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We got like 4 hours left to talk.
  • Still shidding :)

  • We got like 4 hours left to talk.
  • Im gonna go poop

  • Saw Christman in public today AMA
  • Did you collect some hair for your shrine

  • "Ideally the lord" - a great example why the Bruenigs routinely delete their tweets.
  • Its the God of Fear and Hunger im afraid making this decision

  • Kudzu is a problem in the US because Amerikkkans hate eating things that don't bleed.
  • Except hogs are also invasive. They don’t have natural predators cause they’re not supposed to be on the continent.

  • AI is actually coming for your job. It came for mine.
  • Is drug rehab white collar? Im a clinician in a residential treatment program

  • The Central Bank of China will use $42 billion to buy back unsold new buildings, which will then be converted into affordable housing.
  • Do you jack yourself off with tweezers when you make jokes this dull and gauche

    Like if you’re gonna be an insufferable lib you can at least have the temerity to not be unoriginal and boring

  • Loving these NCR New Yorker style cartoons
  • So they lie to their new recruits that the legion is tough and doesn't need fancy guns just spears and machetes.

    Nazi Germany did the same thing claiming their soldiers were all 6’0” aryan gods, when like the average height was like 5’7” and malnourished

  • Raw milk sales spike despite CDC's warnings of risk associated with bird flu
  • Tbh the beast in me says "Let Them Die"

    The human in me says "This needs to stop before someone dies of something stupid and preventable"

  • ‘Why Am I F*cking Listening to You?’ Bill Burr Berates Bill Maher Over Simple Solution for the Middle East
  • It really is understated how many talentless hacks got their break in the 80s and early 90s are now polluting the entertainment industry with their endless whining.

  • ‘Why Am I F*cking Listening to You?’ Bill Burr Berates Bill Maher Over Simple Solution for the Middle East
  • I remember once a comedian in the same amount of time in Hollywood as Maher told him that he still does small time gigs in comedy clubs to keep his material fresh and so that he can be challenged by new audiences.

    Maher looked at him like he grew eyestalks and asked him why should he ever do that.

  • obsessed with these tweets, there's layers to peel back here
  • She could just play animal crossing and stardew valley ffs