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I fucking hate the job search
  • Well, the standard recommended work hours would be 08-17 (8 AM to 5 PM), with one hour unpaid lunch, so 8 hours paid. And you can take those paid breaks, or even combine them with lunch. Most places (that don’t have shifts, scheduled appointments or aren’t school or health care related) allow for this kind of flexibility.

    My current work place has 39 hours a week during the half year during or close to winter and around 37 hours during the summer or the months adjoining summer. Then again, most people tend to flex actual hours worked, e.g. working 4 hours on Monday and Friday, and working more hours during the same week or compensating for it later. But you HAVE to take at least 30 minutes of lunch, and the workplace tries to enforce the paid breaks as well. So some, like me, take an hour off for lunch, but use our half hour unpaid lunch and add on breaks 2x15 with pay (which is billed to our clients, as we’re legally entitled to). So I can show up anywhere between 06:30 and 11:00 (as long as I don’t have deadlines or meetings) and decide how I want to dispose the hours of my time on schedule.

    And I get 7 weeks off, paid, every year. And pad it out with overtime so that I work maybe a week of overtime and get two weeks extra off for holidays.

  • I fucking hate the job search
  • Not all Nordic countries. The main standard work weeks in Sweden are 40 hours for office work employees. Our collective union agreements for most office work places I know of agree on at least half hour unpaid lunch and at least two 15 minute paid breaks each work day. Every place I worked for had flexible hours, which meant I could choose between turning up between 7 or 9, as long as I didn’t miss meetings and worked 40 hours a week at an average, based on monthly calculations. And any overtime was compensated with double time off and/or monetary overtime compensation.

    This will of course be different for shift work or nurse/doctor positions. But I’ve never worked an 8-16 job.

  • Samsung’s smart fridges mistakenly warned users its free TV service was ending
  • Samsung who won’t even provide price estimates/quotes for reparation of utensils WITHIN WARRANTY without being paid $25 before hand. Their products suck that much.

  • Why do men call their father their "old man", but their "old lady" is their wife?
  • But not all moms/mums are created equal.

  • Thomas says critics are pushing 'nastiness' and calls Washington a 'hideous place'
  • Thanks. Saw it, but so thankful that you took the time to reply.

    Facebook kinda thingy: <3

  • Thomas says critics are pushing 'nastiness' and calls Washington a 'hideous place'
  • Thank you. Great to hear. I’ll probably find the stuff, but if you have the time and inclination, I’d be glad if you put it in the comments so that others also could see it.

  • Thomas says critics are pushing 'nastiness' and calls Washington a 'hideous place'
  • Welp, John Oliver had a time limit in that. Let’s hope that John (and HBO or whatever) is/are still feeling generous.

  • Boy Scouts of America changing name to more inclusive Scouting America after years of woes
  • This is good. Scouting (in developed countries) in Europe is one and same for boys, nonbinaries and girls, mainly non-theistic (apart from the obvious theistic groups) and focused on making sure health, hygiene, happiness and life skills are taught and practiced. Girls, nonbinaries and boys coexist, do the same tasks, chores and sleep in the same tents.

  • Pregnant women in Missouri can't get divorced. Critics say it fuels domestic violence
  • Many, if not most, women (who are either voluntarily sexually active or involuntarily) will eventually need an abortion (due to miscarriage, foetal abnormalities or other crisises), plan B or birth control of some sort, but most will not admit it.

    I stock up on plan B and misoprostol to help, or know where to guide people to seek help so that they’re safe medically. I’d quite confidently say that most women, at least that I know, have needed this kind of aid sooner or later in their lives.

  • Elon Musk is a pigeon CEO, 'he comes, sh*ts all over us, and goes', says former Tesla manager
  • Don’t conflate all pigeons/doves with rock pigeons. Or Turd/Musk.

  • TikTok Ban Bill Becomes Law, Gives TikTok 9 Months To Sell
  • It’s simply photoshopped.

  • Apple keeps flogging 8GB of RAM for its Mac computers but it's still a dead horse
  • Yeah, in my work I don’t even do a lot of 3D rendering, but 64 GB main RAM and at least 8 GB GPU RAM barely manage to cut it performance wise for the GIS and CAD systems we use.

