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America Deserved 9/11 Megathread
  • this album was to be released Sept the 11th as well.

  • Gen X on their boomer arc
  • The amount of times as a child that a kids dad coming home was a reason to leave was too damn high.

  • Former chuds, what got you to stop being a chud?
  • For me it was America's response to 9-11. So you only have 2-3 days to really nail this one.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Block the number. They have no authority where you live. True or not why pay the fascists?

  • mrw hexbear has become the spectre haunting conservatives across the fediverse
  • Bath me in the cringe, the fear, paranoia, misinfo, bad takes, butt hurt. We are spectre. lets-fucking-go

  • Good Afternoon my fellow Russian shills!!! And love to my Trans Comrades who allow us to maintain the moral high ground! Drinks @ Duckstar this evening!!
  • Wait, you're not getting paid to be manipulated by Russia? DM me and I'll get you in touch with HR.

  • Fears of peace talks with Putin rise amid US squabbling
  • A sovereign nation who's leadership drank the NATO kool-aid against the protest of their nuclear armed neighbor, goading them into a fight. The victims are the people of both nations.

  • Fears of peace talks with Putin rise amid US squabbling
  • No one is justifying the acts of Russia. They should not have invaded! But to act like there is no pretext to conflict and Ukraine is completely innocent is disingenuous. Peace is the better option.

  • Fears of peace talks with Putin rise amid US squabbling
  • It's like you have an opinion and don't all at the same time. Maybe reconsider your position.

  • Fears of peace talks with Putin rise amid US squabbling
  • Russia has definitely not engaged in total war.

  • Fears of peace talks with Putin rise amid US squabbling
  • 1989 Revolutions? Wholesale dismemberment of the USSR more like. And treaty didn't say it. The Russians sure as fuck did.

  • Just want to smack talk for a second.

    Was visiting a older gentleman in my family whom I respect. He lives in a very beautiful area and his partner is just the nicest. He's retired and spends his time fishing.

    I was complimenting him and said. 'You really are a lucky guy.'

    he said 'OH. I hate it when people say that. This was a plan and I worked hard'.

    He then told me about how he worked for the same school district for 30 years! And got a pension and spent wisely.

    Damn. 30 whole years.
