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Dear iPhone users:
  • God this platform is insufferable. Lemmy is always “Linux is god, windows is satan; iPhone bad, android good” on every post and it’s unbelievably cringe. I can see why this platform still has a tiny amount of users. The elitism is as bad as Reddit vs iFunny/Imgur/whatever a decade ago.

  • Can someone look into my lemmyworld history to see if I am over posting so I don't get banned?
  • Yes. Yes you are posting way too much. We had a member on our large discord that felt the need to reply to every piece of co tent and every thread, and they were eventually banned; because people stopped opening threads or participating because they knew every time they posted or commented or replied, it would be replied to by that one person. Don’t be that person. You’re not “encouraging activity and making Lemmy more active” you’re being annoying and the inane questions everywhere just make people block you and are discouraged from replying or posting. Take a step back; you don’t need to be everywhere.

  • What's your biggest gamer achievement?
  • I’m the largest collector of Anivia merch on earth, and her biggest fan. I’ve had communications with all the famous Anivia related people, am the best Anivia player in my country, and probably close to the world; but I defs am the biggest fan and follower of her :>

  • What is this flower that appeared in my garden?
  • Pansies, and they’re a very common edible flower! Often used to decorate desserts. I’ve picked them for an edible flower farm in the millions. They taste…like lettuce that’s been sprayed directly with perfume…so, not great…

  • What (generative) AI tools are actually useful, and potentially worth paying for?
  • I absolutely love Suno, and having it generate songs for me. I’ve addd several of its songs to my actual playlists while I’m driving, and they have become staple memes and love songs between myself and my partner. We even named her crocheted plushies after songs we made about them in Suno, and it named the plushies for us.

  • Removed
    I plan on blowing my brains out soon.
  • What’s alone about that?! The 911 operator thats gets a post mortem call they couldn’t do anything at all to save you?! They have to go home to their family knowing they failed at their job today, they couldn’t save a life.

    Or the first response units that have to pick your fucking brains out of the carpet and walls? They have to find you there like that?! The paramedics that have to lift your frozen corpse onto a stretcher and get you out of your house with bits of your head falling into their truck?!

    What about the coroner that has to call everyone you know, your parents, and I tell them what they discovered? They need to have this conversation with all of your friends and extended family! Then I hope they have the money and wherewithal to get your funeral sorted through all their turmoil and suffering.

    Don’t be so fucking selfish, I wish to FUCK I could tell my best friend just how much of a fucking mess his selfish decision was, how many people he hurt they he probably didn’t think he would, how much damned effort goes into sorting out your life after you’re gone.

    Are you that selfish of a person that you don’t give a fuck just how much bullshit you inflict on others with your decision? “Fuck it it’s not my problem anymore, nothing is” Over what, a grand in debt and a run down car? You went through the whole journey of self discovery to become who you are, to come to terms with who you are, in the most accepting time in human history, just for you to fuck it up in the end cause it’s a bit hard? That’s weak. Do better, live you fucking life, be the best you you can be, come out on top.

  • Removed
    I plan on blowing my brains out soon.
  • So…2 months ago I had to find my best friend of 18 years, my brother, my roommate, my best man…In his closet, strung up. I was supposed to be driving him to his trans-sisters birthday, instead; I have to find him like that.

    I haven’t been able to sleep, eat, dream, walk around the house at night. I had to take a week off work to sort his life out and was fired because of it. I haven’t been able to get back into work due to the trauma. What a selfish thing it is to make someone you care about find you like that. He left behind his best friend, his sister, his cat that I had to give away, his rotting car I just repaired for him out of my pocket, and give it away to his now widowed fiancé. He broke so many souls with his decision. I’m always angry. When I talk to him in my house now in the pitch of the night, I’m always angry. His alter of flowers, his obituary, his picture I have on my shelf, I see every day, makes me so angry.

    He’s not in any pain anymore, he left the house a mess for an inspection, he left his shit everywhere, he left everything, because it was too hard for him.

    He was selfish, and he’s an asshole, and I will be angry at him until my time is done here, and I can kick his ass again.

    Don’t do that to people. Don’t fuck up everyone else that has to pick up the pieces of your decision. It’s selfish, and it’s cruel.

    Stick around, you can only go up from here.

  • What's a piece of advice you've received that has stuck with you?
  • The 3 H’s. When someone in your life comes up to you with a problem, you either figure out, or ask them; if they want to be Hugged, Heard or Helped.

    A lot of the time when someone is venting at you, they just want to be heard and understood, and I’m the type of man to want to immediately fix the issue, and it’s a bit invasive and often off the mark, so I reign myself in and ask them if they want to be Hugged, Heard or Helped. More often than not, they just want to vent and don’t want me butting in with solutions to their issues.

    So the next time someone confides in you, take a step back and analyse how you should respond going forward, it really helped me understand more.

  • Gacha gamers: which is your favourite disappointment simulator and why?
  • Summoners War. Played for years, gave it up, got back into it recently. Very very good gacha game. Plenty of PvE to keep you coming and working towards something, plenty of great characters with awesome skins, TONNES of free stuff and 3-4 events running parallel at all times, booming community, and a very deep PvP scene if that’s your forte when you want to use the hard work you’ve done in PvE. Can recommend if you’re one for the gacha mobile games.

  • Secrets of Grindea - Full Release Trailer!
  • Oh my god! I 100%ed everything that was available in this game up until some tower where the game just said “hey, no more game, go away” and just wrote it off for half a decade as it seemed like it was abandoned, super stoked it’s actually hitting 1.0! Will absolutely 100% the whole game again, it’s actually so ridiculously good!

  • What little things do you have with your cat/dog that you think are unique or idiosyncratic?
  • My dog, Jose, is pretty smart. I like to get him a large variety of treats, and when he’s been a good boi, I place them all down, separated by a few inches, in front of him on the floor, and ask him to pick what he feels like. Pigs ears, Schmakos, custom dog treats from artisans, little biscuits etc etc. I’ll lay down like 6-10 treats in a row, and he will sit there and wait for me to finish, then I just say “alright pick what you like buddy” and he walks over, sniffs around each of them in sequence, then will pick whatever he feels like, pick it up, come over to me and boop me with his nose, then heads to the living room carpet to enjoy his treat. He has never tried to greed more than one, he always thanks me politely, and he always picks a different one each time so he doesn’t get bored with them. I love him so much.

    Sometimes, he just asks me for a treat directly though, he will come up to me at my desk, and lightly paw my leg to get my attention, then he stands on his hind legs and does a pawing gesture with his paws which is just begging, and I go “Jose beg beg? Whats up buddy?” And he will walk to the treat bin and then do beg begs at the bin, then we start our picking game.

  • If I see 3+ posts from the same username within the same minute, every one of the posts I see gets downvoted, and you and the instances get blocked.

    I just leave my feed on All to see a bit of everything, but it drives me nuts when I see someone either post the same link in quick succession to 3+ instances at the same time, so they all end up next to each other on my feed, or you post several related posts (photography, articles etc) within a few minutes so your name and all your context blocks out a large chunk of the All feed, I downvote each post, then block you as a poster, and each of the instances as well. I understand cross posting and wanting to create content for the community is something you want to do to get the Lemmy ball rolling more, but spamming is just extremely annoying, regardless of the content.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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