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  • Naked mole rats are considered an example of a truly "eusocial" mammal analogue to ants. More evidence for the idea that social behavior/societal grouping, once established in a species, characterizes it more potently than just about anything else in its genetic history. Chimps might be our closest genetic relatives, but the way we live and think is probably much more similar to these guys.

  • How did you guys end up so funny? Serioisy if I'm having a bad day or I need to feel good about myself. I make a shit post and you make me lmao
  • my theory is that one of humor's main uses is as a way to compartmentalize things like horror and sorrow, and if you spend a lot of time becoming acutely aware of how much misery there is out there your sense of humor gets a lot of practice to compensate

    EDIT: long way to say we are a little twisted around here, a bunch of jokers even, clowns who find the prospect of doing crime...humorous

  • Something I think everyone here should internalize 🤗
  • If I wanted to think I wouldn't be posting

  • [AI grift cringe] Nvidia releases Project G-Assist, an AI assistant that takes that pesky exploration and problem solving out of your games!
  • It isn't a real walkthrough if the first line isn't an ASCII art version of the game's logo

  • "Theory" of Evolution (SMBC)
  • Yeah the real issue in a way is that there's just so much evidence of evolution happening that it's hard to find a single shared pattern to study

  • It's literally me (minus smash bros cos who plays that trash)
  • Look at least I think all the age groups can agree that the GBA SP was a masterpiece of tech, look at that beautiful folding, backlit, rechargable marvel

  • Dread Delusion is a fantastic game with impeccable vibes
  • Ohhhhhhhhh shiiittttttt thanks for that

  • Dread Delusion is a fantastic game with impeccable vibes
  • I've been waiting to play this for when it is comes out of early access but every screenshot makes me want to break the seal and try it out early

  • [DE] The origins of Moralism
  • It's why I see Noid as a long Nietzsche reference, down to fascists cynically adopting his own "hardcore aesthetic." He calls Dolores and Humanism "part of a long term strategy" in a way that mirrors what Nietzsche wrote about slave/master morality too iirc, good stuff.

  • [DE] The origins of Moralism
  • I vibed so hard with the stuff Noid had to say about Dolores Dei, sorry ZA/UM but the Hardcore Aesthetic is NOT JUST DRUGS (only mostly)

  • The Yassification of Silent Hill
  • nexus mods withers be like

  • The least surprising thing to ever happen happened
  • The blunt rotation always has one of them it's true

  • The least surprising thing to ever happen happened
  • Man why do libertarians have to have a modicum of relevance and senatorial presence in America, they could just be like the political equivalent of village idiots who delight us with their harmless stupidity

  • Whose idea was it to name a species a bird "Boobies"?
  • Understand that zoologists, especially in the field, spend a lot of time very bored, and that's a recipe for making the dumbest dirtbaggiest jokes you can. What starts as "that bird looks like it's got a dick on its head dude" later becomes in scientific literature "phallocephalus"

    If you've ever heard of the classic mating dynamic of "males who creep into the harem to mate while the alpha isn't looking," you have probably heard of them described as "sneaky males." This is a change from the original designation the field biologists who first studied this behavior gave it, "sneaky fuckers"

  • The worm is racist.
  • My friend who worked in a civil war museum had the best answer for whenever hogs would try to engage him about this in public, which was to effect a very tough guy posture and say "I don't believe in participation awards for losers"

  • Ant smell
  • Sometimes ants can't smell ants either and you get supercolonies

  • You gotta hand it to Prager U, they know their audience
  • is parenting like that saying about politics where the people best suited for it want nothing to do with it?

  • On Work
  • Unto Others has a great section about this. In a bunch of studied tribes who live generally pre-industrial lifestyles, the anthropologists were interested in how they "organize" big projects like building a house, and when they watched them, wondered what made them so willing to just do it.

    Long story short, they saw how the kids watched them and subsequently "played" at doing things like building houses, carrying things together, etc. They essentially concluded that the "work" they did was understood more like play--that without any coercion to labor beyond meeting their needs, they were surprisingly eager to do that boring stuff because they made it into the day's activity rather than grinding "work."

    TL;DR unalienated labor schniff and so on

  • TrueAnon having a normal one about pets...
  • I've been rescuing stray dogs and cats my whole life without provocation, caring for animals is just a thing we humans with our constantly active empathetic and social instincts do. I'm also not saying those of you who don't "get" it aren't empathetic or social but you must be lying if you can't at least intellectually understand why people would enjoy it.

    Edited to say that I do agree that there are def some hateful freaks out there who only like animals because animals don't talk back, but when my cat puts his little warm body in the crook of my arm I'm not thinking "wow you are so much more worthy of my love than a human being"

  • Poogona Poogona [he/him]


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