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Now yes! The Lugansk Peoples Republic has been 100% liberated! Hurray!
  • "You see tankbies, putin used his evil spy abilities to personally kill zelensky, because he is just THAT much of an evil cartoon villain!"

  • Africa Rafael_Luisi
    Does anyone here have some trustfull info on Idi Amin?

    I did watch some videos of his speeches, and i readed some info about him. He apparentelly was an Pan-africanist, friend of multiple arab and third world countries, including Cuba, was anti Israel, and anti-anglo hegemony. And then there is the Genocide that most people relate him with, where he supposedly orchestrated the genocide of over a million Tutsis, Twas and Hulus. I dont believe on literally anything that the western midia says about third world leaders anymore, they acused literally every single one of them that did go against the western hegemony, while at the same time they white washed dozens of cruel dictators they installed themselves on several countries. Does anyone got some trustfull info on Idi and his goverment that proves or disproves this supposedly genocide?

    Kim Jong-un sends letter to Queen congratulating her Platinum Jubilee
  • It shows how the US is just 10 times worse then Europe, at least you can talk with europeans and go somewhere, you cant do the same with the US.

  • What do you guys think about Huey long, the Kingfish of louisiona?

    Title, i know he was basically the only southner politician from the first half of the 20th century that wasnt an rascist, and he was an pretty famous populist.

    An question for history bros in the sub

    What was the deal with Otto Von Bismarck? I aways heard that he was responsible both directly and indirectly for the political problems on Europe that lead to WW1 and consequently WW2. How true is that?

    Do you have any favorite lefty symbols?
  • Entire weaponry to fight the reactionaries

  • Armchair anarchist are worthless backstabbers.

  • Lib's attempt at an Australian Communist flag
  • The union jack does not deserve to be even close to an socialist flag.

  • Books Rafael_Luisi
    To every ML interested on Che Guevara, pls read this book

    Its not just an biography about Che, it is about what he was as an person, an ML, an Guerrilheiro, How the world around him changed him, and how he changed the world. It might be an very long book, but trust me you are going to learn so much stuff from it.

    Yes, Latvia just adopted a law allowing anyone who supports Russia to have their citizenship revoked
  • The baltics are an bad reddit meme trio of countrys, its impressive how cringe they are able to be.

  • South Korean filmmakers every couple of years dropping absolute bangers
  • Capitalistic hellhole democracy be like

  • I think Max Blumenthal (founder of The Grayzone) might be a libertarian
  • How can someone be a nazi, an ancap, and an monarcuck all at once?

  • Animal rights icon Lukashenko
  • Based and hillarious, lukashenko is such an funny man, and an based one too.

  • "r/worldnews" more like "r/UkraineNews" am I rite?
  • Ive got banned out of reddit lololol

  • That time when a DPRK audience had to watch a live K-pop concert for the first time
  • The true kpop is dprk songs, those are fucking bangers

  • My Reddit account was PERMANENTLY SUSPENDED because of THIS:
  • Redditors are getting the wall, specially the admins

  • Hey fellow comrades
  • "Damn the mr president is looking awfully like an hamster, someone put a hamster into my president"

  • Asking the actual important question here.
  • If you think you are horny, aways rember that Che Guevara and Fidel Castro existed, you can be based and an comrade and still be horny, as long as the hornyness is not counter revoluctionary.

  • Asking the actual important question here.
  • You have no idea about how horny Che Guevara and Fidel Castro where.

  • Do you also like to hear some monarchist/fascist/ or other musics created by right wing goverments from time to time?

    I know this sounds like an very weird thing to ask, but i really want to know if anyone else here also have an thing for catchy musics made by those states lol. I am also considering that you are also ignoring the lyrics and are hearing the music just for the sonorous valour (because thats what i do). Im my humble opinion, i think that catchy musics and cool clothes designs are the only good thing that fascists and monarchists have ever given to the world. Oh and just to stay clear, i mainly hear communist and anti imperialist musics most of the time, but it gets a little tiring to hear the same based music 10 times every day lol. And when i hear those fascist/monarchist musics, its usually one of those drip remixes varsions lol. Fuck nazi/neonazi musics tho, they are the only thing i dont hear. And just to extra-clarify, i am not supporting any of those fascist/monarchist states, i only like the musics and thats it.

    Rafael_Luisi Rafael_Luisi
    Posts 7
    Comments 24