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YSK: Your local library's resources. Many offer free e-books and audio books via apps like Hoopla and Libby, resume writing classes, movies, games...and a quiet place to relax of course
  • I used the online databases to get the paid for consumer reports reviews of washers and dryers. I didn't care for their recommendations, just the data.

    Our local library also has free passes to local city and state places like aquariums, parks, etc. that usually change an admission. They are hard to get, but free isn't always easy!

  • Right-wing media fumes over Univision anchor’s debate questions
  • Copied from

    CALDERON: Governor DeSantis, I have a question for you. Governor DeSantis, I have a question for you. This new black history curriculum says quote, “slaves develop skills which in some instances could be applied for their personal benefit.”

    You have said slaves develop skills in spite of slavery not because of it. But many are still hurt. For descendants of slaves, this is personal. What is your message to them?

    DESANTIS: So first of all, that’s a hoax that was perpetrated by Kamala Harris. We are not going to be doing that. Second of all, that was written by descendants of slaves. These are great black history scholars. So we need to stop playing these games.

    Here’s the deal. Our country’s education system is in decline because it’s focused on indoctrination, denying parent rights. Florida represents the revival of American education. We’re ranked number one in the nation in education by US News and World Report.

    CALDERON: Vice President Pence, the Department of Homeland Security warns that violence against LGBTQ plus people is on the rise and intensifying, according to a recent study, members of that community are nine times more likely to be victims of violent hate crimes. As President, how would you protect this community from violent attacks and discrimination?

    PENCE: Well, as President of the United States, I’ll — I’ll stand up for the safety and the civil liberties of every American, from every background. And I want the American people to know that. But I want to answer the question as well as, Dana, that you just asked Burgum. Because my way of full disclosure, Chris, you mentioned the President’s situation. I — my wife isn’t a member of the Teachers Union, but I got to admit I — I’ve been sleeping with a teacher for 38 years and a full disclosure. Look, education is a state and local function.

  • Google Podcasts to shut down in 2024 with listeners migrated to YouTube Music
  • Podcast Republic is my go to. I listen to 5 or 6 podcasts. But have 2 or 3 that are time relevant, like news. I set those as priority, and Podcast Republic makes an auto playlist that puts them all in order by my preference, then release date old to new.

    If a preferred podcast comes out, it goes to the top of my auto playlist. I can't podcast without it now.

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