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Harris and Trump are getting ready for Tuesday’s debate in sharply different ways
  • I had a quick google of this (I’m from UK) and it seems to indicate that in most states you can actually vote early.

    Well specifically it says:

    For the 2024 Presidential General Election, early voting will be available from Thursday, October 24, 2024 through Thursday, October 31, 2024 (including Saturday and Sunday) from 7 am to 8 pm.

    That’s for Maryland. Gotta say it’s confusing that you seem to have different rules in different states, well not just confusing but actually undemocratic surely? Because it means some people in some states will have an easier time voting than others so are more likely to vote.

    Surely it should be exactly the same rules in every state. I’m assuming now that the times you can vote on the actual day may even be different depending on state.

    I get that you have different laws in different states for stuff. But surely for voting, it should be the exact same rules, because you’re electing the president of the whole of the USA not your state. (Although maybe you technically actually are only voting for the elector in your state that then casts their vote on your behalf, I even read that there have been rare occasions where the state elector went against what their state voted for!?)

    I dunno. Seems a little crazy and quite confusing.

  • Harris and Trump are getting ready for Tuesday’s debate in sharply different ways
  • What time can you vote from then? I think in the UK it’s 7am-10pm so surely anyone can make it at some point during then?? If it’s the same there… but to be honest at least making it a two day thing seems like a decent option.

    But I struggle to see how you can’t make it between 7am and 10pm. It should be a legal right that your workplace has to let you have time to vote at some point during the day.

  • Harris and Trump are getting ready for Tuesday’s debate in sharply different ways
  • Surely they’d just split up the fight lol. If you can grab hold of one of them, then the fight is over isn’t it? So it doesn’t matter who you grab or who you protect, you’ll be protecting the other in the process.

  • Harris and Trump are getting ready for Tuesday’s debate in sharply different ways
  • Exactly this! There weren’t Joe Biden fanatics about! There were people looking at the polling and hedging their bets on Biden. It’s easy to say we were wrong in hindsight. But we weren’t really wrong at the time.

    No one knew how popular or unpopular Harris would turn out to be (although up until that point she was certainly UNPOPULAR).

  • Harris and Trump are getting ready for Tuesday’s debate in sharply different ways
  • I wasn’t in favour of him stepping down. And all the polls at the time showed Harris as being less popular so it just didn’t make sense.

    After that debate I was still not really in favour of him stepping down from a pure just looking at the numbers stance that I’m sure still showed him as being more popular than her.

    However when he called Zelensky, Putin, I knew the game was up. It was clear that he literally couldn’t function even when he wasn’t in a pressurised debate.

    I don’t think it was obvious that there was a chance that Harris was going to be more popular than him until before that point really. Even then you couldn’t say for sure.

    But it was obvious he just wasn’t going to make it to the election. You can’t mix up Zelensky and Putin and just carry on after that. I really think that was a much lower low than the debate.

    The Democrats fucked up by not replacing Biden from the beginning, that was the time when it made sense to get rid of him. I was fully in favour of it at that point.

    To change your candidate THIS close to the election of course seemed like an insane idea. The choice just got taken away in the end and he just had to go.

    Thankfully it’s worked out really well but it’s easy to say that we should have changed him straight after or before that debate. The choice was not as obvious as you are making it out to be beforehand. Because the dem voters weren’t obsessed with Biden like the reps are obsessed with Trump. Everyone wanted whoever would be the best candidate to beat Trump. Literally no one gave a shit whether it was Biden or not, he just looked like the best choice until very late on.

  • Rule
  • Your example is not at all the same thing. To make your example fit you’d need to change it to something like: “hey guys I’ve tried googling this and I’m just not very good with printers as unfortunately I haven’t owned one until now”. Then asking the actual question, like then place what you said after what I said.

    You shouldn’t need to have the part I said. You’re basically adding in the part because you’re worried someone might call you an idiot or something for not knowing the answer to your question if it turns out it’s something simple that other people know (simple for people who know it anyway).

    That’s the point…

  • Taken double dose of Methadone - requesting help/advice. More info below. Taken 200mg instead of 100mg…
  • lol yeah fair I hear you cheers. I know you’re right but it’s hard not to chase that high. I’d be happy if I could have get high like this once or twice a week like maybe once every 4 days.

    Like: 100mg, 50mg, 100mg, 50mg, 200mg then repeat.

    In that pattern the 200mg should always hit pretty hard if you think about it cos of the fact you’re depriving yourself a lot on two of those days and then the 200mg day is even still twice even the 100mg days.

    But yeah that’s my addict mind at work. Plus I’d aim to take 600mg of Pregab every other day maybe and make the 600mg day the same day as the 200mg Methadone day to enhance it even further.