  • 2 visitors captured on video destroying ancient rock formations at Lake Mead
  • I feel similarly. My reactions were “Why?!?”, “Are you utter idiots?!” and “I hope that your hate and idiocy isn’t passed down through gene pools!”.

    Edit: I agree with other posters that it’s demeaning to troglodytes for someone not a troglodyte to claim that these wastes of air and proteins are troglodytes.

  • Chick-fil-A changing its chicken sparks backlash
  • I am not a proponent of routine antibiotic use in any animals (including us humans), unless it’s called for as in actually saving someone’s life.

    I was caught at one of these moments where I wasn’t sure whether it was sincerely meant or humour, and tried to be mildly sarcastic about it.

    Edit: Double checked. Thumbs up now.

  • [OC] Spider
  • Cute. Hope it isn’t deadly.

  • Chick-fil-A changing its chicken sparks backlash
  • I’m afraid your sarcasm and irony were unclear despite the words used. But please correct that or me.

  • Israeli settlers cross into Gaza, build 'symbolic' outpost
  • Palestine instigated the fight? When, 1947 or 1948?

    Hamas is not Palestine. Hamas is an extreme. But I guess the Polish (with support of allied troops) instigated the fight against WWII Germany as well post invasion.

    Edit: and those damned Boy Scout troops in Poland were apparently so horrendous that they deserved being rounded up and massacred as well, those evil 8-17 year olds.

  • Israeli settlers cross into Gaza, build 'symbolic' outpost
  • Surely you meant that Palestinians (and Palestine) are subjected to war crimes, aggression and attempts to extinguish nation, lineages and historical contexts? Similarly to Ukraine.

  • France makes abortion a constitutional right in historic Versailles vote France makes abortion a constitutional right in historic Versailles vote

    Eiffel Tower lit up to mark change, seen as way of protecting law that decriminalised abortion in 1975

    France makes abortion a constitutional right in historic Versailles vote

    Eiffel Tower lit up to mark change, seen as way of protecting law that decriminalised abortion in 1975.

    The French parliament has enshrined abortion as a constitutional right at a historic joint session at the Palace of Versailles.

    Out of 925 MPs and senators eligible to vote, 780 supported the amendment, which will give women the “guaranteed freedom” to choose an abortion.

    There was thunderous applause in the chamber as the result was announced on Monday; in central Paris, the Eiffel Tower was illuminated to mark the occasion.

    The measure had already been passed by the upper and lower houses, the Sénat and the Assemblée Nationale, but final approval by parliamentarians at the joint session at Versailles was needed to effect constitutional change.

    The prime minister, Gabriel Attal, told those gathered in the opulent Congress Hall in the palace’s Midi wing: “We are haunted by the suffering and memory of so many women who were not free. We owe a moral debt [to all the women who] suffered in their flesh.

    “Today, the present must respond to history. To enshrine this right in our constitution is to close the door on the tragedy of the past and its trail of suffering and pain. It will further prevent reactionaries from attacking women.

    “Let’s not forget that the train of oppression can happen again. Let’s act to ensure that it doesn’t, that it never comes this day.”

    He added: “I say to all women within our borders and beyond, that today, the era of a world of hope begins.”

    Mathilde Panot, an MP from the hard-left France Unbowed, who proposed inscribing the abortion rights in the constitution, told the meeting it was “a promise … for all women fighting [for them] everywhere in the world”.

    Jury convicts Southern California socialite in 2020 hit-and-run deaths of two young brothers
  • Which part of Europe? Try that in the southern parts of Italy or in most of Romania, you’ll be amazed at the speed they blow past pedestrians crossing when it’s since long red for cara and green for the pedestrians…

  • San Jose bakery loses thousands of dollars after Tesla reportedly cancels large order
  • To be fair, most of the Tesla buyers in Sweden are absolute douches on the streets. Not all though.

  • Man Gets “Trapped” In Hot Tesla After Battery Dies As He Wasn’t Aware Of Manual Release Man Gets “Trapped” In Hot Tesla After Battery Dies As He Wasn’t Aware Of Manual Release

    The man is blaming the automaker even though the manual door opener was under his left hand the whole time

    Man Gets “Trapped” In Hot Tesla After Battery Dies As He Wasn’t Aware Of Manual Release

    From the article:

    The man is blaming the automaker even though the manual door opener was under his left hand the whole time.

