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What's one small thing you've done to make your life easier?
  • Yeah, since about 2016 it has started to get really bad though. I remember when I would be looking for a solution to a computer related issue, all the top results were super useful Tom's Hardware and AnandTech forum posts. But of course nobody does SEO for forum posts because they're just trying to help people not make money, so instead now all of the probably AI written crap is in the top results which half the time is only barely related to what I searched

  • What's one small thing you've done to make your life easier?
  • I still am using Google and I hate how useless it has become since SEO started to become a thing in the last 5 or 10 years. Maybe I should try Kagi. Does it have location specific search results

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    Washington Post: Gaza reports more than 11,100 killed. That’s one out of every 200 people.
  • I don't think any sort of one state solution that would exist between the two countries would classify as an empire, and "enforced stability" is a funny way to try to make people not killing each other sound bad. Also if you want to talk about enforced, that word seems perfectly applicable to Israel's relationship with Palestine now.

  • We interrupt your programming rule
  • I had that phone for like 4 months and loved it! Unfortunately the police stole it when the house I was living in was raided... it was a good phone, I spent quite lot of hours researching which to get and decided that would be the best.

  • Just fuck me up fam
  • You sound like a horrible miserable old man and I think what j said ring true to you because you didn't attempt to contradict really anything that I said. You say I'm complaining but all I see is a dozen comments from you in this thread of you doing exactly that, all because people want to improve each others standing in life, but that isn't ok with you people are only allowed to try to improve specifically their own lives and if you care about anyone else too you call them a whiny brat. This isn't something I can remember saying to anyone else any time recently but the world really would be a lot better without you.

  • Just fuck me up fam
  • Not everyone wants to engage in a race to the bottom where you're not allowed to seek to improve your circumstances relatively to other even more lucky and privileged people in your own country because people in other countries have even less. If you were in any of the countries you're bringing up and talking to someone else in one of those countries you would literally be saying the exact same thing you are now you would just refer to someone in an even worse circumstance still, e.g. someone with two missing legs.

    I bet you have things much easier than half the people in this thread and all you care about is making sure that isn't threatened so you have to try to uphold the status quo at all costs. Because all you really care about is yourself, not anybody in Venezuala or anywhere else they're just an argumentative tool to dismiss anybody who wants to make things better in their own country.

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