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Am I old now?
  • You can't do that in the US. To give you another ID they have to punch a hole in the first one, rendering it invalid. Otherwise everyone would just get multiple IDs and sell the extras to their underage friends.

  • 'LLM-free' is the new '100% organic' - Creators Are Fighting AI Anxiety With an ‘LLM-Free’ Movement
  • So if I walked into a restaurant that specialized in a certain cuisine (choosing the right one out of hundreds is a skill, right?) and wrote down a list of ingredients, and the restaurant made me a meal with those ingredients according to however the restaurant functions (nobody can see into the kitchen, after all), does this make me a chef?

  • Amazon’s Prime Air delivery drones can fly even farther after FAA approval
  • There's still the issue of birds, which do not like these things in their airspace and, depending on the size, will absolutely either attack drones or be maimed by them. Also, helicopters and small planes often fly quite low. We haven't had a great record with autonomous cars, but sure, let's try autonomous flying drones. What could go wrong?

  • TIL Making a living writing books is more or less as rare as becoming a billionaire
  • The part that isn't mentioned in this article is the onus of marketing. Now that anyone can self publish with almost no overhead, more than a million books are published every year. How many of those even get noticed? Sometimes it feels like people see the same 10-20 books on the bestseller list (which is gameable btw) and think that's all there is to read.

    These days, traditional publishers don't do any marketing on behalf of authors unless they feel it's a sure thing, similar to how they give out advances. If you are already famous or have large social media following, you're far more likely to get an advance or a marketing effort. Everyone who self publishes, and even most who are traditionally published, have to do their own marketing. Most writers are not marketers, and this is where they fail, no matter how good their book might be.

    Personally, I think the big publishers will collapse soon and the whole industry might move to a subscription model ala Spotify. That would probably be worse for writers, but no one seems to be able to come up with a solution that makes book writing a more viable career.

  • California says restaurants must bake all of their add-on fees into menu prices
  • I feel like this will be a boon to all the restaurants who aren't paying their staff well. Their prices will stay the same. Meanwhile, restaurants trying to pay a living wage will have much higher prices but won't be able to tell you why. Customers will "vote with their wallets," putting the higher paying restaurants out of business.

    Overall it's a good idea to get rid of extraneous fees, but I feel like they didn't quite think it all the way through.

  • California says restaurants must bake all of their add-on fees into menu prices
  • I've never seen a restaurant lower their prices. Restaurants don't really work that way. They can't negotiate for lower prices of the food they buy, especially if they're buying less (you get a better deal buying in bulk). The only way to cut costs is to cut staff, which then leaves service lacking if they do get busy, or buy cheap low quality food and freeze it. People definitely stop going when service or food quality gets worse. This is the restaurant death spiral.

  • YSK: You might save on car rental by cancelling and re-booking over time before your rental due date
  • If you really are dizzy after a long flight, you probably shouldn't be driving, especially in an unfamiliar car in an unfamiliar area. Maybe you were just being hyperbolic about the dizziness, but people can make the same kinds of mistakes driving while sleep deprived as while driving intoxicated.

  • We are going to have to reevaluate our moralities when people in the future can look like children while not actually being children
  • I can't imagine there would be that many people who would want to look like an actual child. 20-ish, maybe, but not 12. Think about it. You'd have trouble keeping a job because no one would take you seriously. You'd probably get harassed by cops if you tried to drive anywhere. Everyone would treat you like you have no experience or knowledge.

    Trust me, I am one of those people who looks 10-15 years younger than I am. I don't look nearly as young as 12, but I still do not enjoy looking young. I often feel alienated from my age group because they don't see me as one of them until they find out my age.

  • Another Boeing [737] makes an emergency landing in Denver, Colorado after having the engine fall apart
  • From the stories I've heard from someone who worked as a flight attendant for 16 years in the 70s/80s, engines blowing out was and still is just a thing that happens sometimes. The big planes have multiple engines, so it's not usually a big deal (losing one engine won't cause a crash on its own). I do think this is mostly a case where the media jumps on the trending train, but Boeing should also get their shit together before they become responsible for preventable deaths.

  • Is this a boondoggle or is it actually useful investment?
  • I see your confusion. They could have worded this better, but it's two grants being split between eight nonprofit financial institutions. My understanding is these entities will lend that money to communities to do ongoing infrastructure projects. The goal is "turning $20 billion of public funds into $150 billion of public and private investment to maximize the impact of public funds." I don't know how that part works exactly, but to me that doesn't sound like a handout. Of course I would hope they would be held responsible for any mismanagement.

    As for why they need to create a financial nework to do this: These kinds of projects can take many years and sometimes need ongoing financing. Apparently, when Obama tried to fund something like this, there was a lending bottleneck where I guess banks didn't want to finance community infrastructure projects or something, so a lot of the funding just sat there until the grants expired. This is supposed to prevent that from happening.

  • Airplane passenger fined in Sydney for urinating in a cup
  • Seems like the airline could have just... not over served him and none of this would have happened.

    Edit: yeah it sounds like over serving alcohol may be a recurring problem for this airline:

    "It said it bans between five and 10 customers each month for disruptive behavior, including intoxication."

  • Warming is getting worse. So they just tested a way to deflect the sun.
  • Plants and animals tend to have problems when they ingest too much salt, so it might be ok as long as they're only going to spray this stuff over the oceans... As far as actually changing the climate too much, I doubt this method would really be capable of that.

    I think a less invasive and probably cheaper-in-the-long-run option would be to make some kind of durable lightweight shades, launch them into orbit like satellites, and move them around remotely as needed.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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