    A man in Arizona says that he was recently trapped in his Tesla after getting in, closing the door, and then realizing that his battery was dead. What he didn’t know is that the manual release for the door was under his left hand the whole time. Now, he’s blaming the automaker and raising awareness.

    Rick Meggison, 73, says that Tesla needs to address what he calls a “safety concern” involving how to exit the car when the battery dies. The main door latch actuator on all Tesla models is electronic so if the 12-volt battery dies it won’t work. To ensure safe exit of the vehicle Tesla includes a manual release. Meggison didn’t know about that and ended up trapped in his car for 20 minutes on a hot day.

    “I couldn’t open the doors. I couldn’t lower the windows. The computer was dead, so I couldn’t open the glove box. I couldn’t open anything,” he told ABC7. Of course, he could’ve opened the door in about two seconds had he known that the manual release was just ahead of his window switches. His situation has many wondering who’s to blame in situations like this.

    Honk honk, look at me, I'm a bike! [YT original in post]

    I've been watching Trucker Dashcam // Sweden while cleaning around the house today, so this is from another one of his videos. His one of the nicest truckers I've ever heard of. He mainly does dashcam compilations nowadays, and includes videos from friends and subscibers as well. The GIF is severely cropped and small, sorry. Used ImgFlip again, will look into some better options soon.

    In the clip (and the timestamp in the below timed link) you see the trucker approaching a toll station. Apparently "clever" car drivers think it makes more sense to take the pedestrian/bike path to avoid the toll station and instead save a few SEK.

    Polisen varnar krogbesökare i Kristianstad Polisen varnar krogbesökare i Kristianstad

    Sju personer har fått föras till sjukhus i Kristianstad i helgen efter att de varit ute på krogen, rapporterar Kristianstadsbladet. Nu uppmanar polisen allmänheten att vara uppmärksam.

    Polisen varnar krogbesökare i Kristianstad

    Publicerad 30 juli kl 17:24

    Sju personer har fått föras till sjukhus i Kristianstad i helgen efter att de varit ute på krogen och nu uppmanar polisen allmänheten att vara uppmärksam.

    – Sedan i fredags har vi haft sju personer som har fått föras till sjukhus i Kristianstad efter att fått i sig en okänd substans. Samtliga har varit ute på krogen i Kristianstad. Flera har blivit medvetslösa till följd av detta och har varit i behov av sjukhusvård, säger Evelina Olsson, presstalesperson hos Polisen.

    Både män och kvinnor drabbade

    De drabbade är i 20 till 30-årsåldern och både män och kvinnor. Polisen vet inte vad de fått i sig men man inväntar provsvar och ska hålla förhör med samtliga drabbade.

    – Eftersom vi inte vet vad avsikten med detta är så vill vi att personer, som är ute i krogsvängen i Kristianstad den närmaste tiden, är lite extra uppmärksamma. Att man håller koll på sin dryck och mat. Om det är nån som vet vad det här kan handla om så vill vi gärna ta del av de uppgifterna, säger Evelina Olsson.

    BMW unexpectedly using blinkers before brake checking cargo truck [YT original in post]

    Edit: Changed link for the pic to another site

    The guy behind Trucker Dashcam // Sweden is one of the nicest truckers I've ever heard of. He mainly does dashcam compilations nowadays, and includes videos from friends and subscibers as well.

    FOUR whole parking spots

    Original by in post

    Fired Tesla Employee Posts New Video of Full Self-Driving Running Red Light Fired Tesla Employee Posts New Video Of Full Self-Driving Running A Red Light

    A former Tesla employee who was fired for showing the limits of FSD on social media says he's speaking to the feds about the incident.

    Fired Tesla Employee Posts New Video Of Full Self-Driving Running A Red Light

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > There is a discussion on Hacker News, but feel free to comment here as well.

    Stor risk för skogsbrand i Sydöstra Svealand, Östra Götaland och hela Gotland (Varningar och meddelanden&nbsp;| SMHI)

    Ursprungligen postad på:, reviderad här:

    > Varningar och meddelanden | SMHI > > # Risk för skogsbrand > ## Gotland > Risken för bränder i skog och mark är mycket eller extremt stor. Utfärdad 27 juli > ## Östra Götaland > Skogsbrandrisken är stor eller mycket stor. Utfärdad 28 juli > ## Sydöstra Svealand: > Skogsbrandrisken är stor. Utfärdad 28 juli > > Hur kan det påverka mig? > Stor eller mycket stor brandrisk och att eld sprids lätt i skogsmark. > Stor försiktighet bör iakttas vid eldning utomhus, ofta gäller eldningsförbud. >

    [US] OfferUp, is it used for thrifting? Buy & Sell Locally - OfferUp - Buy. Sell. Simple. - OfferUp

    Instantly connect with local buyers and sellers on OfferUp! Buy and sell everything from cars and trucks, electronics, furniture, and more.

