Even if they do not, they will have no way of understanding what I am telling them. So some human who understands our language must accompany me to translate my colors or there's no way that a meaningful dialogue can be started."

    After Richard and Nicole told the Chief Optimizer that they had no disagreement with the basic concept proposed by Archie, the two humans and their octospider colleague were left alone to discuss the details. Archie's idea was straightforward. Nicole and he would approach the camp near the Cylindrical Sea together and would request a meeting with Nakamura and the other human leaders. At that meeting Archie and Nicole would explain that the octospiders were a peace-loving species who had no territorial claims on the north side of the Cylindrical Sea. Archie would request that the humans withdraw from their camp and cease their overflights. If necessary, as a token of the goodwill of the octospiders, Archie would offer to supply quantities of food and water to help the humans through their current difficulties. A permanent relationship between the two species would be established and a treaty drafted to codify the agreement.

    "Jesus," Richard said after he finished translating Archie's comments. "And I thought Nicole was an idealist!"

    Archie did not understand Richard's remark. Nicole patiently explained to the octospider that the leaders of New Eden were not likely to be as reasonable as Archie was assuming. "It is entirely possible," Nicole said, to stress the danger of what Archie was proposing, "that they will kill us both before we are ever allowed to say anything."

    Archie kept insisting that what he was proposing was bound to be accepted eventually because it was clearly in the best interests of the humans living in New Eden.

    "Look, Archie," Richard responded in frustration, "what you said is just not correct. There are many human beings, including Nakamura, who do not give a shit what is good for the colony. In fact, the common welfare is not even a factor in the subconscious objective function, to use your terms-, that governs their behavior. All they care about is themselves. Every decision is weighed in terms of whether or not it will increase their own personal power or influence. In our history, leaders have often destroyed their own countries or colonies in attempts to retain their power."

    The octospider was stubborn. "What you are describing just cannot be true in an advanced species," Archie insisted. "The fundamental laws of evolution clearly indicate that those species whose primary value is the welfare of the group will outlast those in which the individual is supreme. Are you suggesting that human beings are an aberration of some kind, a freak of nature violating a fundamental—"

    Nicole interrupted. 'This is all very interesting, you two," she said, "but we have some more pressing business. We must design a plan of action that has no pitfalls. . . . Richard, if you don't like Archie's plan, what do you suggest?"

    Richard reflected for several seconds before speaking. "I believe that Nakamura has committed New Eden to this action against the octospiders for many reasons, one of which is to preclude criticism of the domestic failures by his government. I do not think he will be dissuaded from his course unless the citizens are overwhelmingly against the war, and, I'm sorry to say, I don't think that will happen unless the colonists are convinced the war will be a disaster."

    "So you think threats are necessary?" Nicole said.

    "As a minimum. What would be perfect would be a demonstration of military might by the octospiders," Richard said.

    "I'm afraid that's impossible," Archie commented, "at least under the current circumstances."

    -------- "Why?" Richard asked. 'The Chief Optimizer spoke with confidence about winning any war that might occur. If you were to attack and utterly destroy that camp—"

    "Now it is you who do not understand us," Archie said. "Because war, or any conflict that can result in deliberate deaths, is such a nonoptimal way of resolving disputes, our colony has very strict regulations governing concerted hostile actions. Controls are built into our society to make war absolutely the solution of the last resort. We have no standing army and no stockpile of weapons, for example. And there are other restraints as well. All optimizers participating in a decision to declare war, as well as all octospiders engaging in an armed conflict, are immediately terminated after the war."

    "Whaaat?" said Richard, not believing his translator. "That's not possible."

    "Yes, it is," Archie said. "As you can imagine, these factors significantly deter our participation in nondefensive hostilities. The Chief Optimizer knows that she signed her own death warrant two weeks ago when she authorized the beginning of war preparations. All eighty of the octospiders now living and working in the War Domain will be terminated when this war is either concluded or the threat of war has officially passed. ... I myself, since I was part of the discussions today, will be placed on the termination lists if war is declared."

    Richard and Nicole were speechless. "The only possible justification for war to an octospider," Archie continued, "is an unambiguous threat to the very survival of the colony. Once that threat is identified and acknowledged, our species undergoes a metamorphosis and prosecutes the war, without mercy, until either the threat is obliterated or our colony has been destroyed. Generations ago, some very wise optimizers realized that those individual octospiders who were engaged in killing, and the design of killing, were so psychologically altered by their experiences that they became a significant detriment to the operation of a peaceful colony. That's why the termination codicils were enacted."

    Help me veganize this "ancient" German nudel salat (spaghetti salad)

    I want to veganize this wet salad recipe.

    1. Probably gonna replace the spaghetti with beans, at least once I've done a test run.
    2. I'd like to partially or completely replace the mayo with something less fatty, maybe cashew? Hopefully some black Himalaya salt can emulate the egg flavor. ------------
    • 500g (17.5oz) spaghetti (dry weight)
    • 600-700g (21-25oz) smoked sausage (about 1/3" pieces?) - Seitan w/liquid smoke, probably.
    • 5-7 hard boiled eggs (diced/chopped or mashed even) - nothing I guess
    • 3 apples (chopped)
    • 1 tbsp mustard
    • 300-350g (10.5-12.5oz) mayonnaise - I figure using a cashew based cream I can replace both mayo and egg at once. Might add some mayo or oil if the salad needs fat.
    • 500-600g (17.5-21oz) pickled cucumber (vinegar, not brine - chopped)

    Stir in some milk if the salad starts getting dry.

    --------- I'd love some instructions on the mayo/egg replacement, as well as the smoked sausage, to make sure the chances of success are as high as possible on the first try.

    Meta (FB) meeting with some fediverse admins, a cause for concern? Aral Balkan (

    There is one legitimate reason to have attended the meeting of fediverse admins with Facebook/Meta and that’s if your goal was to leak the contents. (We’re waiting.) Personally, I don’t see how I can trust any fediverse admin either stupid enough or malleable enough to sign an NDA with Facebook/Me...

    Seems like they had to sign an NDA. The thread came up when I was searching various tags, so I have no more context. Hopefully turns out to be a big (vegan) nothingburger.

    Vegans and leftists should just kiss already

    Dramatization of a Reddit discussion.

    OmniDeficient idontpeoplegood

    From the river to the sea, 🇵🇸Palestine🇵🇸 will be free!

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