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  • I'm glad this site has reached the point where raccoon memes hit my page. More, please!

  • Any tipps for soon-to-be DM with very little experience
  • Hey! It sounds like you've prepped a lot with the books and DM screen, which is a good sign!

    As a DM, I jumped into running a full year long campaign after just running a couple one shots. It really IS easier than you think!

    All you have to do is help your friends interact with the world in the books. That's your only job.

    The only tips I have are these:
    Make sure both your players AND yourself are having fun! It can be easy to stress and bend to your players every whim so they have as good a time as possible - don't do that. Make sure YOU'RE having fun, too! It'll improve your ability to run the game and everyone will be able to tell.

    Don't worry about the tabletop aspect too much. I ran a game for over a year with nothing but my laptop and a map I drew with my friend that had the names of cities on it. I hid my dice behind my hand because there was no room for a DM screen - it really just comes down to you and your players having fun. The objects aren't necessary. Don't worry about not having them.

    Have fun! Let us know how it went!

  • /kbin meta RegularBard
    How are you using or hoping to use kbin?

    With Twitter and Reddit the way that they are, many people are turning to federated servers as their online home, kbin among them.

    How are you using kbin? As a Twitter replacement? Reddit? As something new entirely?

    Personally I'm trying to follow multiple types of federated content, magazines, and people.

    I think kbin has a lot of growth to go through before all that content can become streamlined and look nice - but it's all there, and that's what counts.

    If there's one thing I would change, it would be putting the comment box at the top, or in a drop-down instead of at the very bottom of a thread. But, I'm also just happy that the site is more stable and people are posting!

    What are we watching?
  • I fell off halfway through watching Love is War but I might pick it back up this weekend! Baldurs Gate got its hooks in me

  • Picnic
  • Damn I kinda miss the edits these comics would get. The comics themselves are alright but the edit wars in the comments were hilarious. Hope the artist is getting less hate nowadays though

  • Madison on why she quit Linus Tech Tips. (Content Warning: Sexism, Self Harm , Sexual Assault & Harassment)
  • LMAO someone stop me if this is a bot repost, but Twitter has the character limit because when Twitter was first founded you could text a phone number to post a tweet

    Text messages had a limit of 150 characters or so. That means all the tweets did too.

    That's all it is

  • What is your favorite cleric spell?
  • As others have mentioned, those Spirit Guardians are phenomenal.

    My personal honorable mentions are Silence to mess with enemy spellcasters, Beacon of Hope if you're in a tough fight and keep losing your front liners, and Spirit Shroud, if you are a melee Cleric

  • RegularBard RegularBard
    Posts 1
    Comments 6