    I found out about OfferUp from a comment on ! to post, by commenter .

    The OfferUp site doesn't let me look around as it's geoblocked, and VPN didn't seem to help. So I went off the Wikipedia description and Googling:

    • Competitor to eBay and CraigsList.
    • It seems to be around in some major cities, and shipping is available for inter-urban or less urban locations.
    • It's both for buying in straight-up transactions as well as bidding (a'la eBay).
    • Most item categories are free to list items in, but it costs to put up more than a limited number of listings a month in certain categories.
    • They have fees for the sales based on the transaction value
    • They have some form of moderation
    • They have some user based moderation based on ratings
    • They tie user accounts to actual persons
    • They don't handle food transactions (?)

    Based on these points I would be inclined to not considering it as a thrifting resource to add to the stickied list, on the other hand I've listed an auctioning site in Sweden as a thrifting resource, and might as well include eBay as well.

    Your thoughts?

    FHM spårar fågelinfluensa hos människor: ”Var uppmärksam” FHM spårar fågelinfluensa hos människor: ”Var uppmärksam”

    Fågelinfluensan sprider sig i Sverige, smittan har bland annat hittats bland fåglar i Kalmar, på Gotland och i Stockholmsomårdet. Folkhälsomyndigheten (FHM) stärker nu sin övervakning av eventuell fågelinfluensa hos människor. – Man behöver inte bli orolig, det är en sällsynt sjukdom men självklart ...

    FHM spårar fågelinfluensa hos människor: ”Var uppmärksam”

    Min personliga kommentar: Bara på vår gård i Stockholm har vi haft massdöd av måsar. Det var först en koloni på ett 20-tal måsar som kom i april/maj och häckade på de platta hustaken runt gården. I slutet av maj fanns det bara ett häckande par kvar på hustaken, de fick en unge och i juni så dog en av föräldrarna. Lite lugnare iofs, inte fullt lika skränigt som det varit de senaste åren med fullt med häckande måsar och gapiga ungar. Men ändå sorgligt.

    Ingress från artikeln: Fågelinfluensan sprider sig i Sverige, smittan har bland annat hittats bland fåglar i Kalmar, på Gotland och i Stockholmsomårdet. Folkhälsomyndigheten (FHM) stärker nu sin övervakning av eventuell fågelinfluensa hos människor. – Man behöver inte bli orolig, det är en sällsynt sjukdom men självklart ska man vara observant, säger Emmi Andersson på FHM.

    Risks of synchronized low yields are underestimated in climate and crop model projections Risks of synchronized low yields are underestimated in climate and crop model projections - Nature Communications

    Simultaneous harvest failures across crop-producing regions are major threats to global food security. A strongly meandering jet can trigger these, however, climate and crop models underestimate effects with consequences for climate risk assessments.

    Risks of synchronized low yields are underestimated in climate and crop model projections - Nature Communications

    Just ran into a link to this article from another medium. While I realize this is speculations, it's still a summary of models that look at the risk of concurrent global crop failures.

    From the article:

    Abstract Simultaneous harvest failures across major crop-producing regions are a threat to global food security. Concurrent weather extremes driven by a strongly meandering jet stream could trigger such events, but so far this has not been quantified. Specifically, the ability of state-of-the art crop and climate models to adequately reproduce such high impact events is a crucial component for estimating risks to global food security. Here we find an increased likelihood of concurrent low yields during summers featuring meandering jets in observations and models. While climate models accurately simulate atmospheric patterns, associated surface weather anomalies and negative effects on crop responses are mostly underestimated in bias-adjusted simulations. Given the identified model biases, future assessments of regional and concurrent crop losses from meandering jet states remain highly uncertain. Our results suggest that model-blind spots for such high-impact but deeply-uncertain hazards have to be anticipated and accounted for in meaningful climate risk assessments.