    Maybe that does sound bad. But I don’t really see the harm in it. It’s not like I’m going out and buying EXTRA methadone to take on top of my normal doses. I’m simply apportioning more methadone to some days but then less methadone to other days so it completely balances itself out. Same with the pregabalin.

    You wouldn’t feel quite as stable. The two 50mg days are gonna be the kinda shitty days but shouldn’t be to the extent of having any problematic withdrawals symptoms. Like a small part of me is regretting having done this thing right now. Because I now have to have this boring possibly slightly just slightly more uncomfortable feeling day mentally than usual. But I know it’s only for 24 hours so I’ll be through it soon enough. I’ll be sleeping for like 8 of those hours even.

    In regards to this double dose and worrying anyway. I’m sure I’ll be fine now cos in 3 hours it’s will be the time when I could have taken the second 100mg anyway. So the levels should be evening out now. Cos the first 100mg I took was literally 21 hours ago now. It would be different had I taken the whole 200mg at once I suppose but as it is, I’m not too concerned now.

    Are you 43 by the way or was that just a random number you pulled out lol?

  • What Ticketmaster Doesn't Want You To Know: Concerts Were Cheap For Decades
  • Well they definitely made significantly more than they do from Spotify cos Spotify is so cheap for the end user that they can’t possibly be paying the bands much of anything at all.

    Of course the record companies would take a negotiated slice which I should imagine would be larger for the first album but probably the band can negotiate better terms for the second album if the first is popular. They wouldn’t agree to a contract for a stupidly low amount at least not for consecutive albums when they gain popularity and therefore bargaining power.

    But even 100% of Spotify proceeds is shitty. 100% of fuck all is still fuck all as they say. Physical albums always made a much larger “pie” to start with. So everyone’s share is much more generous.

    I’m talking like the I know the music industry and shit lol but I’m just making most of this up or repeating it from other people’s comments I’ve seen before about how it works but I’m pretty sure this is more or less accurate.

  • What Ticketmaster Doesn't Want You To Know: Concerts Were Cheap For Decades
  • Haha nice. That’s a damn good deal to be fair, cos if not confused then 1996 was more or less the peak of their career, so not like it was an early one where they would be cheaper.

    I always hear of the Knebworth place and understand it’s pretty famous so I suppose that should be a clue that they were big then. Cos assuming it’s a big area (field if I’m not mistaken..).

    £250 a ticket is pretty crazy. That’s gotta be close to a weekend ticket at Reading and Leeds I would think and you’d see loads of big bands there for that price, including the camping.

  • What Ticketmaster Doesn't Want You To Know: Concerts Were Cheap For Decades
  • I think I might have gone to that.. weird I can’t remember but I was an alcoholic so didn’t remember much of those times!

    Not sure if it was a tour as such though, well it was British Summer Time Festival in I believe Hyde Park. I deffo saw at least one of them there anyway but I have a feeling it was not actually which would be a pretty damn strong gig for the UK. (I know in America they get a lot more of tours/gigs with lots of big names but it’s quite rare in the UK really).

  • What Ticketmaster Doesn't Want You To Know: Concerts Were Cheap For Decades
  • Yeah I’m not entirely sure of what the way forward is there. But somehow they need to get the prices of shows down or it’s literally just gonna be a load of rich kids at these shows.

    I heard that… I think it was The Jam? Actually “stood up” to ticketbastard a while back. But then from what I read, it turns out they actually just ended up getting a negotiated better rate with them, so that THEY got paid more for the gigs, but ticket prices remained the same or possibly even went up as a result. So just a completely selfish thing as opposed to a “fuck the system, let’s stand with the people” moment.

    Sort of a variation on a don’t meet your heroes moment for their big fans I think.

    Happens all too often though. I haven’t actually checked so possible he hasn’t actually sold out. But MGK at his beginnings was meant to be a proper “movement” he was completely idolised by his fans (including me when I was much younger lol). So if his tickets are or ever do become super expensive then that’s a sure sign of another sell out.

    He’s kinda completely changed fences now anyhow which I think pissed off a lot of his base although I’ve always been into alternative rock and rock rap like mixture genre thing. So I thought it was kinda cool tbf anywho probably no one even knows who he has so I’ll shut up now. But yeah hopefully he isn’t another sellout.

  • What Ticketmaster Doesn't Want You To Know: Concerts Were Cheap For Decades
  • Damn yeah that is weird vibes. Don’t wanna slander the guy or whatever the right word is lol but like hopefully it doesn’t come out that he’s yet another to add to the list of paedos. But I swear the list of celebrities coming out with stuff like that or SA stuff is pretty depressing and I’m thinking that story is a sort of a yellow flag warning moment lol.

