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Y'all been watching Smartypants on dropout?
  • Good shit. Makes me wonder if Paul F Tomkins just automatically shows up when you make a show with that aesthetic.

  • ITT we share how we remember how to spell bourgeoisie
  • I just remember the incorrect phonetics

    bour gee oy zee

  • LA CPAP help
  • Just picked up a CPAP today. Thanks again!

  • LA CPAP help
  • Thank you so much for all the help. I'm feeling a lot less stressed out.

  • LA CPAP help
  • We will have a car and one of the people has spent most of his life in LA. I don't know if he knows the specific area, but I think he'll be familiar. I'll ask.

    Edit: he definitely knows the area.

  • LA CPAP help
  • Gonna be staying at a hotel in Simi Valley, apparently.

    That place is very encouraging, it says they can do pickup at the storefront. I just hope I can get my prescription info and it'll allow me a rental.

    Thank you!

  • LA CPAP help

    So I hate airports. I got overwhelmed and didn't pack my CPAP for a vacation. Does anyone know of anywhere around LA that I can go to to rent one? I can get one shipped overnight, but I'm trying to avoid paying $90 for that if possible.

    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 15th to April 21st, 2024 - Between The Darkness And The Dawn, There Rises A Red Star
  • Me in 2024: laughing as I imagine Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's face when Cheney set off the charges

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 15th to April 21st, 2024 - Between The Darkness And The Dawn, There Rises A Red Star
  • Browsing /r/all because I'm never gonna die so wasting my life doesn't matter. Anyway I see a post titled 'Leading scholar Dr.snyder on the subject of eastern European nationalism debunks myths and lies spread by Russia about Ukraine.'

    "Hmm. No, wait... it can't be."

    The sound I made cannot be replicated

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 15th to April 21st, 2024 - Between The Darkness And The Dawn, There Rises A Red Star
  • People need to understand class interest beyond "worker good, Capitalist bad, workers come together and sing kumbaya really hard until Communism happens."

    If it were that simple, we would be living in Communism right. It's not that simple. A couple of examples: steel worker union wants the price of steel to be as high as possible so union members are compensated well. Union of... idk, pipe builders want steel to be as cheap as possible for obvious reasons. Despite both groups consisting exclusively of proles, they have contradictory interests.

    Another example that's been highlighted by recent DSA actions: class reproduction. Academic "Marxists" generally lose all radicalism because they've secured a position where they can write for a living instead of doing one of the million jobs that no one wants to do. This applies perhaps even more strongly to paid positions within "Socialist" organizations. Why did Maria of the DSA behave with such profound chauvinism on the Cuba trip? Because she sees a path out of working for a living. Everything she did established credibility in the eyes of the people who hire Democratic Party staffers.

    And the single most important example in the world today: Americans. A nation ostensibly composed of the working class like any other, yet all but the most vulnerable of its population are so profoundly bribed with the superprofits of the actual global working class that their interests have been thoroughly aligned with the status quo. They constitute a parasitic class on the world stage. Why do the most useless counter-revolutionary tendencies (LeftCommunism, Council Communism, Trotskyism, Neokautskyism) come exclusively from the West? Because the population does not, for the most part, experience revolutionary conditions. They don't need to do a revolution because they will be fine no matter what.

    And this isn't some wild, new, 21st century theory. No less than Marx, Engels, and Lenin all described the parasitic nature of British "workers" and their attempt to secure well-being on the backs of the global proletariat: “...The English proletariat is actually becoming more and more bourgeois, so that this most bourgeois of all nations is apparently aiming ultimately at the possession of a bourgeois aristocracy and a bourgeois proletariat alongside the bourgeoisie. For a nation which exploits the whole world this is of course to a certain extent justifiable.”

  • Socdems being cringe part 4: DSA chapters act like chauvinists during Cuba trip
  • Obviously you're reacting to this person's profile picture, but I like to imagine this reaction is out of a desire to strengthen your stabbing arms.

  • Members of DSA went to Cuba and met with Dissidents (and declined to meet with the President)
  • Being sociable with your comrades and being a social club are two different things. No one who's joined a party because they wanted to have a good time has ever contributed to revolution.

