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Will microplastics in our testicles be an issue?
  • Right, civilization might survive... maybe, possibly, hopefully, just like if we all were to play Russian Roulette. Still doesn't sound like a smart idea to me to mess with something known to be so dangerous.

    At the absolute minimum the changes will be cruel, and hundreds of thousands of people are already dying from each of many individual events like hurricanes outside of their normal seasons, at intensities never before seen in a particular area.

    So my thought: at the very least we could care? Except I was wrong - we can go lower, so much lower. We do have the satisfaction though that whatever comes, we brought it upon ourselves.

  • Sounds good 👍
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  • Will microplastics in our testicles be an issue?
  • Yeah, the increasing likelihood of Russia or China using nukes to get their way was what I was thinking, especially with talk that the Western nations might be giving Ukraine the go-ahead to use those weapons to strike within Russia itself.

    The plastic sperm issue actually doesn't sound so bad in comparison, bc fertilization treatments might work even if needing to extract outside of the body first. Overall, it still sounds less dangerous to me than e.g. a young woman living in Florida these days without access to money to leave the state for medical care.

    I frankly have no idea what to expect about climate change at this point - we've blown far past all the targets and seem now to be in uncharted territory, according to what little I understand. I do notice far fewer birds, bees and other insect life, and I recall hearing how in the Antarctic a few months back there was a single day where the temperature spiked by +70 degrees F (~40°C). I can only imagine what that would do to e.g. Texas if it went from already 100 to then 170 degrees, even if only for a few hours. "Coral" is the least of the issue iirc, they were (by virtue of being sensitive) mainly indicators of the actual events, which we won't know until we see it, but scientists are saying that it's no bueno. Anyway, it seems like the changes could wipe out all mammalian life on the planet, but then again maybe not!?:-P i.e. it could be really bad, but it could be less so, we just don't know, and as you said, we mostly barely care ("we" meaning voters, so chiefly Boomers & evangelical Christians, as Trump and the Republican party's biggest bases).

    And yet we seem to care a great deal about tHe EcOnOmY tHo - so it's a choice of prioritization to pick what "matters" to us.

  • Will microplastics in our testicles be an issue?
  • Thanks for sharing the link - TIL something!:-)

  • Will microplastics in our testicles be an issue?
  • Can something be done? Possibly, who knows?

    Will something be done? I wouldn't hold my breath.

    This isn't the only potentially human civilization-ending event I first heard about this past month, and that doesn't include climate change that we've known about for literally decades, which many of the major players involved including the USA and China still don't seem to care much about even now.

    There is a saying: "put your money where your mouth is", meaning that if people want to truly "care" about something - e.g. to be Pro-Life - then we need to actually get up off the couch and do something about what we otherwise claim to but don't really care. For instance we could... I dunno, wear masks when we feel the slightest hint of a respiratory illness coming on - cheap, trivially easy, and can save literal lives. And not to trivialize this, some people truly do care - even as I type this I'm listening to a livestream talking about restoration taking much more effort but yielding much greater results than merely shaming people by pointing out something bad.

    However, and a bit ironically, Big Tobacco and Big Oil and Big Sugar and Big Tech and Big Plastic etc. all do this, investing great efforts into stopping efforts to try to stop them. Without equal or greater efforts in opposition... well, like I said, I would not hold my breath.

  • viruses
  • I'm basically a needle for injecting drugs into you without consent, fight me (I'll win anyway, some percentage of time).

  • Removed
    54% of Gen Z Shoppers Use Pay Later Plans to Buy Groceries
  • This article just screams clickbait, from how they play fast & loose with their numbers, yet never seem to define their terms, etc.

    Approximately 60% of the consumers PYMNTS Intelligence recently surveyed for a new report said pay later plans help them facilitate better budgeting.

    It's a survey result. From PYMNTS Intelligence. Not "general Western-world customers" as the title would lead us to believe.

    Take with a massive grain of salt. I understand less after reading it than I did before clicking:-(.

  • I'm sick of my life and I don't know what to do
  • Most people struggle in college, hence one possibility as to why you aren't finding friends is that they are going through similar to what you are (or something else equally as devastating to their own lives). So ironically, you are not alone in feeling alone:-). Tough it out bc it will get better. Also, it will repeat again after you leave college to move forward.

    Even people surrounded on all sides by friends and family can feel lonely - learn to accept that and become okay with being by yourself, at least part of the time. Other times, maybe talk with your parents and high school friends in a phone call. And you can talk with us here on the Fediverse too:-). But voice is better.

    That said, maybe don't try to date right now - putting your sense of self into someone else's hands isn't healthy for either you or them. I am no psychologist though. Speaking of, your school should have some resources to help you - check them out bc this obviously bothers you, so seems worth the effort? They could even have some stuff for you before the Fall.

    Find something that sparks joy in you, and do a little of that.:-)

  • Got a good feeling about this
  • As a result of this, you'll never have any troubles again either, also for the rest of your life. :-P

  • Got a good feeling about this
  • This is peak power right there - you'll never want for more power ever again. :-P

  • Got a good feeling about this
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    ... and, now it's gone. :-|

  • Got a good feeling about this
  • You'll be powerful one day... oh excuse me I misread that, it's for one minute.

  • me_irl
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  • only as in free beer
  • At some point it was a twinkle in Charles Babbage's eyes 👀:-D.

  • Key misinformation “superspreaders” on Twitter: Older women
  • We are more than just Lemmy now - there's Kbin, its fork Mbin, and others like it that are integrating Mastodon into the mix as well.

    Maybe Fedizen?

  • only as in free beer
  • Yeah but it's the software that told it to do it.

  • BE the change that they want to see in the world - EXCELLENT! :-P

  • Google Admits Its AI Overviews Search Feature Screwed Up
  • So many songs about rape... tbf I don't get that vibe from that Beatles song that seems more about just opposite phrases:-), but in general, we have it far too much in our culture.

  • Portable convenience [The Square Comics]
  • Oh I see. I use my Macs (at home + work) as daily drivers, though I rarely use the right-click action iirc - so much of working on a Mac only requires one left-click. Also I use the Terminal to log into a work Linux, so a lot of keyboard interaction too, and like alt-tab and such.

    But it sounds like your UX is entirely different: if you rarely use the Mac itself, and/or then use an external mouse the vast majority of the time, and even then don't do right-click actions constantly, then I see what you mean: you almost may not even have trackpad experience!?:-D It would then be harder to retain yourself to do differently, and the few times something doesn't work would stick out in your mind more in that case. If you think you'll keep needing to use a Mac setup in the future, you might try to force yourself to get used to it - like pick a slow day of the week and don't allow yourself to use the external mouse and only use the trackpad. Like learning to type in QWERTY rather than hunt and-peck, building habits takes time but does have a pay-off:-). Even if you don't need to do this, it could make the whole experience more pleasurable i.e. less painful for you! Ofc you know your setup far better than I, it was just a thought, in case it helps:-).

  • Memes live in your brain

    A video titled "This Video Will Make You Angry", by CGP Grey, about how memes evolve in the same manner as living organisms, though in this case those most successful tend to be the ones that engender anger in their target audience.

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