    Hopefully not though. Sorry Billie!

  • What Ticketmaster Doesn't Want You To Know: Concerts Were Cheap For Decades
  • Yeah na I get what you mean. It does suck. And yeah it’s a bit shit if you’re constantly worrying about the money, means you can’t enjoy it as much which is the opposite of what you want cos you spent a lot of money… but cos you spent you worry… haha I’ll stop now but yeah ironic cycle continues round.

    Which is why I probably just wouldn’t bother these days unless I was seriously seriously sure about it or just had a lot of disposable income at that point.

    TBH though by the way. TS is kind of a jerk. The way she released that last album that people pre-ordered (imagine how lucky she is that people even actually purchase her music in full albums!! She seriously doesn’t need to be making shit loads off concert tickets) but then she releases like 20 EXTRA songs that aren’t available never pre-ordered one from what I understand right? So then people actually went ahead and purchased the album AGAIN to get the extra 20 songs.

    So she’s cleaning the fuck up lol. I mean I dunno how many mugs actually did re purchase it, no offence if you’re one of them, but like damn, that’s really taking the piss out of your fans IMO. But people love her so much that they are just happy to have those extra songs available to listen to (AND PURCHASE) so it gets glossed over.

    Like the people who pre-ordered are really loyal fans, so if anything she should be rewarding them for that. Like giving them those extra songs for free on the album.

    People even purchased all her old music twice a lot of the time I think. When she re-recorded all the albums.

    Just seems insane to me. She is truly raking it in.

  • Kinda lonely in here. I just took a double dose for the first time today. 200mg instead of 100mg…EDIT
  • Cheers yeah it does last pretty long in theory doesn’t always feel like it though. It is quite person dependant I think. Read before that half life can actually be anything from 12 to 36 hours so they say average 24 hours which is the idea so it lasts a full day.

    But yeah once I get to 8:30am in 5.5 hours time, then that’s time I would usually have been able to take the 100mg dose of today that I took yesterday instead. So basically if I get to 8:30 I think I’m fine cos then I coulda taken my dose then anyway and that would be considered normal dose. Now instead I’m not gonna be dosing all day so it should even out basically.

  • Kinda lonely in here. I just took a double dose for the first time today. 200mg instead of 100mg…EDIT
  • Ok cheers dude. I don’t feel insanelyyy high now I think it’s calmed down slightly anyway. But yeah I’m planning on staying awake anyhow, in fact I haven’t even got round to having the coffee I mean to boil literally 7.5 hours ago so I’m gonna do that now, make it a nice mocha in fact … yummy.

  • Harris and Trump are getting ready for Tuesday’s debate in sharply different ways
  • What she needs to be doing is trumping all over Trump. Like farting all over his face. No cancel that. Not farting. She needs to be consistently SHARTING all over his face, all over his whiskers and in his mouth.

    Yessss… yessss.

    Side note: fuck Shapiro that guys a fucking sellout like I’ve never liked the guy at all. Obviously. And I’ve never really thought he was actually principled. But like he has always tried to act like he’s super rational and it just makes no sense that he could still be supporting someone who blatantly tried to steal the election to stop the transfer of power.

    His excuses to justify still supporting Trump make me sick and he also needs a caking of shart IMO.

  • Harris and Trump are getting ready for Tuesday’s debate in sharply different ways
  • Yeah kinda special case there though I think. But of course they matter to an extent. I think there’s trumps strong hardcore nutter fans who would rather have Putin govern them than Biden or Kamala (actually heard one of them say this on a YT video about Biden).

    These people won’t be swayed away from him by anything, therefore debate is irrelevant for them.

    Then there are also hardcore anti trump people, the only sensible position to have, frankly. That would be the category I fall into but I’m not American so irrelevant for me lol.

    But yeah, for those people, whatever percentage that is the debate doesn’t really matter either.

    Then there are some people who are hardcore republicans. Really don’t like Dems but also do kind care about trump being cray cray and maybe cancelling all future elections if he gets in. So these people might be swayed I guess? I dunno. As I’ve wrote this out, I’ve actually more or less come to the conclusion that there really shouldn’t be many people who the debate will change their mind on anything.

    But there has to be some undecided but it’s a weird position that I can’t really understand so who knows if it will sway those people either way. Some of them I guess. Also the evidence for these charges against Trump are coming out in a week or so I think, whenever that happens, that’s not gonna be good for trump. That’s for sure. How bad it will affect him I can’t really say, but it’s certainty not gonna increase his support.

