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Roger Stone Caught on Tape Discussing Trump’s Plan to Challenge 2024 Election
  • Tankies are literal authoritarians. People say they're "authoritarian communists," which ignores they're mostly Maoists or Stalinists, both of whom were closer to fascism than the left. It sort of ignores the basic premise of communism or even socialism to have a single authoritarian ruler. Kind of like how the Nazis called themselves socialists. I guess they were a workers' party to start, but I don't think you can reasonably conflate their ideology with the tenets of socialism.

  • YouTube looks to be testing server-side ad injection to counter ad blockers
  • Everyone I've spoken to about it has noted that it's become a very different place. I'll still use it for reviews and getting tips for serious things like privacy and some basic DIY. But a lot of that advice will be obsolete in a couple years and very few people are replenishing it. Who's going to give a shit about the best home theater setups of 2023 in two years?

  • Boeing Starliner launches for the first time carrying NASA astronauts to the ISS Boeing Starliner launches for the first time carrying NASA astronauts to the ISS

    Boeing launched its first Starliner flight with astronauts on Wednesday, beginning a crucial final flight test of the long-delayed spacecraft.

    Boeing Starliner launches for the first time carrying NASA astronauts to the ISS
    Clerical error was behind Michigan man’s viral suspended license hearing
  • It is the easiest thing in the world to not actively be driving while video calling in to a court hearing, regardless of what the hearing is for. He could even physically be in the car sitting in the passenger seat with it parked and be fine, but why take the risk? Especially when the consequence is jail.

  • America is next: South African minister says countries aiding Israel liable for ICC prosecution
  • The US didn't sign on to the treaty that creates the ICC's jurisdiction. In most countries, you still need to at least pretend to have jurisdiction to bring criminal charges. Unlike people, states can only be sued to the degree they consent to be sued. It's what sovereign immunity is based on and it's a very double-edged sword.

    Also, outside of a few warlords, the ICC is pretty bad at enforcing international law because they have no way to do so. The ICC is inefficient and slow. Someone has to actually bring the defendant to them to stand trial, then countries negotiate over who doesn't have to deal with jailing the person if they're convicted.

    It's also arguably super imperialist, given that it was designed by a bunch of Western powers and has mostly been used to enforce international law against individuals from Africa. The two Russians who are being "prosecuted," Putin and Lvova-Belova, can't be detained because the ICC has no power to enforce their warrants. Granted, these people are often evil, but it's not like the West doesn't have its fair share of evil people.

    All that to say, while this looks good, it's mostly just PR. We also arguably don't want the ICC prosecuting Americans. We should instead make our domestic system better.

    Source: Used to work on analyzing ICC cases and I've read thousands of filings from various cases. It's a well-intentioned but highly flawed system that is basically only designed to prosecute international crimes in Africa and doesn't really focus on anything else.

  • A Ticketmaster hack spilled sensitive data for 560 million customers, hackers say
  • It's a fairly routine argument by the defense (we're being singled out/the regulations are unclear). And regarding federal enforcement, there's a lot of hamstringing by Congress.

    All that to say, this is arguably a good sign of the FTC properly enforcing, not a reason for pessimism.

  • Kyle Rittenhouse Tells Native Americans They Can ‘Leave’ If They Hate America
  • Because as important as it is to deplatform these idiots, we also need to know what they're doing. They're still going to be out there actively radicalizing people and you can't fight this shit if you don't know it exists.

  • Trump ends speech to 'mostly boos' after going 'off prompter' and 'making fun of' his host
  • Fun fact: most libertarians don't want to be left alone. They don't want to be regulated. They still want a society with rules, they just want those rules to be whatever they decide works for them, without regard to whether those rules would fuck over someone else.

    Some so-called libertarians actually do want to live apart from society but at that point they're just antisocial. Because being libertarian means you need to be part of a group, which is antithetical to the ethos of being left alone.

    Both of these cohorts are no fun at parties.

  • Victim reports his father missing. Police instead interrogated him for 17 hours, said they killed his dog, and withheld his meds from the victim. Victim tried to commit suicide in the room.
  • A standard plea deal is an admission of some form of guilt, usually less than what the prosecutor would charge for trial, in exchange for a lighter sentence. You (defendant) are not admitting you did it regardless of whether or not you actually did it. You're just admitting guilt.

