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  • French here: definitely.

  • Just a reminder we are the future of social media.
  • As would say this wise person ( you are not procrastinating, you are fighting for a free and open Internet

  • How I Rewired My Brain to Become Fluent in Math
  • It reminds me of Barbara Oakley, who wrote books about how to learn. She was terrible at mathematics, but after a career as a translator she decided to study engineering and she succeeded

  • Youtube is now unusable without a frontend
  • Thank you for describing your system. I didn't even know that table of contents were available in Joplin.

  • Youtube is now unusable without a frontend
  • My method for android & desktop. I never sign in to YouTube & never use the app. Using Joplin synced through Nextcloud (any syncable note taking app would do the trick) I keep a list of channels (“subscriptions”) & interesting looking videos (“watch later”) which I group by length. Obviously, this way the links can be via Piped, YouTube whatever.

    As a Joplin user, I find it interesting. So you have a "subscriptions" folder and a "watch later" folder? What is your routine?

  • My Love-Hate Relationship With Lemmy – Gavi's Blog
  • I finally have been able to see the blog post directly by refreshing the page. When I go back on the page of the blog post a moment after, it is displayed as expected. It is a weird bug.

  • My Love-Hate Relationship With Lemmy – Gavi's Blog
  • Am I the only one who cannot read the blog post? When I click on it, from the blog or from the link posted on Lemmy, I only obtain a visualization of a JSON file. By looking at the comments, people seem to have been able to read it, but how?

  • What are you reading/listening to this week? (February 8th, 2023)
  • I just finished Stalingrad by Antony Beevor. It describes the WW2 from German and Russian point of view, especially about the Stalingrad battle.

    It makes me see war as something absurd. People were constantly dying, by fighting or because of inhumane life conditions.

    I wouldn't recommend it if you are extremely sensitive to violence and death.

  • Thoughts on background AIs in a Solarpunk world?
  • We are in dire lack of high-tech solarpunk around here, more power to you!

    It sounded a bit counter-intuitive at the beginning, but I thought a bit about your point of view and I finally agree with you. We still need to have a bit of high-tech in solarpunk and low-tech. Of course, we need to drastically think how to use it ; everybody having a last-generation smartphone with more than enough power to send people on the Moon just to stay entertained all day long is a nonsense. However, AI and data science can be really beneficial especially for scientific purposes.

  • Where can I find the original CSS files?
  • Okay, here is an update: to come back to the original style for both userstyle.css and userchrome.css, the simplest thing is just to erase the content of these files.

    I'm sorry for asking that question.

  • How many people are on 0 drugs?
  • No weed, no alcohol, no caffeine, no meds, nothing legal or illegal.

    Yep, it's me.

    Well, reality is not a rawdogging for me. Life can be difficult sometimes, however I always take time to contemplate small things and enjoy them. For example, when I feel bad, I concentrate on birds flying and I imagine all the amazing and complex machinery inside of their bodies for example. Of course, this is not the perfect solution that annihilates all the problems (spoiler: it doesn't exist), but this helps me feel better and not feeling too bad.

  • Where can I find the original CSS files?

    Hello, I think I did a mistake with Joplin. I tried to change the CSS files (userstyle.css and userchrome.css) and now I can't retrieve the original ones (the default ones provided in the software on Windows). I think I forgot to save them. Do someone know where I could find them?


    Why do people buy kindles instead of just reading books on their tablets or phones?
  • If you have dealt with representational trauma in cyber warfare, the Kindle would be a refuge psychologically speaking as it wouldn't cause much disorientation and have a lesser impact on your brain chemistry, of course, there are valid reasons you have fallen victim to consumerism here too, so learn to secure all your devices rather than scapegoating!

    What is representational trauma? I have trouble finding anything on the web about it.

  • Do high profile contract killings like in fiction actually ever happen?
  • I just discovered thanks to your post, thank you Internet stranger!

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • You can filter posts with specific words and hide them or delete them on Mastodon. However as far as I know you can't import and export them. I have just seen that you can manually add words.

  • Random posts appearing on home feed
  • I think it's not your home feed. It may be the global feed, showing all public messages from all the instances your instance is connected to.

  • Atheism Penguin_Rocket
    How Much Do Americans Dislike Atheists? (feat. Dr. Ryan Burge)
    Atheism Penguin_Rocket
    Genetically Modified Skeptic - How did I overcome the “angry atheist” phase?

    I always have been an atheist, but when i was younger, I felt really angry against religions. This is because of my ancestry, I was denied the right to be an atheist. This video helped me to better live this feeling. I hope it could help someone.

    Penguin_Rocket Penguin_Rocket

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