    So I can only imagine it will thankfully DECREASE IT. Overall I think Trumps bitten off more than he can chew. With these charges and with him basically alienating half the population (women) over abortion, I’d like to THINK, the Dems have this in the bag. But fucking vote people!

  • Taken double dose of Methadone - requesting help/advice. More info below. Taken 200mg instead of 100mg…

    Hellloooooo, is anyone here.. can anyone hear my echooo echooooo….?

    Anywho; for the first time since being on this dose at least. (I tried taking 80mg instead of 40mg very early on in my treatment, not massive results really).

    But I’ve been on 100mg a day now for a good maybe 2 months now? Ish?

    I took my normal 100mg dose this morning at about 0930hrs then I took an extra 100mg at about 2030hrs this evening.

    So quite a big gap between I suppose. But I gotta say, this has felt very nice for the most part (sorta felt like it was coming in waves for the first few hours).

    But I do feel like I’m properly up now. Feeling very euphoric actually particularly noticed the strongg almost eyes rolling back in my head kind of euphoria so very nice considering it’s bloody Methadone.

    Didn’t expect this much good feels at all. I’m really hoping it will last a long time, as it’s been 7 hours now, since the redose/addition of the 100mg’s dose.

    I kinda feel like Methadone never usually really lasts thatt kinda long for me. But going very very strong at the moment.

    I am almost slightly worried. I will be fine right? It’s not dangerous to double your dose is it?

    I did also take with it, 300mg Pregabalin. But this is my normal daily dose of that. Although I generally take 600mg every two days instead of taking it daily, cos I’m chasing a high.

    Have been taking quite a lot of Soma (Carisoprodol) recently too. Like 60, 500mg tablets within the last week (ran out last night, so last dose around 24 hours ago of that).

    Might edit/add more to this but just gonna quickly post this now incase hopefully someone sees it and replies! Cos would kinda like to know if anyone thinks this is safe-ish? Like can I sleep or should I stay awake for a while just in case? Cos I deffo could sleep/nod now. I kinda am nodding right now, eyes blurry etc, anyway: POSTING NOW.

    Methadone Oxymoron
    Kinda lonely in here. I just took a double dose for the first time today. 200mg instead of 100mg…EDIT

    Hellloooooo, is anyone here.. can anyone hear my echooo echooooo….?

    Anywho; for the first time since being on this dose at least. (I tried taking 80mg instead of 40mg very early on in my treatment, not massive results really).

    But I’ve been on 100mg a day now for a good maybe 2 months now? Ish?

    I took my normal 100mg dose this morning at about 0930hrs then I took an extra 100mg at about 2030hrs this evening.

    So quite a big gap between I suppose. But I gotta say, this has felt very nice for the most part (sorta felt like it was coming in waves for the first few hours).

    But I do feel like I’m properly up now. Feeling very euphoric actually particularly noticed the strongg almost eyes rolling back in my head kind of euphoria so very nice considering it’s bloody Methadone.

    Didn’t expect this much good feels at all. I’m really hoping it will last a long time, as it’s been 7 hours now, since the redose/addition of the 100mg’s dose.

    I kinda feel like Methadone never usually really lasts thatt kinda long for me. But going very very strong at the moment.

    I am almost slightly worried. I will be fine right? It’s not dangerous to double your dose is it?

    I did also take with it, 300mg Pregabalin. But this is my normal daily dose of that. Although I generally take 600mg every two days instead of taking it daily, cos I’m chasing a high.

    Have been taking quite a lot of Soma (Carisoprodol) recently too. Like 60, 500mg tablets within the last week (ran out last night, so last dose around 24 hours ago of that).

    Might edit/add more to this but just gonna quickly post this now incase hopefully someone sees it and replies! Cos would kinda like to know if anyone thinks this is safe-ish? Like can I sleep or should I stay awake for a while just in case? Cos I deffo could sleep/nod now. I kinda am nodding right now, eyes blurry etc, anyway: POSTING NOW.

    Edit to add: Yeah I am feeling pretty tired now but like.. it is 0312hrs in the morning and I didn’t even sleep THAAAT great last night. So I think tiredness is completely normal and it will feel wonderful to finally let myself sleep in a bit. Gonna try eat some food at least first.

    What Ticketmaster Doesn't Want You To Know: Concerts Were Cheap For Decades
  • I suspect people now just go to see their, one, most favourite artist, maybe once every 5 years or something. As opposed to going to see one or two artists per year before. Or for people who want to be able to continue to go once or more a year, they just see newer artists who have reasonable prices.

    I mean any real music fan these days, who doesn’t have a massive budget, should be going to festivals instead of individual gigs as these are massively better value for money.

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