  • Members of DSA went to Cuba and met with Dissidents (and declined to meet with the President)
  • Communist organizations should be composed of Communists, not people who want to hecking chill with their friends and post epic "organizing" memes.

    I sincerely doubt there's a single person who joined a party because it seemed fun who became an actual Communist.

  • Socdems being cringe part 4: DSA chapters act like chauvinists during Cuba trip
  • This is bullshit. She and you believe in nothing but securing Democratic Party staffer jobs for yourselves. You are a counter-revolutionary.

  • Members of DSA went to Cuba and met with Dissidents (and declined to meet with the President)
  • This is a result of trying to turn "Leftism" into a social club. None of this matters to any of these strivers.

  • An under-examined cause of inflation: unconditional returns
  • I feel like you're being facetious, but the Earth is dying and reducing is the first of the three Rs for a reason. Being frivolous with goods and resources is 100% bourgeois behavior.

  • An under-examined cause of inflation: unconditional returns
  • There would definitely be a change in prices lol. They track all of this to the cent. Just because there's price gouging doesn't mean the cost of goods is completely unrelated to operating costs.

    You're right, the Capitalists should give up their wealth and their parasitic need for returns.

    They won't.

    Since that's the reality we inhabit, every time you make a return, you're jacking up the prices of your future purchases.

  • An under-examined cause of inflation: unconditional returns

    It turns out that accommodating spoiled aristocrats who order shit they don't need from halfway across the Earth on a whim has a cost, and let me tell you: that cost isn't coming out of the executives' salaries!

    Every time you return something, you are adding data to a spreadsheet that returns the value of "fuck you."

    Israel is Cop Nation
    • Given billions by the US to occupy stolen land and increase arms manufacturer profits
    • Cartoonishly heavily armed
    • Convinced everyone on Earth is out to get them
    • Cowards who can't do anything without calling for overwhelming firepower
    • White supremacists
    • American news unconditionally carries their water
    • Kill children all the time
    • Beloved by Germans

    Entire nation of cops

    Europeans are world champion anti-semites

    I've been making my way through The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, and I've never struggled to finish a book this much. Just unbelievably harrowing.

    I had a realization that's really stuck with me. Zionism is explicitly a response to European anti-semitism. No one has committed more pogroms than Europeans. Almost all of Europe gleefully participated in the Holocaust.

    And yet to the average Westoid, Arabs are a uniquely anti-Semitic people because of the extremely mildly violent response some have had to ethnic cleansing. Palestinians manage to kill a single Israeli with a rocket every decade or two and it's "my god, these barbaric people have nothing in them but hate for the Jews." Europeans commit the GREATEST GENOCIDE IN HISTORY and yet they get to remain wholesome civilized people whomst have never harmed a Jew. Far-Right parties are sweeping into power all across Europe, but noooooo that doesn't say anything about our glorious Western Civilization.

    Maybe if Arabs sweep the globe and rule with an iron fist for a few millennia they can catch up to the Jewish death toll inflicted by Europeans.

    "I have bought a lot of real estate cause I believe we gotta get our money straight. Girl get your money straight." - bell hooks

    "hooks said that she suffered from patriarchy as a landlord b/c the men she employed to work her properties didn't show her the proper respect sometimes"

    It makes so much sense that every Nazi has Gifted Kid Peaked in High School Syndrome

    CW: Nazi

    There are hundreds of QTs from Nazis talking about how they were the smartest kids ever but the damn (((education system))) hampered them, and anyone who doesn't believe that they're hyper geniuses is simply a seething lib.

    You're supposed to get over the "I was a gifted kid" stuff by the time you're 20.

    Me a few years ago: the middle class doesn't exist. All that matters is your relation to the means of production

    Me after working retail: I can tell if you own a house by the way you speak. We are members of different species.

    The replies to this illustrate that most American Leftists are straight up Hitlerites

    There is no number of foreigners that is unacceptable to sacrifice for a middle class livelihood. Anti-cop because they can imagine a scenario where a cop inconveniences them. These principles don't apply to the Waffen SS because they can't imagine a soldier personally inconveniencing them and, of course, foreigners aren't really humans.
