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Router scan
  • Looks like there’s a metasploit available. You can use that on your router to see if it’s susceptible. A quick google search indicates that this is only successful on older routers without input validation.

    In general, follow good cyber security hygiene, and update the firmware on your router. If your router no longer is supported by the vendor (no more firmware updates for vulnerabilities found), then it’s old and you should upgrade.

  • How's your week going, Beehaw?
  • Got back from vacation yesterday. Today, the Blue Angels are practicing for their show (exhibition? Not really sure what they call it). Super fun to get to watch them play in the sky all day.

  • Off-Topic Friday
  • I love coffee. I started with a French press, then moved to an areopress, then an espresso machine. I still use all 3, and experiment with what beans are best brewed with the different methods. Very fun hobby.

    I love tea as well. But it’s to relax after a stressful day. It’s a different vibe for me. I usually go for tisane or a mild green (sencha).

    The act of making coffee, opening the bean package, grinding the beans, preparing the brewing method, brewing, cleaning up, then enjoying the coffee is very zen for me. It’s like practicing mindfulness.

    I cannot have coffee after like 1pm without it keeping me awake. And I certainly would be climbing across the ceiling with 5 mugs of coffee.

  • Off-Topic Friday
  • Got back from vacation yesterday. Today, the Blue Angels are practicing for their show (exhibition? Not really sure what they call it). Super fun to get to watch them play in the sky all day.

  • What's growing on, Beehaw?
  • Gloves, long sleeves, and pants. You’ll need pull the roots out, or you’ll be “pruning” the poison more often than you’d want.

    Poison ivy doesn’t like well manicured areas. If you’re walking through property that’s owned by others, I’ll make an assumption that you have permission. I’d talk to the owner and ask if you can take a weed whacker to the area around the path when it gets overgrown. Do that enough to keep it from overgrowing and it might find a new direction to grow.

  • Off-Topic Friday
  • I’d really like if this line of work wasn’t completely doom and gloom all the time. I’m burnt out of telling people what seems like extremely dramatic, doomed scenarios of the “state of security” all the time. I feel like I’m always the asshole in the room all the time.

    I’m assuming any risk management or actuary job is similar. It can be soul crushing sometimes.

  • The New Propaganda War: Autocrats in China, Russia, and elsewhere are now making common cause with MAGA Republicans to discredit liberalism and freedom around the world
  • It’s clever enough to show success in many countries and latch on to MAGA. They’ll use those countries as the experiment and use the successful methods in the countries they oppose.

    I found it interesting that these programs are trying to unite the extreme right and extreme left together.

    Being on the defense of these ever changing methods will exhaust us, and they will be successful if they keep at it long enough.

  • "X": Far-right conspiracy theorists have returned in droves after Elon Musk took over the former Twitter, new study says
  • And most news papers were acquired by the same handful of media companies. In turn these companies ravaged local markets and there’s just no coverage of the actual truth, even on local happenings.

    There’s an article about my hometown covered by NY times or something (I forget, it’s been a few years). We had a flourishing newspaper that employed a decent amount of the community, when that article came out (2010ish) the same company had 3 reporters and 5 staff. The newspaper would cover legitimate issues locally and nationally. They had amazing journalists that promoted great things happening too (local studies, non profits doing the hard work to benefit the community, etc). Basically, the boring stuff that isn’t flashy enough for social media. And now it’s all gone.

    I legitimately have a difficult time finding news stories on any platform that I can trust.

    Edit: I just read this, different angle to the same problem

  • Biden urged to ban China-made electric vehicles from the US
  • International competition is really amazing, it can drive innovation and make governments spend a ton of money on good things for society. It’s probably one of the biggest pros.

    But the US banning Chinese products (more than just cars) only delays the inevitable. China is producing cheaper products. Are they better? I can’t really answer that, since I don’t know. But I’d be willing to buy a Chinese EV. US auto industry would collapse if China was allowed to enter and honestly, we deserve it.

    The US is going to go through a strange and difficult transition when we are no longer the world leader on R&D.

  • Implementing Least-Privilege Administrative Models
  • Some of that, yes. I work for a university that’s government adjacent, so we have to get audited pretty often. Part of that is proving that we STIG and conform to other frameworks. But within certain labs, access is remote only, so I’m not sure how they would handle having a PAW, when there’s probably just a few admin accounts that have strict rules and limits applied.

  • What are You Working on Wednesday
  • That’s neat. I’m curious about this now. With “normal” search engines that have generally gone to shit, AI chat bots are on trend to give better results. If the robots.txt file is blocked from OpenAI, can I assume it hits other chatbots? And would that extend to Google/bing?

  • It’s time for a hard reset on notifications
  • I was going to try to explain it, but realized I’m not very good at calling menus and such their proper names. So whatever I tell you wouldn’t be very helpful.

    Apple also has a YouTube video that’s about 5 minutes long. The article is probably faster.

    I’m not a power user, so I don’t use the majority of features on my phone. I generally set my “do not disturb” at bedtime. It allows calls through from my favorite contact list and my morning alarm. I have friends that set focus time and they love it.

    Edit to add to the conversation. I disable all notifications, except for things I really want: calls, FaceTime, texts and to update my food diary if I haven’t done so before 2pm.

    When I need to use Uber, I just keep watch on the app. I guess I’m a bit of a psychopath. But when I’m waiting for a car, I like to watch it move on the map. There’s nothing else I would use that would need me to have a notification.

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