    Glamping - is it in any way better than pricey hotel rooms?

    We had a couple of friends who took their families "glamping" a few weeks ago. They extolled the virtues of lower costs and the fabulous service, and even invited parts of our family to come stay with them for a couple of nights. This was not the first time we were invited to "glamping", and it still left a bitter aftertaste once we were about to leave.

    But all in all. I get camping, where you can pitch your tent in a forest or on a meadow and enjoy the stars, and then (scouting wise) leave no impression other than imprints on the grass that will soon fade. For me, tent camping where you stay a few nights and then make sure you leave nothing negative behind is fairly benign. Except that not all bodies will tolerate camping conditions. And then there are those people who will absolutely pollute their surrondings and leave all the trash for the conscientious to pick up.

    But is "glamping" really a thrifty or even environmentally friendly vacationing?

    Indoor cats - lessons learned about being thrifty/frugal with litter boxes (and failing)

    What are your experiences trying to be thrifty/frugal with stuff for your cats?

    We got this lovely girl at an animal shelter. She had been a feral cat, was around two years old, and was extremely shy and wary of humans. We also picked up a pre-owned litter box from the shelter, a basic one without enclosure or roof. Once she had settled in and felt comfortable with us, we got a kitten as a companion for her.

    Litter boxes - Penny wise and pound foolish We quickly realized that cheap, low litterboxes meant twice daily cleaning of the floor around it. We also learned that enclosed litter boxes are better, but some cats don't like them with flaps and will sometimes prefer to do their deeds outside the box. We went through five different models of litter boxes before settling for the top-entry ModKat (thrifted for half price at the cat shelter), and then we also upcycled a toy chest into an enclosed cat litter box. So all in all, we tried to save money on cheap litter boxes, but the one that was by far the easiest to clean and got the least amount of litter outside of it was the ModKat and the upcycled toy chest ranked second.

    For the ModKat we first used liners (pricey!) that we bought from pet stores. But we soon discovered there was no point in having the liners, one of the cats just pulled them down and did their deeds between the liner and the wall. Instead it's just easier to just clean out the whole box regularily.

    In summary: We wasted way too much money on finding good litter boxes.

    Litter - The cheaper options tend to cost more money or labour in the long run

    • Shredded paper cat litter, and shredded paper litter pellets, are very economical, but the whole house eventually reeks of ammonia and wet newspapers unless you change them out very frequently. So while the packs are cheap, you use more and the bags tend to take up space. Plus, the soggy paper sticks to their paws and tends to get around the house.
    • Clumping clay litter is a bit more expensive, but the cheaper varieties are fairly dusty. We tried all kinds of varieties.
    • Wood pellets (with special litter boxes), was about as cheap as the paper litter. It required once-or-twice-daily sifting, and twice weekly emptying. It did cover up the cat urine smell better than the paper, but as our cats didn't like stepping on them when it was freshly changed, they did their nr 2 outside the box. Also, there seemed to fly wood chips all over the room when we sifted. I used the wood pellets for our gardens instead.
    • Crystal litter is more expensive, but it absorbs the urine smell very well and lasts for quite a long time with daily emptying. Alas, our cats didn't like the normal crystal litter (it seemed to hurt their paws or butts), so they did their deeds outside the box. So while I thought I had made a bargain when I bought 30 kg of crystal litter from an online pet store, I ended up having to give the majority away as it wasn't feasible for us at all.
    • Clumping crystal litter was even more expensive, but the crystals were smaller and the cats tolerated it. But I noticed that it eventually formed a lot of dust, and both mine and the cats noses were runny whenever we went anywhere near the space where the litter boxes were. Plus, if they managed to track any crystals outside of the box, they hurt to step on for us.

    In summary: We failed being frugal or thrifty, and spent too much on different brands of litter to find out which one was accepted by the cats. The litter we're using now is one of the more expensive clumping clay varieties, EverClean. But it lasts for longer, is less dusty, is well accepted by the cats (less boo boo's), there is much less cleaning needed and one month's supply takes up fairly little space compared to most of the other options.

    Stockholm in the late 1980's, H&amp;M just rebranded from "Hennes och Mauritz", people were wearing dark leather jackets as a fashion statement

    I posted this previously in !, but that community never seemed to pick up any speed, so I hope more people can appreciate this historic tidbit.

