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Sometimes I almost forget I live in the 4th Reich.
  • Had this happen to me a couple of weeks ago with a coworker. Knew they were Christian for years, didn't know the church, didn't want to know.

    They shared a video with the whole group and my autistic curiousity got the better of me when I saw the church name in the description. Wish it didn't. Now I'm stuck wondering if my coworker did even less homework than I did picking out a place they probably give at least 10% of their income to, or if they genuinely will never see the women around them as equals. Either way I'm back to keeping to myself at work after years of wearing down my shell.

    "Leftism will never take off if you never talk to open minded people!" Ok yeah, but I think my odds are way better talking to people under 40, and I'd rather not risk my job thanks. Not trying to do the "OMG I'M SOOOO QUIRKY!1!" line here but I'm such a fucking weirdo even outside of ideaology that I have no idea what part of myself will set my coworkers off and end with at least one of us getting fired.

  • Fast Food Now a Luxury, Says 78% of Americans
  • I think I marathoned the one you're talking about for a couple months just to have something in the background while I worked (they're relatively young and from Texas).

    While he usually didn't go as far to say that eating out was preventing people from buying homes, he always loved to talk about how everyone can save money even if it means 0 treats for years at a time. As if that isn't completely unrealistic. Oh but sure, let's put $100 in the budget for once a month therapy, otherwise the commenters will get mad - what do you mean that's not enough to help you cope with 50-60 hours of work??? And then when someone does come to him already scrapping at the bottom and budgeting to the max (for example, he had a single guardian on there that had to adopt younger family members due to a dysfunctional sister) he just says sorry and then gives them extremely unhelpful advice like get a third job (he ALWAYS tells people to get side gigs and second jobs and this lady already had two jobs, eventually what got me to stop watching ugh) or to look up local resources like food banks for help (she already was).

    I only watched as long as I did because he had wealthy shithead libertarians and toxic masculinity guys that would buy 60k trucks and teslas. Assholes that usually made more than enough money but always had mommy and/or employees do all the work for them so they never ended up learning any of the basics themselves. But whenever someone making $50k or less a year comes on... yikes.

  • Feeding chicken feces to cattle may be behind bird flu outbreak in US
  • Hey, you. If you're disgusted by this but still eating animal products this free documentary might help you make the final push.

    Me personally, I'm autistic with a binge eating disorder and I used to think I could never become vegetarian, much less vegan. Pretty much all my favorite cope foods used to have meat in them and some of them were just meat. This spring marks my 3 year vegan anniversary in large part because I watched Dominion and confronted the truth with genuine curiosity. I'm not going to lie to you and say it'll be easy. It's a big life change. Enough of a change that people will treat you differently once they know, for better and for worse. But it is easier than it used to be even just a couple years ago and as more people become vegan there are more resources available. I would personally be willing to help you if you need any advice, and I'm sure plenty of other vegans on here would answer questions as well.

    (A general abuse/mass death NSFL CW for Dominion, you will not be able to unsee the footage or watch the behind the scenes footage of actors covered in fake gore making jokes like you would with a scary movie. It's all real.)

  • Why are girl scouts bad? (Are they bad?)

    I have a general feeling that they're bad (the org, not the individual children lmao) but am fuzzy on the details of why. It's generally agreed among leftists that it's child labor right? And that they love teaching little kids that capitalism = cool and good. I've got a niece in girl scouts and I'd just like some more concrete examples and reasons not to support them so that my family understands that I'm not just being cheap... although yeah ok I admit it the shrinkflation over the years is one of the reasons I don't give them money, fine.

    Or uuuuuh if you think they're good actually then explain for the class pls. Make me feel bad about buying knockoff treats for a third of the price and then not donating the difference. !finger-wag 🍪 !walter-breakdown 🍪

    Hey mods, everything ok?

    Is this a cry for help or just a regular Tuesday for ya’ll?

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    PurrLure [she/her]
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