    What you're describing is called an Alford plea. This is where, in making the plea, you maintain innocence but acknowledge the prosecutor has enough evidence to overcome reasonable doubt. There's an excellent documentary called

    Tap for spoiler

    The Staircase

    that results in one.

  • Male birth control breakthrough safely switches off fit sperm for a while
  • It's medical ethics, not the Hippocratic Oath. Most doctors swear to an ethical standard. Besides, "first, do no harm" is a bit unhelpful if you're a surgeon.

    Otherwise you're right, the risks of pregnancy outweigh the side effects of birth control, which is why birth control for women doesn't have as high a standard for mitigating other consequences.

  • Don't try me because I looked at the Playtex girdles and feared nothing.
  • From what I can tell talking to teachers, the public bullying among Gen Z has ebbed (excluding anything gang-related) but the private stuff is way worse. My guess is it's related, given how performative social media is and how much of an influence it has on Gen Z. Not saying Millenials are immune, but we came up in a society that actively cautioned against putting too much of yourself online whereas Gen Z grew up in a post-Facebook society that encouraged it.

    Also, behaviors generally across the board are worse post-pandemic. It's apparently like no one knows how to be nice to each other anymore.

  • RFK Jr. accuses Biden and Trump of 'colluding' to exclude him from debates
  • It's the network's rule:

    Kennedy has already hit CNN’s 15% polling threshold in two out of four qualifying polls. But the network also announced that participants must “appear on a sufficient number of state ballots to reach the 270 electoral vote threshold to win the presidency prior to the eligibility deadline.”

    I think as a bare minimum requirement, being able to appear on the ballots of enough states to actually have a chance of winning makes perfect sense as a rule. With all the things to shit on the parties for, why make up a strawman?

  • US paused weapons shipment to Israel amid concern over Rafah, senior US official says US paused weapons shipment to Israel amid concern over Rafah, senior US official says

    Official says final decision has not been made on shipment of thousands of bombs, which was halted amid review of the transfer of weapons

    US paused weapons shipment to Israel amid concern over Rafah, senior US official says

    >The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that as Israeli leaders seemed to approach a decision on a Rafah incursion, “we began to carefully review proposed transfers of particular weapons to Israel that might be used in Rafah” beginning in April.

    >“As a result of that review, we have paused one shipment of weapons last week. It consists of 1,800 2,000lb bombs and 1,700 500lb bombs,” the official said, according to Reuters. The Associated Press and Agence France-Presse reported similar comments from a senior US official.

    Top Israeli spy chief exposes his true identity in online security lapse Top Israeli spy chief exposes his true identity in online security lapse

    Exclusive: Yossi Sariel unmasked as head of Unit 8200 and architect of AI strategy after book written under pen name reveals his Google account

    Top Israeli spy chief exposes his true identity in online security lapse
    UN Security Council resolution calls for Gaza ceasefire UN Security Council passes resolution calling for Gaza ceasefire

    The measure passes after the US refrains from using its veto, in a shift from its previous position.

    UN Security Council passes resolution calling for Gaza ceasefire

    >UN Security Council passes resolution calling for an "immediate ceasefire" in Gaza, as US shifts position by abstaining from vote

    US says UFO sightings likely secret military tests US says UFO sightings likely secret military tests

    Researchers say they found "no evidence" that the US government had interactions with aliens.

    US says UFO sightings likely secret military tests
    Five SAS soldiers arrested in UK on suspicion of alleged war crimes in Syria Five SAS soldiers arrested in UK on suspicion of alleged war crimes in Syria

    SAS has been actively deployed in Syria for the past decade, engaged in the fight against Islamic State

    Five SAS soldiers arrested in UK on suspicion of alleged war crimes in Syria

    >Five members of the SAS have been arrested by British military police on suspicion of allegedly committing war crimes while on operations in Syria.

    >The Ministry of Defence said it would not comment directly on the investigation but defence sources indicated that reports of the arrests, which had been circulating in military circles for some time, were accurate.

    >An MoD spokesperson said: “We hold our personnel to the highest standards and any allegations of wrongdoing are taken seriously. Where appropriate, any criminal allegations are referred to the service police for investigation.”

    >Details around the arrests remain limited but the SAS has been actively deployed in Syria for the past decade, engaged in the fight against Islamic State and supporting the Syrian Democratic Forces.