    This photo (not mine!) is from downtown Stockholm. It takes place in the late 1980's.

    To the right, outside of the field of the picture, is an iconic food hall for international cuisine as well as for Swedish fish and crustacean cuisine. To the right, visible in the picture, is "Sergelgången", which is an iconic street in Stockholm between "Hötorget" and "Sergels torg". Also to the left, outside the field of the picture, is the major concert hall (Konserthuset) with its iconic steps that have been graced by both celebrities and random rubes, for warming up in the sun on the otherwise chilly Stockholm streets.

    The camera is focused on an iconic Hennes ("hers" in Swedish) store, that was mainly for ladies' fashion. The company that owned Hennes decided to branch out and bought Mauritz, and they ran both ladies' and gentlemen's stores until they brought them together as "Hennes & Mauritz". They were known for poorly made clothes that broke or got broken after a few uses and washes. Their zippers were nationally shamed as proper trash fashion as they broke after one use. Basically, in Sweden they were known for youth or "poor mans" clothes. Popular among students, but once their buyres could afford decent clothes, these went to a land fill (as even the second hand stores refused to stock this crap).

    When they decided to go international, they rebranded as H&M, and later HM.

    Frugal Regna
    Thrifty stew for four (veggies around 2 € 50 c, meat around 7 €) [Sweden, so our food normally costs more than continental Europe]

    cross-posted from:

    > Picked up a “sad veggies and fruits” bag at Lidl today for less than 3 €, and got a pack (more than 1 kg) of red meat (from another grocery store, but locally sourced meat) with a due date of tomorrow for less than 7 €. (And I had half of a sad pepper already) > > This will be a wonderful stew that serves at least four, and there will probably be leftovers for lunch boxes that we can freeze in for when we start work after the holidays again. > > In the “sad” bag from Lidl we also got organic bananas (which we sliced up and had frozen as prep for smoothies), limes, half a pack of grapes and then some spring onions. > > Have a lovely weekend, lovely people!

    Thrifty stew for four (veggies around 2 € 50 c, meat around 7 €)

    Picked up a “sad veggies and fruits” bag at Lidl today for less than 3 €, and got a pack (more than 1 kg) of red meat (from another grocery store, but locally sourced meat) with a due date of tomorrow for less than 7 €. (And I had half of a sad pepper already)

    This will be a wonderful stew that serves at least four, and there will probably be leftovers for lunch boxes that we can freeze in for when we start work after the holidays again.

    In the “sad” bag from Lidl we also got organic bananas (which we sliced up and had frozen as prep for smoothies), limes, half a pack of grapes and then some spring onions.

    Have a lovely weekend, lovely people!

    Heart-stopping photos of Kai Tak International Airport (Hong Kong, closed 1998) Heart-stopping photos of Kai Tak International Airport | CNN

    Check out these heart-stopping photos of Kai Tak International Airport in Hong Kong. It’s been closed since 1998 but is remembered for its dramatic landings.

    Heart-stopping photos of Kai Tak International Airport | CNN

    Kai Tak was the official airport in Hong Kong until 1998. It was built on the Kowloon side, and the start and landing strips were built and then extended onto an artificial peninsula.

    Approaching to land in Kai Tak was nicknamed "Kai Tak Heart Attack", as you came so close to the apartment houses in Kowloon that you practically could see into the apartment windows.

    • History and more info:
    • 12 accidents during the time it was in operation:
    • A cockpit view of landing on Kai Tak:
    [Poland] I got a tip about Foodsi. Are there other food sharing/discount/surplus apps or sites, or good thrifting/free item sites in Poland?

    Considering how much fruit, veg, meat and other products that Poland produces, I think there might be more more sites or apps, both for food and for other items.

    Let me know if there’s more I could add to our list of resources.

    [US] Is goMkt still active? Is it used? goMKT

    Save money, shop local, and protect the environment! Find delicious local meals from restaurants, cafes and coffee shops, up to 75% less at


    I put goMkt into the list of US food resources pinned on top of the community, but another user pointed out that the app links no longer worked. I updated the pinned post due to that.

    Does anyone know any more info regarding goMkt? I’m contemplating removing them and Food Heroes from the list if they’re not useful for individuals.

    Regna Regna

    Enjoying the great vista of the Fedisphere.

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