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Where to find answers on common car problems?
  • No an overly helpful suggestion maybe, but I used to look for servers hosting the cars service manual whenever I had issues. But that was in the early 2010s, so not sure where to look for them now.

  • [Weekly discussion thread] Parents, how are you doing? Any experience or tips to share?
  • We had this at one point too. Turns out they weren't hungry, so we changed such that the food is there but they choose whether they want to eat. Instead of eating they could bring a piece of paper and do drawing or tell us about their day for a bit while we sit together.

    It worked well as it was a lot calmer and the transition to bed wasn't as big an hour or so later.

    Not saying it will work for you, but it helped us.

  • Why do you choose to continue living?
  • I like the first half of your comment, but the second is really hard to swallow. I guess you meant "severe" or "debilitatingly" painful/disabled life, and I don't think you meant malice in what you're saying - but I know some people living with disabilities that would see your comment as calling them worthless.

  • What does the world think of India?
  • India is a world leader when countries are ranked by population. It's time will come, as the middle class grows and imports from other nations increase, but that is not happening in the next 5 years in my opinion.

    India's inability to remove the caste system leads IMHO to an equivalent of middle eastern country's inability to allow women a meaningful place in their society, and is a massive hindrance to reaching its potential socially and economically.

    On the positive side, absolutely has the best cuisine in the world

  • Turkey: Brics instead of EU?
  • The full, current list is: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates

    Adding Turkey and Hungary would lead to: SHITBRICEEU, which I find amusing :)

  • There Can Be No Energy Transition Without China, Says Siemens Energy CEO
  • I understand this to mean: "there are no suppliers for some parts outside of China" rather than "my margins are affected, waaawaa"

    Like try and buy clay that hasn't been processed at some point through China, or any piece of machinery that doesn't have a component inside which originates in China. Hell, even try go 24 hours without using a Chinese product.

    This is why many countries are looking at re-implimenting protectionism, because we have reached a situation of non-control, regardless of domestic wants.

    I don't think I agree with their (Siemens Energy's) stance, without a Long term solution to change the issue, but I understand it's place in the grand scheme.

  • EU ministers fume as ‘outrageous’ Hungary yet again blocks military aid for Ukraine
  • While I understand the sentiment, such action doesn't match the long term goals of the bloc to unify the continent. Another solution needs to be found to ensure single bad actors cannot hold up actions which severely impact the remaining stakeholders - I have no idea how it could be done though.

    Xoxo, Another useless armchair observer

  • Chinese military releases bold video simulation of Taiwan invasion, says Australia would be “pushed over the edge of an abyss” if it tied itself to Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party
  • The 70 second video is the dumbest thing I have seen in a long time. Looks like it was made by some 12 year olds in windows movie maker on Windows XP. It's like 50 seconds of aircraft taking off and missiles flying then 10 seconds of fire gifs over Taiwan... is like the daily mail level of trash in Australia.

  • Photo Album Software (request)
  • Thanks for the suggestion, I started looking into LaTeX during my studies but never went through with learning it. Others have suggested Scribus, is there a reason why you might opt for LaTeX over that for this case?

  • Photo Album Software (request)

    I have a large number of photos edited and ready to go and want to then them into an album. Does anyone have any recommendations for any FOSS software that I can use to arrange the images to pages, and add text?

    I intend to send the data to a professional printer for printing and binding.

    My first thought was Libre Office's Draw, but maybe this community has something more appropriate.

    ShPD: What are your favourite and least favourite challenges?

    I personally think each of the challenges are well thought out!

    Favourites: Badder Bosses and Swarm Intelligence. These imho add a nice layer to the game.

    Least favourite: Into the darkness, it annoys me getting sniped from a ranged enemy without seeing anything.

    Special shout-out to pharmacopoeia and faith is my armour. I cannot finish the game with these on - anyone got any tips?

    On & off-ramping via exchanges

    Simple question, but I haven't been able to find any decent answer yet: Does anyone have a good guide for reducing fees when buying and selling coins for fiat?

    BudgetAudiophile Oneser
    recommendations on a record player

    I am way out of my depths even looking for one. If anyone has any pointers, it would be a huge help!

    For info: I use 2 Edifier R1280s and normally on relatively low volume, so it doesn't need to be anything crazy, but I will slowly build my sound system over the next 4-5 years and would like to not need replace a new record player (which will be a central piece) in the coming years. Willing to spend €350 depending on quality.

    Many thanks BAs!

    engineering literature

    I'm looking for a book (preferably eBook) which explains one or more engineering projects in great detail.

    Anyone have any recommendations?

    Request: Suggestions for editing

    Hi all, I'm looking for a resource or book to get further into photo editing. Preferably something that explores a handful of scenes and/or portraits and outlines or builds on basics to advanced techniques. I hope that's not too generic of a request...

    Anyone here have any tips?

    Looking for: Android FOSS Stock Tracker

    I hope this questions hasn't been overdone, but for those active in financial markets does anyone have a recommendation for an app to track markets? I can only find widget apps with limited functionality (don't show volumes on graphs, missing trend data etc.)

    I'm currently using Stocks Widget, which missing some graph features and the widget function is buggy on my phone. (

    The source of the data isn't strictly important in my case, as long as it can pull EU market info.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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