    >It is not certain that any of the arrests will result in a prosecution, and war crimes convictions of British soldiers are exceptionally rare. But the arrests come at a time when the activities of the SAS in Afghanistan are separately coming under scrutiny in a public inquiry examining claims that 80 Afghans were summarily killed by the unit.

    >Based in Hereford, the elite force typically operates in absolute secrecy and is ready to conduct risky missions behind the lines and in locations where the UK does not formally acknowledge a military presence.

    >Government ministers and officials decline to comment on its activities, even off the record, a practice introduced from the 1980s. Its most senior officer, the director of special forces, is only accountable to the defence secretary and the prime minister.

    Explosive device detonated outside Alabama attorney general’s office Explosive device detonated outside Alabama attorney general’s office

    Steve Marshall, the state’s attorney general, says no staff or personnel injured by explosion in Montgomery on Saturday

    Explosive device detonated outside Alabama attorney general’s office

    >Alabama’s attorney general on Monday said that an explosive device had been detonated outside his offices over the weekend in the state’s capital city of Montgomery.

    >“Thankfully, no staff or personnel were injured by the explosion. The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency will be leading the investigation, and we are urging anyone with information to contact them immediately,” the attorney general, Steve Marshall, said in a statement.

    >The explosion occurred early on Saturday morning.

    Reddit files to list IPO on NYSE under the ticker RDDT Reddit files to list IPO on NYSE under the ticker RDDT

    Reddit's debut will mark the first major tech initial public offering of the year and the first social media IPO since Pinterest went public in 2019.

    Reddit files to list IPO on NYSE under the ticker RDDT

    >Social media company Reddit filed its IPO prospectus with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Thursday after a yearslong run-up. The company plans to trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol “RDDT.”

    >Reddit said it had $804 million in annual sales for 2023, up 20% from the $666.7 million it brought in the previous year, according to the filing.

    >The company said it has incurred net losses since its inception. It reported a net loss of $90.8 million for the year ended Dec. 31, 2023, compared to a net loss of $158.6 million the year prior.

    >Its market debut, expected in March, will mark the first major tech initial public offering of the year. It’s the first social media IPO since Pinterest went public in 2019.

    >Reddit first filed a confidential draft of its public offering prospectus with the Securities and Exchange Commission in December 2021.

    Footballer Dani Alves guilty of sexual assault Footballer Dani Alves guilty of sexual assault

    Former Barcelona footballer Dani Alves found guilty of nightclub sexual assault and sentenced to four years and six months in jail

    Footballer Dani Alves guilty of sexual assault
    ‘America Is Under Attack’: Inside the Anti-D.E.I. Crusade ‘America Is Under Attack’: Inside the Anti-D.E.I. Crusade

    The backlash against “wokeism” has led a growing number of states to ban D.E.I. programs at public universities. Thousands of emails and other documents reveal the playbook — and grievances — behind one strand of the anti-D.E.I. campaign.

    ‘America Is Under Attack’: Inside the Anti-D.E.I. Crusade
    Greenland losing 30m tonnes of ice an hour, study reveals Greenland losing 30m tonnes of ice an hour, study reveals

    Total is 20% higher than thought and may have implications for collapse of globally important north Atlantic ocean currents

    Greenland losing 30m tonnes of ice an hour, study reveals
    ‘Control the narrative’: how an Alabama utility wields influence by financing news ‘Control the narrative’: how an Alabama utility wields influence by financing news

    A Floodlight investigation found Alabama Power runs a news service and its foundation bought a Black newspaper. Neither reports on high electric bills or utility-related pollution

    ‘Control the narrative’: how an Alabama utility wields influence by financing news
    Gunmen storm Ecuador television studio live on air Ecuador declares war on armed gangs after TV station attacked on air

    Masked men threaten journalists in a newsroom as the government moves against crime groups.

    Ecuador declares war on armed gangs after TV station attacked on air

    >A group of armed men have broken into a live television studio in Ecuador and threatened staff, footage shows.

    >A live broadcast by station TC in the city of Guayaquil was interrupted on Tuesday by the group, who were wearing hoods and carrying guns.

    >Staff were forced to on to the floor, before the live feed cut out.

    >A 60-day state of emergency began in Ecuador on Monday after a convicted gang leader vanished from his prison cell.

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