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German-American farmer tarred and feathered at the height of anti-German bigotry in the USA, WW1, 1918
  • Far fewer, not systematically; mostly unnaturalized immigrants and those with connections to the Italian government. Many of them were released before the war's end. But yes.

  • Visibly Distressed Putin Pals Shaken Up by Trump Verdict
  • [cackling in 'anyone-but-shithead-worshiper']

  • U.K. temporarily criminalizes puberty blockers for trans kids
  • TERF island is at it again, huh?

  • Anti-Nazi resistance fighters in the Netherlands, WW2, 1944
  • Oh yeah, Israel was instrumental in Hamas's rise and sustainment. It's just that Hamas would never have gotten the opening if Fatah didn't become either hilariously or sickeningly corrupt, depending on whether you feel like laughing or crying at the absurdism of the world at the given moment.

    And now Israel is trying to genocide Palestinians while blaming their own tool, Hamas. What a fucking shitshow.

  • Rosa May Billinghurst, sufragette, in her tricycle wheelchair, sometime around ~1910?
  • Every source I've seen refers to it as a tricycle. I don't know what the additional two wheels are for, but they aren't touching the ground in the pic, so I'm inclined to keep the original description.

  • Anti-Nazi resistance fighters in the Netherlands, WW2, 1944
  • How is that a response to what I said?

  • Anti-Nazi resistance fighters in the Netherlands, WW2, 1944
  • Probably has something to do with Hamas being a bunch of institutionally anti-democratic Islamist shitheads who took power from Fatah, an actual left-wing and secular and at least nominally pro-egalitarian organization, because Fatah was corrupt - only for Hamas to prove themselves as corrupt as Fatah ever was.

    But sure, let's celebrate Hamas and their imposition of women wearing hijab in public and forbidding them to leave without guardians, or the brutal murder of LGBT folk trying to flee, or the complete dismantling of democratic infrastructure in Gaza.

    Hamas are fucking shitheads. It's just that Hamas being shitheads doesn't justify Israel's ongoing attempt at genocide.

  • Holy fucking shit, I need to eat my shoe

  • No, Kbin is having some federation issues, it would seem.

  • British Royal Navy planes being stowed aboard an aircraft carrier after a flight raid, Indian Ocean, WW2, 1944
  • Thanks! Looking from my alt account I've been intermittently having the same problem. I think it's on Kbin's end, unfortunately.

  • /kbin meta PugJesus
    Pictures not showing up?

    Been getting a lot of 404s in Federation and blank icons here in Kbin for pictures uploaded here on Kbin. Didn't have this problem until a couple of days ago. Is this a known issue? Any workaround to this?

    ‘Hong Kong 47’ trial: 14 pro-democracy activists found guilty of conspiracy to commit subversion
  • Don't worry, I'm sure they were all secret CIA agents /s

  • Former OpenAI Board Member Says Sam Altman Created a Culture of ‘Psychological Abuse’
  • The thing is that when all this went down, there was speculation that he was fired by corporate drones wanting to make Line Go Up, because a large percentage of the company's employees signed a letter demanding he return.

  • Roman-era crystal jar from the Galloway Hoard in Scotland, ~10th century AD
  • Weird. It still shows up incognito on mine. I'll see if I can fiddle with it.

  • Roman-era crystal jar from the Galloway Hoard in Scotland, ~10th century AD
  • Try clicking on it. We've been having some federation issues.

  • Spying, hacking and intimidation: Israel’s nine-year ‘war’ on the ICC exposed
  • Sadly unsurprising. Israel doesn't interact with international institutions in good faith.

  • NSFW
    Woman condemned to die of starvation for the crime of adultery, Mongolia, 1913
  • I took over the community because it was unmoderated but already active, but I'm not a fan of the 'x-porn' name. In any case, this is just a place for historical photographs of interest.

  • PugJesus PugJesus

    Cripple. History Major. Vaguely left-wing.

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